The Spiritual War On Christians - Families, Money, Worship and Morality - Enjoy with Troy!


we look at the world and what do we see? Broken homes, foster care, debt enslavement and poverty, human trafficking, corruption in government, business, church leaders, school shootings and terrorism An now we have the intentional attacks on churches in America and globally, most publicized by the fire at Notre -Dame Cathedral in Paris. All of this did not happen by accident. This is a spiritual war that is intensifying. Sadly Christians dropped the ball years ago. This shows a lack of gratitude to the one who created us and gave us breath. This is also a result spanning many generations. And we have ourselves to blame.

This writing will examine the spiritual war in respect to family, money, worship and morality. It will also identify the great need to awaken from our slumber and turn away from our current path.



We were told to be fruitful and multiply. Yet we have 1 or 1 1/2 children per family, while Muslims are having 8 children per family. It is not terrorism that will overtake is our disobedience. Christians did not obey God to regenerate. Christians are fast becoming the minority. And the dark forces of this world are loving it!

God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground." Gen 1:28

Planned Parenthood

We have ourselves to blame for not doing more about the evils of planned parenthood, CPS foster care and the war on families that really is a war on Christians. Birth control and manipulation was never God's plan and still is not. Baby slaughtering clinics are only the invention of the demonic man. Who are we to be God and decide when life is allowed for our own convenience? God has not died and given sinful man that responsibility.

Because we have chosen to have a war on families and kill babies in the womb, the workforce of the nation has declined. There are fewer able bodied young people to take over for those who are retiring. In time nations becomes weaker and ripe for taking over.

The CPS Foster Care System

And then we have the Child Protective Services (CPS) foster care system that can be found in about every nation. They are the strong arm of the government that is used to break up homes, steal children and sell them for profit in human trafficking. Yes the trusted government uses your babies as an extra source of income and leaves you helpless and in misery. They work off a quota and they do not give a damn about your feelings. They only want to slaughter the innocence of children like cattle because they want the money.




They also dropped the ball by allowing banks and insurance companies to serve the people rather than bringing everything to the store room to help others. Malachi 3:10. How easily we relinquished control in disobedience to God and let the secular world take the helm. As a result churches have grown weaker while secular financial institutions have become the monsters issuing debt enslavement on the world.


This has been an issue for centuries but many believe the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 was the turning point. The Federal Reserve is no more federal than the Federal Express or the house you live in. Yet we allowed it. The great depression of 1929 was instigated by the bankers and the federal reserve. Then there was the great gold heist by Roosevelt, only to sell the gold back at a much inflated price. The banks have been responsible for the wars as they are used for profit. Today's stock market is a rigged casino, manipulated by the 6 big banks.

Yes we have ourselves to blame for not bringing it all into the church storeroom. Look where we are today? Have these banks and insurance companies made us any more free? Or do we carry the chains of debt only to be drowned in the waters of socialism? I think the latter.


Yet that storeroom was blessed by God. Not the insurance companies and banks. And for this we have forfeited the freedoms of our democracy as we have turned into a security big brother big daddy government police state. And yet I feel less safe today than 20 years ago. I wonder why?


Secular business model

Once upon a time folks came to church for spiritual cleansing. Out of anguish and suffering folks were born again as alter calls were given. Today we only want to have our ears tickled with the stories and jokes of sermons. Music has become emotional entertainment with praise bands. The focus has been on self rather than on God. With the 501c3 tax exempt status, churches have been state run and the mouths of preachers have been silenced as not to offend. The church today is run a social business for profit rather than the ministry to save souls from hell.

David Wilkerson - The Great Falling Away

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Rev. 3:15-16

Elders vs.Pastors

God instructed elders to minister to the church. Elders know the congregation, have the wisdom and spiritual understand and are generally retired. They do not need the money. Yet today we hire paid pastors from seminaries indoctrinated as the seminary teaches to be the CEO of a congregation. These pastors do not know the flock, nor possess the wisdom or experience like an elder. Why do we think we know better than what the scriptures tell us?


For centuries we had one moral compass, one set of standards and one ultimate truth. This was the law set out in the bible. Today anything goes as we have become more informal and discarded morality as old fashioned and obsolete. Over the last century we have welcomed a lower standard with each year. This is reflected in our music, art, literature, dress, communication and all forms of our culture. Through the breakdown of morality, cultural fragmentation has erupted. Polarization and disunity has become the norm. Left unattended, a nation can destroy itself.


Yes they are now attacking symbols and church structures. But we did not get here by accident. Yes the anti-Christ is alive and well in a demonic spirit. But we allowed it with our content apathetic stupor. We only have ourselves to blame. Unless we awaken from our spiritual slumber and take action. We must turn from our sinful ways. Nineveh did and God granted those people an additional 100 years. We need a revival to have a healing in our land we need a 2 Chronicles 7:14


What about you? Are you willing to turn from your former ways and rededicate your life to God? Are you willing to take the first step? Have you had enough of this world and the filth within it to want something better? God breathed life into you. In gratitude we can serve and love Him in thanksgiving for all we have. We can live a cleaner life and let Him take charge. We can humble ourselves in prayer as we turn from out ways of wickedness. Are you willing to?

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Thanks for reading and praying. Feel free to comment, upvote or resteem


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Hi Troy,

I'm stopping by to alert you to a situation that I think is pretty clearly "in your wheelhouse" to write about.

Please have a look at the most recent articles here:

The government has stolen a child to force chemotherapy on them. I am appalled! I thought you might be able to do some good articles about this.


- @creatr



Thank you I will look at it. Do you know anything about how to resolve the !check_max_block_age( _max_block_age ): Error Message? I get in when posting on WEKU Thanks @creatr

Sorry Troy, not a clue... :(

The verse in Malachi and the verse in Jeremiah are both taken out of context. They were meant for Israel. Not Christians. God never promises prosperity to Christians.

Frankly, it's pretty irresponsible to tell people not to buy insurance.

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