England Propose 6 Years In Prison For "Hatespeech" On Social Media

1984 Hatespeech, racism and speech responsibility - soon jailtime for those who write things on social media that is considered offensive or hateful, especially if directed towards "marginalized" groups - like muslims or women or gays.

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People who express a offensive language against a religion or transpeople online is risking very serious penalties. As much as 6 years in jail for those who run blogs or Youtube channels with a "large crowd"

The most serious penalities will be given to those who have "authority" online and abuse their position to promote hate.

Count Dankula was recently found guilty at Glasgow sherrift Court for hatespeech.

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According to UK Police, even "Dislikes" and "unfriendliness" can be hate crimes..

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So if we sum it up we can see that the British government want to protect people from:

  • Tweets that can cause stress
  • Tommy Robinson
  • Nazi-dogs
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Female conservative reporters
  • Potato peelers

The British government does however NOT want to protect you against:

  • Racist Muslim gangs
  • Terrorists
  • Returning IS warriors
  • Attacks on Jews
  • Shootings
  • Stabbings
  • Acid attacks
  • Rapes


Translated from



Follow the @criticalobserver for more objective news on progressiveness and liberals. The Critical Observer is not political, but merely a bystander, watching political correctness unfolding upon the world.

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