3D Printing And The Demise Of Profit Seeking

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Considering that 3D printing prices start as low as €0.55/$0.60 per cm³ in the US and EU, there is no surprise as why building a home is not only 30-40% cheaper (depending on luxury features included) but will require much less raw materials extraction since there is little waste to deal with.

Construction is one of the biggest polluting industries today and at the center of a "sand war" destroying seashores and islands, we already have reported about 3 years ago. Such a sand war is, of course, employing lots of very low wage workers or ships equipped to extract sand from the ocean beds and destroying the food chain. If a majority knew the truth, the housing market would already tank just based on that.

So with 3D printing' steady takeover, hempcrete along with other more environmentally friendly materials, the housing market is truly on its last leg already. Just don't expect the "experts" to tell us this. So we have to be careful when we hear that 3D printing is currently generating lots of profit. While true, within 5-10 years from now, it won't be the case anymore but that is how blind speculation goes.

The first 3D services will surely pocket a big piece of the pie because they merely take advantage of the transition, but once the latter is ending, they too won't be able to generate profit as 3D will have spread to household use. Competition will come to a screeching halt. For more than 3K years societies have competed to find out that the paradigm cannot go on forever.

Then we have the automotive industry trying to catch up with the 3D printing rush but at some point, designs will be available online (thanks to hackers) and consumers able to print auto parts according to their own needs. Automation will also decimate most jobs in the sector. Not to mention that there already are projections saying that only 20% of people will own a car in the near future, 15 years from now.

The prospect for medical companies is also pretty grim if you use your intuition rightfully. What is going to happen when all these surgical devices today still manufactured by a monopoly, end up being made by people motivated by a greater good? When the industry will start seeing profits vanish, surgeon-bots won't sell for much either. The example of this valve is very telling about the real costs of 3D printing in the field. This lawsuit has absolutely no merit. Wallstreet stockholders are in for a shock, that's for sure.

In fact, what we are really seeing right now is the transition toward Degrowth and ultimately a money-free society. Every crisis is an opportunity, and that's the message. No matter how Wallstreet is trying to paint a rosy picture, the "elephant in the room" keeps getting bigger.


Medical company threatens to sue volunteers that 3D-printed valves for life-saving coronavirus treatments. The valve typically costs about $11,000 — the volunteers made them for about $1 | Mar 17, 2020

Automotive 3D Printing Market to Witness an Outstanding Growth during 2019-2030 - 3D Systems, Stratasys, Materialise | March 2020 https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/automotive-3d-printing-market-to-witness-an-outstanding-growth-during-2019-2030---3d-systems-stratasys-materialise-2020-03-13?mod=mw_quote_news

Why 3D Printed Houses Are A Threat To The Housing Market - Sand Wars And The REAL Cost Of Sand (2019)

Only 20% of Americans will own a car in 15 years? (nov 2019)


what are you doing useful in "plastic" with your printer? more waste?

So advancing technology which increases efficient use of resources is "degrowth"?

Your posts are getting dumber and dumber. Perhaps you should go back to reposting the old stuff over and over again like you used to. You can crank those out faster and more efficiently for more profits..

and you become alienated by my blog because you cannot wrap your mind around core issues -- How many valves must be sold to keep billionaires of life support do you think?? Where are the profits when the price goes from 11K to 1 dollar?

where are the profits when only 20% of americans will have a car in 15 years?
and so on...

Medical company threatens to sue volunteers that 3D-printed valves for life-saving coronavirus treatments. The valve typically costs about $11,000 — the volunteers made them for about $1

You have no core issues, you just keep reposting the same dumb scare tactic alarmism.

Blah blah blah, world will end in 7 years

Blah blah blah, world will end in 12 years

Blah blah blah, world ending any minute now.

Blah blah blah, new tech making things cheaper means the world is going to end.

Blah blah blah, americans will rent car trips instead of buying cars somehow means the world is gong to end.

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