Why Do Right Wingers And Racists Think That They're "EDGY"? steemCreated with Sketch.

How does advocating for the containment and continuation of the same politics that we've been controlled by since at least the 1980s make you an outsider? What? In what universe is doing the same exact thing for the 4th decade in a row make you counter-culture? What the fuck?

You know what's really counter-culture? Anarchism. Hmu.


the only way one could be edgy is if they see themselves as fighting against a popular movement that is "perceived good" which they have realized as actually bad. a glaring problem here is that they can't even understand liberals nevermind beyond liberal. Some of these people are so far removed that even the status quo is perceived as a threat to them.

Posted using Partiko Android

a glaring problem here is that they can't even understand liberals nevermind beyond liberal.

Its easy to understand that neo liberals are evil as fuck, extremely vain and believe they are gods gift to morality. They hate science, they are corporatist, pro racism, pro sexism, pro slavery and they hate freedom of speech. Basically trash humans and everyone knows it. So when someone pokes the hornets nest its extremely dangerous and people unanimously agree. Which makes it very funny.

For example take a look at the quote here.

a glaring problem here is that they can't even understand liberals nevermind beyond liberal.

They are super dumb and I am super smart. They just dont understand us because we are super complex beings with a greater understanding of the moral good

Do you like the smell of your own farts too? Because I think in order for you to think this way you need to be extremely vain.

You know what's really counter-culture?

Making fun of anti science, pro racist, anti freedom of speech degenerates takes the cake every time. Just look at the history of humans. You think you have an ivory tower and in reality its all false. So the moment someone points it out everyone gasps and it becomes funny as hell.

Also I already know the reaction to this post. Dont bother, its too predictable. You are going to double down and make it funnier. Just learn to breath and accept your fate as the losers. Or at least learn to break the programing.

repeat after me

I don't live on an ivory tower. I am actually not even that interesting.

Its harder to make fun of people who understand they are not gods gift to morality.

engage in the actual post before trying to feel superior

Posted using Partiko Android

What I am saying is so demonstrably true that simply stating the facts like a laundry list is more than enough to come off that way. And anyone I say it too who is the target individuals in question will react exactly in this manor. In 10 years you will look back at these arguments and remember how generation Z dragged neo liberals through the mud so disgustingly that it became embarrassing and harmful to ones reputation to even have been one of those kinds of people.

I am not the one who invented the fact that people who cant take jokes tend to be the ones in ivory towers. This is not my concept.

But its true.

So when someone asks

Why is it edgy to make fun of neo liberals

The answer is obvious. If you had to ask the question. Maybe you are part of the joke.

Neo Liberals are right wing which is why we make fun of them. (right wing is wrong and hilarious in concept)

Anyone who supports antifa and the destruction of free speech is a morally bankrupt racist loser. So what difference does it make. You dont have arguments, you hate people for the color of their skin and want to physically harm / murder people for saying things you don't like.


That is so shitty. :(

You can keep pretending that's true if you want, but freedom of speech doesn't exist so it can't possibly be destroyed. You are literally brainwashed and keep thinking being against hitler means you want to kill all white people, it's strange.

Also strange you parrot the same typical Sargon/Tim Pool/Stefan Molyneux/Paul Watson videos verbatim every comment you post. Almost like you're not a free thinker and just a drone.

It's weird. I'm the one who DOESN'T believe in supremacy, and somehow your entire arguments are about how I think I'm above others rofl.

Advocating for freedom of speech, equality, and intersectionality aren't supremacist beliefs, bud.

It's weird. I'm the one who DOESN'T believe in supremacy, and somehow your entire arguments are about how I think I'm above others rofl.

Make no mistakes, neo liberals are the biggest supremicists in western culture right now. Its hypocracy.

Advocating for freedom of speech, equality, and intersectionality aren't supremacist beliefs, bud.

You want to ban freedom of speech

Intersectionality is equality of outcome over equality of opportunity. And in order for you to push the agenda of intersectionality you have to be a gigantic science denying racist sexist evil monster.

Its like religion. Sure it sounds nice and simple at first. It looks great when you keep it simple. But once you dive into the details its about a zombie coming back to mass kill non believers during Armageddon... I see zero difference between someone who can overlook details like that over someone who ignores details of intersectionality.

I am against racism, sexism and I do not reject science.

But people like you who want intersectionality and religious nut jobs who want armageddon are ultimately identical. Always going to be the butt of the joke. Its always going to be edgy crack jokes at their expense. And they are always going to double down. And they are always going to be in full cope mode. And they are always going to be ultimately toxic humans who will be pushed out by the next generation who gets tired of their shit.

lmfao I can't

We don't live in a meritocracy. I want a meritocracy. To achieve one is to eliminate barriers for minorities (eg, be intersectional).

What the fuck is so hard to grab here?

We don't live in a meritocracy.

Compared to where? The middle east? Russia? China?
Being a live streamer, is a meritocracy. The more fans you get the more income you get. Day trading is a meritocracy. Crypto is a meritocracy.

Intersectionality would smack your ass down super hard because wheelchair bound Billy with his 60 IQ points is unable to compete. We have to be all inclusive. You need to give Billy half of your earnings.

Intersectionality is the opposite of meritocracy.

Crypto is a meritocracy? What? When like a dozen people can manipulate the market at any time in a matter of seconds, you call THAT a fucking equal playing field???? ROFL

What? LMFAO.

You have literally no idea what intersecionality is.

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You have literally no idea what intersecionality is.

You have no idea what you are talking about. You cant even read the definition you gave me.

Crypto is a meritocracy? What?

Yep, its unregulated. The ones who are best at handling the market gain the most.

So you don't know what a meritocracy or Intersectionality actually is in practice. You are also racist as fuck.

feels bad man.

Being a live streamer, is a meritocracy.

BZplasma would NOT agree!
Twitch streaming is interlaced with "networking" which is not in anyway based on merit (unless you count the merit involved in manipulation and dicc succing) and in reality is is based on nepotism and luck.

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