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RE: The U.N Global Compact on Migration if Allowed to Happen will be the End of Europe as We Knew It ! Make No Mistake There !

Dear @GomeraVibz,

Personally I don't trust ANY politicians, neither agree with borders, but, I do understand Your concern and I have been warning for more than a decade now that 'they', will transform Europe in the next big desert, "migration", 5G, U.N., E.U., government/politics, police states, man-made laws, and a lot of other things are contributing to this already and for quite a while, I'm not a nationalist but I do agree that there must be some kind of limit..

And being from a specific religion has nothing to do with it, one of the objectives is the already achieved, destruction of the family, and fates aside, the truth is that the natural differences with which God made us are being destroyed, it will get to a point where there will be no differences, and the depopulation will be very easy..

Not to create any animosity between us or against Christianity but Christ means anointed..

"Anointing was a common ancient cultural practice. Shepherds often poured oil on the heads of their sheep in order to protect them from insects that would burrow in their ears and kill them, contributing to anointing becoming symbolic of blessing, protection, and empowerment. The Jewish people anointed the altar when making sacrifices. Spiritually, anointing was related to the idea of strength or blessing. Priests were anointed with oil, later followed by Samuel anointing both Saul and later David as kings of Israel. This anointing signified a person as a chosen one among other people."

And as I do believe, God can be achieved by various means and faiths, there aren't one religion/faith that is the "right" one, only one Path to God, Truth, and even accordingly to the bible we are all equal to God's eye, but it also says in the bible that "Jesus" is Lucifer himself (Apocalypse/Revelation 22:16), beside being a book compiled by a King, had texts selected, removed and a lot added, compiled by the same oligarchs that are behind all that is happening..

Having said that, I have to say also that some truth, can still be found in the bible, but it's all a question of discernment of each individual, because everything was created by God and there is at least a small piece of Truth in everything, that also means that the "Devil" was created by the same Creator, in the same manner..

But this is a whole different talk, and I don't like to discuss religion and also have been taught to not, for it does not get us near the right Path, it doesn't unite, only divides people, and make them turn their back to Truth..

Anyway, thank You for sharing this openly, and not fearing saying that the white genocide is on the way, and actually already happening. Sorry about the thought provoking religious "rant", but after studying and practising many religions I see organized religion as a tool for mass mind control.. I digress again..

Have a great time, all the best,


Thankyou @cyberspacegod for having felt inspired enough by my post top take the time to write such an interesting train of thought and yes seems that we agree on where it is going and why ? But I think there is a shift occurring and possibly this disaster maybe be in time reversed and even healed ! Until then we should find time yo pray and envision a world at Peace and then make pour vision reality, everything is possible with motivation and desire to an end, I,m sure you agree !

You're welcome, and no need to thank ^^)

Yes, indeed it is inspiring, cause there are very few people that do see this truth, much less Truth, God, morals, principles, who actually care about themselves and or others, and we are all part of the One..
All this apathy and disdain that is present in a great majority really makes the hair on my back rise and my fists clench, but I really want to continue following a good path, for as much hard as it might yet become.. (must remain calm, not fall into anger and rage, and it will be what it has to be)

I do see in part the shift You mention, happening somewhat slowly, yet, it is one of the things that helps to still have some hope in humanity, or what it is left of it, I just disagree with the reversal part, honestly, and I definitely hope to be wrong, the majority will have to go through a "living hell" to wake up to Truth, God, our true self, consciousness, call it whatever You want, but let us keep good old positive thoughts, hope for the best, prepare for the worst and continue on this journey doing our best, always improving and becoming better, not better than anyone else, but instead, better than our previous self ^^Þ.

In the very end we will all return to our Creator, but we definitely could have had much better and awesome journey..

Thank You for not receiving my words in the wrong way


P.S.:(edit) I do indeed agree, and no matter what faith we have, let us pray for strength and vision, awareness, consciousnes and to always be on the right Path

God bless You my friend

Oh a Hearty Amen to everything you have just said and pointed out in this wonderful commnent @cyberspacegod! Like you say we have to just live out this time and not have regrets or feeling of anger as indeed it is what it is, as you so rightly say ! Sure we could have asked for a more positive and joyous lifetime to live but then this time will have i think far reaching and the deepest effects on the human conciousness and its in a way a great motivation for people to actively search for meaning and a more spiritually fulfilled life path and yes i believe truly we see this Great Awakening to this Life and Beautiful World intended by the Creator to be our Home, one he made for us all ! Peace be with you till next time we talk ! God Bless you too Sir !! )

Not trying to accuse You or anyone else of something, yet, I do understand what @GangStalking is talking about and would like to hear what do you think of it, I also appreciate the words You've said in the last reply, I think I've never had an Amen like that..

Peace, and no need for the 'Sir' ;),

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