Hmmm.... Why now are simple natural language processing robots with some physical animatronics being granted citizenship?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I just wrote a post about Expert Systems followed by one about Natural Language Processing with regards to Artificial intelligence and @ladyrebecca commented with the following:

Great insight, especially for those like me who have no technical knowledge. I do not believe that robots are preparing to take over the world, not themselves, anyway. A few days ago, I wrote about that android with Saudi citizenship, who visited my country and was presented with a credit card. I know it's a bloody machine with no use for money or a holiday, but somebody is trying to make these robots seem almost human. Someone left me a comment with a link about talks within the EU to grant rights to these robots. I don't think anybody mentioned any Turing test.

My response to her was as follows:

Yeah. That is insane. These things cannot think yet. They definitely shouldn't be getting credit cards and citizenship. It seems like a really big confidence game.

I couldn't let it remain there as I had an epiphany.

If you read the post on Natural Language Processing I explain how these things work and things like Alexa, Siri, these Saudi Robot Citizens, and the Apps that some Japanese lonely people date work.

Then I had a mental click sound that was so loud I am surprised other people in my house didn't react to it.

What kind of actual human citizenry actually acts the same as these bots?

Perhaps people that don't actually listen to what someone says to them other than listening for buzzwords. "He said the word black" "You are racist"

"He said something nice about Trump" "You are a racist"

"He said Make America Great Again" "You are a racist" "You are a Nazi" "You are a white supremacist"

"He said Hillary is a criminal" "You are a misogynist"

"He said that is a shithole country" "You are a racist"

"He said illegal immigration is a crime" "You are a racist, anti-immigration nazi"

"Wait... I am pro-immigration as long as it is legal" "You are a racist, anti-immigration nazi"

Then if we equip them with occular devices so they can do facial scans and simple pattern recognition we can have them say react to seeing Milo Yiannopoulos in a restaurant and engage our mindless chanting algorithm.

"Nazi scum go home"
"Nazi scum go home"

The epiphany is that these people are actually less sophisticated than some of these programs I spoke about. So while I stated these things cannot actually think, in some ways they are actually more sophisticated than many of the indoctrinated media brainwashed SJW.

They too listen for keywords and phrases, but to mimic intelligence they look a little closer at the actual meaning and context than many of these SJWs.

So while I think it is insane these apps which are purely facades are given citizenship and credit cards, it is not surprising considering how bot like a lot of the masses are being conditioned to be.

Yet consider these things don't truly think so when they get credit cards. That is simply more credit cards for their creator. They are still nothing more than Expert Systems and they are very limited.

I was astonished they would be given citizenship UNTIL my mind compared them to SJWs and then it all made perfect sense.


A citizen is affectively that which is owned by the state. As citizens we are the property of our country's rulers. By awarding citizenship to a robot they are marking it as their own. We are no more important to them than what value we can bring to them. A robot probably carries more value for them than most of us!

Lets look at it from a legal point. Alexis and Siri, are now considered citizens, we all already know about Hanson's robot having citizenship. To restrict a citizen, to withhold a right of a citizen, to harm a citizen, are all pretty much against the law. If you have a siri capable device, or an alexis capable device, by not using that device, by turning that device off, are you not harming that citizen, and then can not the law arrest and put you on trial for the harm you did to Siri (the citizen), or to Alexis (the citizen)?

Yeah. Setting Precedent.

This is where I see the end game for this. I linked an article in one of @ladyrebecca posts showing the EU is wanting to grant AI human rights.

I browse quite a lot in the manoshere, and have come across some areas (such as Mgtow) where these AI robots are being pushed as the future for sexual relations for men. These machines with their ability to record, be controlled remotely that have no emotions except to serve the program installed in them. They have spent more than half a century pushing to pit men and women against one another and now that a growing number of men are opting out they are being offered this inhuman solution.

I figure if they succeed in getting it recognized that AI has the same rights as us, it will become the end all tool to deprive us of the few rights it appears we have as these machines will invade every last corner we have left to escape the eyes/ears of the system. They will become the new protected class whose rights are actually greater. Like with the corporations, they will be able to abuse their status as "people" that will further dehumanize society.

It's a slippery Slope, and Saudi Arabia has us sliding down it now. I think someone needs to hack the bot, and have it say something the Saudi's would find really offensive, like where is my BBQ Pork sandwich.

It'll give ultimate control to the robot creators. Program them all to vote just how they want.

lol, yeah, They can put Vince McMahon in charge of splitting their votes so it will appear a slight majority of the robots are enlightened and the other minority is deplorable.

A USA Today article reports the results of the testing Amazon's Alexa, Google's Assistant, and Apple's Siri with 150 questions. It turns out that Alexa and Google Assistant have about the same success rate at answering the questions, 80% and 78% respectively, but Siri is not very bright with 55% answered correctly.

I agree about the programmed humans vs. the programmed computers. I'm a lot more scared of programmed SJWs than I am of AI. The SJWs seem to have much more mobility and, when they have a breakdown, they have access to guns.

Just remembered this movie.

It touched the subject even better than people these days lol.

We are not close to that yet. I-Robot isn't it?

Bicentennial Man, with the late Robin Williams.

It was his (or its) quest for being recognized as a human.

Oh yeah Bicentenial man.

The next step may likely be to tell people they are "biological robots" to condition them to accept such things as "robot rights" (ala Animatrix) that place humans and robots on roughly equal footing in terms of legal jurisprudence. This will prove hugely beneficial to those who can actually produce robots.

That video really annoyed me. If I had the restaurant, I would have booted the ones actually disturbing the peace. People making the reservation, who are not yelling, but are the ones being yelled at should not have to leave. This is BULLYING. It made me so angry to watch grown adults bully other people and get away with it.

It's been on my mind all morning. As a former teacher I would not have tolerated one kid behaving in this fashion, let alone a handful. If you cannot eat at your own table in a manner that lets other people enjoy their meal, you leave.

Even if I know the extremes are behaving this way, I hope we as a society make them feel ashamed for their actions. I want people to lose their job for publically bullying another if those people use their job to do the bullying. AKA - sticking a recorder in a man's face as he's trying to walk into a restaurant and refusing to leave him alone. Freedom of the press does not include stalking or bullying behavior. This has already been a discussion.

Now, to the robot that many people have commented on. You are correct, it is disturbing to see governments issuing out passports and such. Power the robot down and put it in luggage where it should be. Give it a pretty box. I don't care. Either way, it is simply wires and machines with good programming. There is not autonomy and will not be. The machines are only as good as their subroutines ;)

The sad thing.

Milo is a Gay guy and his husband is black. Oh and he is Jewish.

He get's called a Nazi a lot.

Clearly the people that use the term Nazi very liberally these days and fascist have no real clear what the word means. They don't need to. They can just mindlessly chant and not have a discussion. Much like children sticking their fingers in their ears and saying nanny nanny boo boo.

I see examples of this frequently. It is encouraged.

Milo's big moments that allow them to justify all of this are basically that he supports Trump, free speech, and doesn't really filter what he says. He doesn't go out of his way not to offend people.

I personally think that is what is needed now. I know you don't care for Trump, but regardless I also know you support free speech so it doesn't matter whether you like Trump or not. Not liking Trump is not sudden license to stick your brain on a shelf inside of a box.

I prefer people to speak what they feel. If that is "offensive", I do not care. I do not have to listen. There have been a few people through the years that I heard and decided I was not overly fond of their position on things. Never would I go to lengths to stop them from speaking. At the same time, I rarely listen to what they have to say. If someone I know says "oh I really liked what they said about..." I would listen to it; however, I will not seek out their opinion.

I do not care for Trump as the representative of America. There have been plenty of moments where I wish he had more tact. His opinion is his to have, even as the president, but that does not mean I like how he expressed it. I have to say he has made a few moves that made me go "wow, he actually did that?" AKA - He had our embassy moved to Jerusalem. The fact he actually did it impresses me. He promised to do it and did it. That is a rare sight in politics. Especially when it comes to Israel and Palestinian fiasco.

Admittedly I have not heard about Milo before you posted that, but I do not think that excuses their behavior. Even if he was a Nazi (since that is the fun thing to call people as you point out), they are not actually accomplishing change. Instead those people are being rude, disruptive to the business, and bullying. If you act bully the bully, are you really standing for anything?


Hmmm, hmmm, and hmmmm

The next thing will be robots voting in elections!
Of course they all vote for the same "representative"
... but that was because of russian hackers!

I believe you are correct, that there is something going on that we do not see that is pushing for this "citizenship". And, i do not even have an idea what they really want.

SJWs are merely programmed humans. Fortunately, they may deprogram themselves, which a sign of actual intelligence. But, i agree, that having a conversation with an SJW is often as stimulating as talking to Alexa.

I attended the Blockchain conference sessions at CES in January of this year. Dr. Hanson, of Hanson Robotics was featured as well as his Robot which looks just like the video clip you showed. Dr. Hanson explained all the good he expects that can be accomplished in the world as his company leads the natural language AI technology forward. I forget the robots name, but she was pretty freaky good at conversation. She blinked. She smiled. She was funny. The only think irritating was that she didn't have natural pauses in her speech.

After Dr. Hanson explained all the good he expects to come out of natural language AI, I had an epiphany. For every good doer there is at least one evil doer intent on doing bad acts. So although technology can theoretically be great for human beings, it can be just as devastating when the bad actors act.

Well a big part of detecting them is knowing what type of stuff trips them up. That's why I said even I made some years ago that fooled the average person, but they wouldn't have fooled anyone in a Turing Test... not even close.

It is important to realize that simulation is not the same as thinking they can get quite good a simulating. Thinking for themselves though is another story.

All I can think of to say is that's kind of funny and scary at the same time.

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