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RE: Communists have run Hollywood for a long time.

Hey Bruv, I know we've traded ideas about (((them))) before. If you search An Empire of Their Own you'll find various versions of a video on the origins of Hollywood. Here is one such video for your review. It is the original that has not been added to but I am not sure the other parts of the original or unedited version are still online.


You don't need to convince me of the great jewish contribution to western society, I'm well aware of it .
An even better source is the Thirteenth Tribe, even though I disagree with the author's Kazarian hypothesis , the book goes into great detail how Jews helped set up most European nations.
Of course the marxist jews have also contributed to socialism which does nobody any good.

hmm, I thought we were arguing on the topic... Was it just the religious angle?

As for the 13th Tribe, I tend to stay away from that. I have heard Dr. Kevin MacDonald debunked that. 13 is all very muddled.

Well we are arguing the point but your video tells me this story,

  1. Jews made movies and out competed Edison(Big Surprise Edison never had an original idea he didn't steal) despite the monopoly he tried to enforce. Meritocracy in action.

  2. Jewish narratives were weaved into the story of America.

a. Jewish stories have been part of European Culture since the Carthaginian Empire continuing during the Roman Empire and most certainly when Europe was known as Christendom and thus part of American culture too.

b. While jewish stories may not resonate with you the part of me that is scottish totally gets these stories just like Braveheart and bagpipes.

  1. Yes jews acted as middlemen between white americans and black americans just like they acted as middle management between the slavs of Poland and their ruling Teutonic knight aristocracy.
    Poland is a great country and so is America!

YAY! Poland!
YAY! America!
Good Job Jews!

Are these Hollywood Jews immoral? Most Likely!
What kind of fool seeks morality among entertainers? Actors are the worst whores, they will do anything for money!

The main thesis of the book that Kazarians were a steppe people who converted to judaism is wrong. They were a colony of jews moved there by the Assyrians and later conquered by the Kazarian steppe people who then converted.

The book is still a great look at the early formation of Europe. Including the Protestant history of Hungary and Poland both of which were majority Protestant before the Counter-Reformation, Hungary's national anthem is still a Protestant hymn.

I will check out the article, and I encourage you to read the thirteenth tribe(free pdf version) and much like the Bell Curve despite it's detractors and supporters it is just a solid piece of scholarship.

These people freely admit they want to take over the World

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