How much role does 5G play in Coronavirus?

On March 2, 2020, Benjamin Fulford's blog included the following statement from former CIA operative and U.S. Marine, Robert David Steele: “President Donald Trump has publicly declared the coronavirus a hoax but has been forced to backtrack by the political circus. He knows this was a false flag, he knows who is responsible, and he knows he is being lied to by both the CDC (which is managed by Never Trumper Nancy Messonnier who is Rod Rosenstein’s sister) and the CIA (managed by John Brennan camp follower Gina Haspel)…the story in all its nuances includes a combination of biowarfare, 5G and satellite lowered immunity and radiation sickness misdiagnosed as the new virus (which is no worse than past viruses), and the information war waged by the City of London and Wall Street for insider trading and profit-taking.”

This prompted me to do some looking into how 5G relates to this and the full meaning behind using the "False Flag" tag. It has also been pointed out that a couple of days after the Supreme Court ruled that the Federal government could withhold funds from Sanctuary cities (Breaking: Supreme Court Sides With Trump over Sanctuary Cities in Deportation Case), the first clusters of Coronavirus sprung up on both coasts and often close to the just defunded areas. The timing alone suggests a degree of intentionality.

So, I took a look at the maps invloved.

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Coronavirus Map Larger image available [HERE]

There is even more noticeable correlation with the maps of Sanctuary City areas and the growing Sealed Indictments list.

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Larger image available [HERE]

I also found two very interesting related videos on YouTube. The first was posted by Parents For Healthcare Rights which was titled "Coronavirus Caused By 5G?"

This video indicates that the best current knowledge is that a virus is more a symptom of a condition and not a cause. It also shows the connection between past major epidemics and major upgrades in the electro-magnetic infrastructure. There is also a mention that Wuhan is the most saturated 5G area on the planet. Another longer video by Dana Ashlie was linked to by someone in the comments to the above video. That video is titled "The BEST NEWS re C?R?N? V?rus you've heard all month!".

This video covers a lot of information points. It also indicates that Wuhan was designated as a pilot city for the 5G program and that links to that information are banned on Facebook. There is a discussion regarding the nature of 5G as highly absorbable by oxygen which also tends to block the body's natural transport of oxygen. It is pointed out that some Coronavirus symptoms, suddem collapse without symptoms, seizures, dry cough and shortness of breath without fluid accumulating in the lungs are not common to other flu-related illnesses, but are in line with oxygen deprivation. Most of the highlighted outbreak areas are using 5G including the Diamond Princess cruise ship that has been in the news.

The video goes on to point out the Corporate MSM media's connection to the Bilderburgs and their agenda. It also cautiously touches on the subject of vaccines. This includes a mention of Bill Gates, who has been very active in pushing vaccines and has indicated, in several interviews, that they are part of a population reduction move. As a personal observation - it's noteworthy that Gates has a connection to the Seattle area, where the the most serious outbreak has occured, and that, at the same time as the outbreak there, his name was added to the list of CEO's who have stepped down. This video also points out that 'vaccines' are the one most taboo subject on the media's banned topics list.

On thing that both above videos did mention is that the Aluminum and other heavy metals in vaccines do tend to make the body more receptive to the effects of 5G radiation poisoning. Related to that, it has been widely noted that, unlike most other flu-like diseases, Coronavirus occurs only very rarely in children and yound adults under the age of 20. One March 3, 2020 article that talks about this is "Who is getting sick, and how sick? A breakdown of coronavirus risk by demographic factors" from Stat News. There are those who suggest that the low numbers of those under 20 being infected may be due to their limited history of vaccinations.

There does seem to be an actual disease component to what's currently going on as the are some minor incidents seemingly distant from 5G location, but, even beyond the obvious media overhyping of the outbreak, there is a lot of doubt about the actual number of cases. While the WHO is hardly a reliable source of information, they have done most of the testing and statistical reporting. It is also worth noting that the first tests being used had a "false positive" rate of 50%, which certainly would impact the map indications and statistics currently being given out. There is some hope that, as a new test is rolled out and the testing is done in a more decentralized way, the results will show how overblown this all has become. Thank to Amazing Polly for pointing out the false-positive rate.

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While the disruptions due to the Coronavirus narrative go on, it appears that the White Hat Alliance may also be using that to their advantage. That is referenced in the ongoing reporting by the X22 Report in video reports such as "Patriot Operation In Full View, The 16 Year Plan Being Reversed, It’s Happening".


In many ways, 5G is like a microwave in that it nukes and gives people radiation. 5G has given children cancer. 5G lowers the immune system and does assist in the destruction that COVID and other diseases partake upon.

And birds drop dead out of the sky. 😐

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I wonder if (North) Italy is a huge 5G spot too (@madrunner can you tell more about it?).

If I remember well.I saw a newspaper shouting 5G does not cause bad health.
It's T-mobile who is the first starting (or already started) with it in the Metherlands and they are so proud about it (in the meanwhile they are not even able to provide in 4 g on the country.).


Posted using Partiko Android

I've read it now but I can't barely understand. 5g is a type of metal and it give the same symptoms of COVID?

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