The Road To Tyranny And Recovery To Freedom - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

How quickly we forget the sacrifices made, so that we may enjoy the comforts of today Those self made families of the depression era created the biggest boom for the middle class following WW 2. Today we are overdue for a self made collective to restore the health and freedoms of our nation, and release us from the grips of tyranny.


Do you remember when we used to own things? Just a few generations ago it was the norm to own a home, a car, a business. and raise a family, protected by the freedoms that this country offered. There was optimism in the air, suburbia was taking off and the middle class was prospering.

It was a good life, for a season. But with winds of change America took the bullets one by one. Innocence was soon lost and Camelot was forever gone. Out of greed we became the two family income. With inflation and more change we soon could not keep up with the Jones's. Within a few decades we witnessed the change from prosperity to moral and financial poverty.


This Chicago suburban home was the reality of my parents over 60 years ago. Yet, today, most folks will never know the joy of owning a home. Photo taken 2017.

Renting and Leasing

We learned to get by though renting and leasing what we once owned. We rented apartments and paid mortgages on our homes, refinancing when necessary. We started renting our cars, our offices and business dwellings, our houses of worship and even our money. Without even knowing it, we were fast becoming a two class society.

We were maxing out our credit cards while the government was doing the same with their debt.


Simultaneously, our taxes kept rising, and rising... and rising. Where was the money going? A few awake people asked the question, 'If you have to pay a repeating fee on something, do you really own it?' I mean, we own our blue jeans, but do we really own that house? And then there is the enslavements placed on us by the insurance companies and banks.

As all these charges kept multiplying, it seemed like the banks and the government were trying to chip away and even steal from our right to own. We had taxation but where was the representation? I am reminded of the 1927 silent film 'Metropolis' where the head (big business) and the hands (common man) were reconciled by a mediator (the heart). Sadly, today, we have forsaken compassion and love.

Jabbing and Depopulating

The jab or a job.

Today, the propaganda is telling us we don't even own our bodies. Employees are being forced to take the covid19 injection or face termination from their employment. Talk about pressuring you with the pocketbook. Both adults and children are being told to mask up and roll up that sleeve.

The jab or your family. Yeah, some children are being taken from their parents due to the covid agenda. It was never about the virus, but instead the vaccine passports. Remember covid 19 stands for certificate of vaccination identification document. The 19 corresponds with the letters A and I, as in artificial intelligence.

And to think that they once rewarded us with Krispy Kreme donuts and gift cards to take their poison. Today, they threaten us with mandates and loss of our livelihood.



Ownership Through Stealing

Wait a moment. I thought it was my body, my choice. Do I not own my own body? And what about my children? Why must they endure the possibility of blood clots, sterilization, seizures and a host of other problems from the spiked proteins and graphene oxide in the experimental gene therapy injection?

News flash. The government has believed that they owned you and your family for decades. When the government told us our body, our choice, they were psychologically pushing abortion and depopulation. When they promoted patriotic wars, they were fostering depopulation. And when the CPS was stealing children for profit to foster care and child trafficking... they were planting the seeds of depopulation.

You never heard about the CPS? Well, imagine if you will a special department of the government, designed to stalk, steal and sell your children... a group of people incentivized in greed, to traffic babies and children to strangers, exposing them to violence, sexual acts and even human sacrifice. This is a world where profit means more than human life, and the rights of the family are ignored.



No, this is not an episode of Rod Sterling's Twilight Zone. This is today's reality for countless families targeted by Child Protective Services. Manipulation, intimidation and lies work in concert with surprise inspections, paid off judges and lawyers, creating the global corrupt system of horror we call the CPS.

Along with the theft of your child, families witness stolen dreams, lost innocence, littered emotional and psychological baggage, nightmares, and the forced rape of the sanctity of their lives.

The government is in essence saying, no, you do not have sole possession of your children. In fact, we have dominion and the power to take your baby at any moment, without your consent. And we, the government, have no responsibility financially or emotionally for retribution, or damage caused to you, your family, your happiness or your life,

We could talk about how the government kicked out daddy bear decades ago, in an effort to get control of and steal the family. Or the branding of workers in the 1930's with Social Security Identification Numbers. Or when the orphanages and the catholic church was murdering the children of unwed mothers. We could discuss the stolen election of 2020., or even the...


Here is a recent article of a Canadian Pastor who escaped communist tyranny only to be arrested for holding church services. Warns America... You're Next

Awaking From Slumber

Wait a dog gone moment! We HAVE gone from a society of ownership to an Orwellian world, where theft is acceptable. Folks don't have the moral vision to distinguish between the shape of a dollar sign and that of a person. Human life is not for sale, lease or there to be stolen. It is sacred and priceless.

How can we reverse this cycle... this downward spiral before it is too late?

It is up to us collectively to take back ownership. Contacting your representative or senator will have little impact as they are all bought and paid for. The banks, corporations and CCP own them. The only answer is a global non-compliance. We will need to make our voices heard in the school boards, city halls and on the streets. We will need stop funding those places that do not promote freedom, through using the pocket book as a weapon.

We will need to awaken the sheeple who are able to wake up. Not all will. But many are coming out of their stupor and realize they have been played the fool. They see the theft of their freedoms and feel the squeeze with each bill.

Leaving The Road Of Tyranny

For decades, we allowed ourselves to go down this filthy spiraling path . It is time to break the cycle and together move upward. Together we can leave this road of tyranny and find the better life we once had. It is time to recognize our self worth and dignity, and take back our freedoms, our faith, our families and our lives.

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