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RE: Facebook Censorship: The Real Story

The term 'show trial' comes to mind.
the Bullshitters , in conjunction with the enemedia , are trying to convince joe sixpack that they are actually doing something.


Well, I feel pretty comfortable speaking for Joe... We ain't fuckin buyin it!!!

The enemedia pretty much controls what Joe sees and hears.

I've pretty much been Joe all my life- and I/We are seeing through the bullshit. That's one reason I try to keep the academics out of my writing... I'm writing for Joe.

Glad to meet you Joe...I'm a Joe too.
a Joe who cares not one bit about Appeal to Authority
(I've been anti-authoritarian my whole life)
nor do I give a damn what the Enemedia says.

Yeah, I never did really well with authority. It took me 21 weeks to do bootcamp including 30 days in the Marine Brig!


They take a dim view of hitting your company commander (with an old 1903 A-3)

lucky you weren't shot.

Yeah, and Pucckernuts can kiss my rosy red ass.donkey-1342349_960_720.jpg

Good one my friend! I saw you were on the IW discord... Welcome!

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