Preserving The Organic Family - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

Why do we think we can improve on the natural way of things, when it only makes it worse? For example, we have additives and preservatives in our food and chemicals in our crops. And they wonder why we have cancer. How do sodium and sugar improve our health? Extending the shelf life with processed food has only reduced the length and quality of ours. It seems we have traded nutritional integrity for personal convenience. And then there is the man-made GMO's foods. Have we really gained anything by abandoning organic gardens or grass-fed animals?



Years ago, folks would distribute the ashes from the wood burning stove on their gardens. Those vegetables would absorb the rich minerals from those ashes.

There are other countless examples beside food, I could provide. But, I think the most tragic man made change is when the CPS decided to interfere with families and children. Did we think that money motivated government racketeering could raise our children better than centuries tried and true mom and dad? Stranger based processed profit making plastic parenting is not the answer.

I remember hearing how no one will care for you more than mom and dad. Blood is thicker than water and the biological parents outperforms the financial incentives of foster care. You have a personal vested interest when it is your own flesh and blood.

Yet, Child Protective Services continues to uproot young sprouts and destroy families. Good nutrients like trust, dreams, stability, contentment, and love are spilled along the wayside. In place, these children are replanted in foster homes. Too often, angry voices and violent hands replace the hugs and comforting words. Too often, psychological baggage like, fear, depression, hopelessness and emptiness find their place in their lives. And then there are the runners who end up on the streets or being trafficked for sex, after being shuffled in foster homes.

Broken homes and government manipulated orphans (GMO) are replacing the organic natural family.

The CPS pockets big money in the theft and sale of your child. More money is made on trafficking children than illegal drugs or guns. And there is no financial incentive for lawmakers to morally do any different. Yet, the money pours in with healthy bonuses, while the tears of the innocent are ignored.

You might think of it like a big processing plant where a child's future is slaughtered.



But, there are also the parents, who spend their life savings to fight a court system that is rigged from the start, with compromised judges and lawyers. There is the emotions of the 'what ifs' or 'what should I have done better?" There are the never ending nightmares and haunting memories of conversations. There is the possible fate of never seeing their child again. The trauma and death through separation is overwhelming.

And you still think the CPS should be raising our kids? You feel you can trust our government? Have you talked to the native American Indian? Even former presidents have warned us.

Your biological family is the natural way of raising children. I think of it like the three legged stool of mom, dad and child. When one of those legs disappears, the stool can no longer stand and those legs no longer function. However, when all three legs are properly placed, there is a function and a useful purpose we call family. But I return to the plant analogy.

When a plant is allowed to grow in its own soil, it can produce much fruit, but when it pulled up, broken roots can injure it growth or even even its existence.

The time has come to end this theft on families, and the artificial replanting of our children. It is destroying their lives and they deserve better. They deserve our respect and protection. Government manipulated orphans (GMO) is not the healthy choice. I encourage you to be a voice for families and innocence, offering protection and freedom. Consider joining a pro-family group or being a friend to a local family. You could be a blogger spreading truth in the information war. Together, we can bear much fruit in the preservation of the organic natural family.

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