I think the larger globalist agenda has created this so-called "religious war" LARP to create mayhem and disconnect people from their values, cultures and identities. In my opinion, organized religion is immoral, period, so I don't believe the churches and mosques are doing humanity any favors. I believe in treating others as you wish to be treated, with respect, dignity and love. If someone's religion means they can kill others for religious purposes then that religion is dangerous. All of the Abrahamic religions appear to have murder of infidels as a central theme. Christ did not teach murder, Islam and Judaism require the destruction of non-believers. Christ was not Christian and he spoke against organized religion. Then they socially engineered Christianity and used it to go slaughter people. So, yes, evil is in people and violence is especially in men and so making the changes is ultimately an inside job. And we all have the right to defend ourselves against those that mean us harm. The plan to destabilize western countries by forced migration of Muslims has been in play for decades and has wreaked havoc on Europe. This was executed by NATO countries in order to destroy nation states to pave the way for a world government controlled by the UN. Anywho, yes, I do interrupt abuse of power when I see it occuring and I believe its imperative that the police forces be depoliticized and return to the roll of protecting and serving, rather than harassing and abusing power. We just saw a cop go free here in the US after gunning down a man who was crawling towards him, crying, on his hands and knees and begging him not to kill him. The hopped up, power-sick cop then just shot him about 10 times until he was dead. No murdering for religion please! No murdering for totalitarianism please! No murdering women whose veils fall off their head at the dinner table please! No murdering children in satanic rituals please! No murdering people in private prison industries world-wide to harvest their body parts, please! OK. Thanks for the chat. Good getting to know you. Have a great weekend and stay safe.
Amen brother, you are a wise bird. Glad to have spoken with you. Take care