The first 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate seen sniffing around New Hampshire - John Delaney of Maryland

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

So I started to research the 2018 elections and the candidates but I couldn't pass this story up. We have the first announced candidate for the democratic nomination for President of the U.S.A. sniffing around the state of New Hampshire. This may seem early but that is life here, were the 1st in the nation for primaries and that is huge in the party nomination round of each election. Campaigns die in N.H. and we are proud to help weed out the field. It's not just the primary status that attracts all the national candidates, we also have an interesting population. For instance there's only 1 million people living here and it's most densely populated in the bottom 1/3 of the tiny state. We are also the refugee capital of the U.S.A. per capita, Democrats especially love that statistic, makes all of us here look like "progressives"... I'll tell you what it's like going to a PTA meeting with people who have committed genocide another day though ...

So who is this man and what is he saying? John Kevin Delaney is 55 years old and represents Maryland's 6th district in the House of Representatives. This area is literally the swamp located north of Washington D.C.

In my opinion, him being a D.C. insider/swamp rat Democrat should raise alarms and all sorts of red flags. That place does not reflect the rest of America and is the source of woe throughout the country in many people's minds. This man has also made his career on Wall Street, yes he is a big time stock broker. To top it off he started money lending businesses just in case we all thought he wasn't banking enough.
He came to power in 2012 on the popularity of Barak Obama in the suburbs of D.C. and has been seen as the most bipartisan Democrat in the House. He claims to be there to write financial rules so served on the Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the Joint Economic Committee in order to do so. So yes this guy is Money and Power and the way in my eyes and has no scruples or morals to be seen. Being "bi-partisan" sounds great on the surface but it could mean he will vote on what ever gets him and his friends their fix in the banking sectors.
So why is a rep from Maryland campaigning in New Hampshire? An easy answer is the Maryland has to set their date for their primary election date (when we vote on who will be the final candidate for each party) and in it's set for April 28th 2020. In N.H. we make sure that we get first pick in the field of party candidates for every primary by having a rule saying "we will hold our primary on 2nd Tuesday in March or 7 days before any other primary".
How do we get away with that? We made it a concession when we ratified the U.S. constitution in 1788, we had our own war going against the crown during the revolution and were thinking of forming a country with the State of Maine and parts of Nova Scotia but I digress. check out this link for more N.H. contributions during ratification.
By the time most national candidates get to their home state they've already lost the overall race. A persons' own voter base will cast for the leading candidates so they don't throw their votes away on a lost cause with out fail. This is how the process works, it's just the way it is and has been since the start.
Where ha Mr. Deleney been? As a democrat party candidate his soft targets for campaign stops have been union hubs such as public schools and libraries. Going for the kids so they guilt trip their parents it seems. I'll give him one thing, it's good that he is an open candidate when he is buying everyone pizza. Its strange when Bernie Sanders just 3 hours to stop Peterborough N.H. for a quick slice... Here is a quote from Delaney,
“A lot of people are running, but they are just not being honest about it,”
We all have to give him a point there at least. Mainly though he is getting his name out to the D voter base here and kissing butt. Other than that he has been touting himself a great healer of the divide caused by Trump, get used to this line folks.
“I think I am the right person. I have the right vision, but not enough people know me so I’m going to solve that problem by jumping in early,” Delaney said.
“I want to bring the country together and focus on the future. We’re not preparing our country for the future and we’re terribly divided.”
Isn't that nice? I can't wait until he fixes how all the big meanies act so I can finally feel safe. Save me from the those terrible people out there who disagree with my political viewpoints so we can all get along again..... Its safe to say his praise hasn't flattered me.
“Not surprisingly people in New Hampshire are really well informed and ask really substantive questions,”
He can't stick to the rural areas of this state for long though, he has to come to the cities where life is not easy and people are broke. Those substantive questions he claims to have been asked won't be coming from school children and people dependent of democrats for their paychecks when he gets to my neighborhood, trust me. We have to hold his feet to the fire when it comes to his friends and allies, in and out of Wall St. and D.C.
I would wager anything that this guy will get all the Bankers money from Goldman Sachs to BOA and even E*TRADE donations. I think a lot of people on both sides will have a problem with that. We can't be ruled by our societies money lenders, history shows it leads to oppression and servitude every time. With things the way they are I believe all the globalists and technocrats need is a puppet like John Deleney to write in the rules for them to take the last of our real power away from us. We can fight them by exposing these swamp rats as soon as they appear to us so we can show them for what they are before they mature into monsters.
If there is anyone interested in traveling to New Hampshire to attend these town hall meetings, now would be the time to do so. Soon enough my block will be crawling with secret service and the crowds will get huge, even when it's not Trump speaking. Please let me know if I can help with local travel advice or general information about the greater Manchester area where most of the events are held and I'll get right back to you.

source for quotes
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