Sumerian tablets - the bible is not what it says it is & manipulations and lies! part 1

Allow me to take you on a journey of many thousands of years, and introduce you to the long con game!.


I aim to prove beyond all reasonable doubt the bible is a hoax of sorts.

Disclaimer, I do not aim to destroy anyone's religious belief in Christianity, if anything; knowing the truth may give you even more reason to celebrate your belief & feel more empowered, we must though know what we read is true and if not - why not.

From the time the bible was written in it's entirety, it is fact that it was based on many books and not one single book, & that the scrolls it was written on, were held in the hands of the elite such as royalty also statesmen/states-ladies. The average person never had a chance to read any of it, the word was spread via sermons in churches instead..
Allow me to add some light to this based on facts, most of the bible pre dates Jesus Christ - fact admitted by all churches, I will show you it goes though a lot further back than even they admit, I will take it back over 20,000 years maybe even more.

The first mass produced bible was possible only due to Johannes Gutenberg who was the first person to use a printing press to mass produce the Bible.

Bible books pre dating Christ.

Below is a summary that the church openly admit to. BC = before Christ.

  • Creation - B.C. 2000 - Originally, the earliest Scriptures are handed down from generation to generation orally.
  • Circa B.C. 2000-1500 - The book of Job, perhaps the oldest book of the Bible, is written.
  • Circa B.C. 1500-1400 - The stone tablets of the Ten Commandments are given to Moses at Mount Sinai and later stored in the Ark of the Covenant.
  • Circa B.C. 1400–400 - The manuscripts comprising the original Hebrew Bible (39 Old Testament books) are completed. The Book of the Law is kept in the tabernacle and later in the Temple beside the Ark of the Covenant.
  • Circa B.C. 300 - All of the original Old Testament Hebrew books have been written, collected, and recognized as official, canonical books.
  • Circa B.C. 250–200 - The Septuagint, a popular Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (39 Old Testament books), is produced. The 14 books of the Apocrypha are also included.

Who wrote the new testament and why?

Both the old and new testaments have been written over and over again for 2500 years, with every new version getting it's own spin put in by the author, for his own vanity or reasons. I would like to show you where the original works come from in and around Iraq - over 7 thousand years ago, FACTS not fiction.


Sumerian tablets.

  • Nasiryah Iraq.
    Is the site where thousands of tablets were found in the sand, these date back 7 - 10,000 years.
    Before I get into the tablets, and the garden of Eden, Noah's flood etc that were "all found" on these tablets, lets us look at tablet 1 that was found and decrypted, I will get into who deciphered the text later on.

Sumerian Find: Tablet 1.

In accordance with their wishes The throne of Kingship had been lowered from the heavens.
Rights were perfected; Divine ordinances were exalted.
In pure places five cites were founded: The first being Eridu, the second Badtibira. Larak was the third and Sippar the fourth. The fifth city was Shuruppak, of which I, Ziusudra, was King.
These were the cult centers. These five cities were designated cult centers.
A clamor came from within the cult centers. A clamor that disturbed the gods.
After the cities were destroyed, the cult centers were destroyed.
After the deluge, the flood sent to cover all the land, the destroyer of life,
And I, Ziusudra, on the high peak of Nimush, arranged seven and seven cult vessels, heaped with reeds, cedar and myrtle and brought the offering to the summit to scatter the incense in every direction, And the Gods smelled the sweet fragrance.
They smelled the sweet fragrance and clustered around the offering like flies.
Belet-ili arrived. She held up in the air the great fly ornament Anu had made in his ardor.
“I swear by this precious necklace of lapis, I shall be mindful of these days and never forget, not ever!”
When Enlil arrived, my wife and I joined the assembly of gods. He touched my brow and her brow saying, “Hitherto, Zuisudra has been a human being. Now he shall be known as Utnapishtim, and he and his wife shall become like us gods.”
Then we were taken faraway. To the source of the great rivers we were taken.
To the Gihon, Pishon, the Tigiris and Euphrates. In that faraway place we dwell.
There, at the source of the four mighty rivers we dwell.
Upon our arrival there, at the place beyond all lands,
Enlil said to me, to Utnapishtim, he did say, “You, ‘The Distant One,’ shall now do your lord Ea’s work.
Once wisdom came from a thin reed wall, you will do the like. Take directions for another, a whole new ship.
Inscribe them in tablets of lapis lazuli. Inscribe them on the appointed tablets.
Then lay them inside a copper box upon reeds and branches of cedar and myrtle.
Transfer knowledge. Share wealth. Store them safe, faraway in the city of the mightiest hero of all, who saw what was secret and revealed what was hidden.
Inspect the foundations, set forth by seven masters with masonry of fired-kiln brick. See how it’s facing gleams like copper in the sun? Climb the stone staircase. Look out at the land it encloses. Admire the gardens, shops and temples; all of the magnificent places! Identify the cornerstone. Look underneath.”

Now at that time, in those days, the world was still anew. When Enlil brought forth the tablets, the lands had only just dried. Reed hut, reed hut. Wall, wall. Reed hut hearken, wall reflect. Tear down house. Build ship.
Give up possessions. Seek life. Forswear worldly goods. Keep the soul alive.
A new storm looms, yet rains do not squall. Another deluge falls. Again rushing over the lands.
Heed warning and prepare your family’s cross.
Transplant joy of human hearts. Take refuge in Nibiru’s embrace; the return of light in the firmament of the heavens. It has been…(unreadable)
End of tablet.

Full source

The man that broke the code.

1849 was the date when the first tablets were found in Sippar and Nippur (Iraq), the man that found them was Henry Layard He found thousands of tablets and 12 or more were about the garden of Eden. The man that decoded them was Anton Parks (recently) allow me to show you a quick video if I may.

Homework time for you the reader.

Noah's ark and the floods are also on the tablets as are Job who was said to live 900 years.


As I stated at the start, in no way should this put anyone off the comfort of their religion, I would say though if you want the origins, go to the source, and that would be in Iraq and the Sumerian tablets.

I will expand upon this more, and this may seem a short piece, I can assure you though this took many hours to compile. I will do a further 4 parts to this in the near future.

As always have a fantastic weekend, and enjoy the sunshine, I may not be online tomorrow as I am at the farm all day and possibly night. (spring cop out)


Any questions or thoughts always welcome, and as always I am open to debate.

I have left some videos below for you to view at your leisure and for your consideration.

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates




Images courtesy of pixabay
gif from


There is also plenty of evidence that most 'ancient' books from the Greek philosophers are at the very least manipulated, if not completely faked. All we have are copies from the Middle ages, written by monks. Almost ALL originals have been 'lost'. Interesting. And now, many ancient buildings and artifacts are destroyed in the Middle East. One of the first buildings looted by the Americans after the invasion was the museum in Baghdad. Coincidence???

Coincidence? "not" add to that all the historic sites in Syria ruined by the paid mercenaries, and most Egyptian statues strangely having mutilated or lopped off noses, something to hide maybe? "much". Thanks for a superb comment as always my friend.

The implications are fascinating. Anatoly Fomenko's research suggests a falsification of history, at least since the Middle Ages and a complete distortion of the historic timeline. If the cover-up is actually still ongoing this would mean that the same people who fucked with our history over centuries are still in charge. Curious. Not surprised though.

I think we both know the people that control money printing, control the media and also lean a very hand on education and history, these same people own most of the corporations and create the history they want, I have no solid definition or term for them, as I see them as nomadic gypsies, regardless of what "term" they want to lay claim to.

Call me crazy, but more and more I believe that there is an actual satanic agenda behind it. Not that I believe in Satan, but if you consider all these pedophilia and symbolism WORLDWIDE it looks as if a lot of the parasites on the top have some connection to it. I still have trouble entertaining this possibility but more and more evidence appears almost daily.

And you think I will call you crazy? when this is exactly where my posts are heading to? I aim to prove it, that is why I am doing this series of posts, I leave no stone unturned, and there is not a single thing I am afraid to highlight along the way; Get the seatbelt on, I have only just started getting warmed up here.

I know, my friend. You are one of the few. Did you hear about the new EU legislation which supposedly makes it illegal to take pictures? Not sure if this is fake news, seems to be legit. 20 Million fine if you take a picture without written permission. Is supposed to get enforced in Germany this month. This would be the death of independent journalism or even social activism.

Not heard anything about that, so for now we can safely call that fake news.

I just checked my law books, and there is a 'freedom of panorama' provision in copyright law, so yes, it is fake news.

We see the world through the stories we tell ourselves. What stories will we give people who can't make up their own?

Maybe that is the point, we need new stories, new visions, visions for the future and not for the past, maybe, just maybe.

This is very helpfull for knowing the past and history.

Thank you very much.

The bible for example has got over 5000 different translations or versions of it, so much forgery of ancient scrolls, papyrus and scripts.
Agreed it's time to rewrite history, the full real and true history of our planet and our race and these ancient discoveries are showing us what has been kept from us probably much of which is underneath the Vatican in their archives.

They omitted a book from the bible, that states clearly most of it was from the Sumerian time and region, the Vatican did that and they have the master copy, I will have a look through my files later to mention in the next post what book it was, thank you for a superb comment, and I could not agree more.

really love this post daz! I have one a small amount of learning around the Sumerian tablets but this is so cool to have a section to actually read. I will watch thse videos later in the evening when I have more free time.

As usual, thanks for sharing your knowledge sir! :)

Thanks for stopping by and as always a top notch comment, I rushed this one out as steemit has been playing silly buggers for around 18 hours, and it was very awkward to even upvote people all day today, this post would have been three times as long, if steemit did not delay me so much today.

ugh! I know I was very annoyed by the same issues all day! glad you got it out anyways, I think it was perfect, didn't sound rushed.

I will look more into Anton Parks. I was unaware anyone else had been saying this other than Zecharia Sitchin. Of course, when he first began, he was one of roughly 200 people in the world who could read Sumerian writing.

I remember when we invaded Iraq, there was already a lot of speculation of the return of the Annunaki. I wondered then if there were perhaps some sort of Star Chamber that the powers running the world order felt it would be beneficial to be in control of if we indeed were visited again.

Great work as always my friend, giving me more areas to explore.

This is only a taster, I ran out of time and patience due to steemit being down most of the day, so to be fair this was pushed out when steemit was working for 30 minutes or so earlier today, part 2 through till 5 will have much more information in, steemit allowing of course, and as always thank you for stopping by.

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