Images and Links Reveal Role of Hollywood Celebrity Angelina Jolie in Promoting Western Propaganda for Wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq and KONY2012 Psyop Campaign in Africa

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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The following links and images reveal that celebrity Angelina Jolie (a designated UN Special Envoy) has played a definitive lead propaganda role in promoting US policy actions in war zones throughout the Middle East and Africa, including promoting the KONY 2012 campaign that has now been revealed to have been misleading and based upon misinformation and lies, as well as the US troop "Surge" in Iraq led by General David Petraeus in 2008.

Note that Jolie seems to never have a bad word to say about the fact that the US has instigated all these military actions and destabilized all these countries she desires the UN to take action in and bring post war stability and normalization to. She constantly harps upon the theme of "Saving the Children" while ignoring the murderous actions of her own government when it comes to agenda-driven foreign policy incursions and military invasions of targeted countries.

The following Tweets and links reveal Jolies current campaign in Mosul, Iraq where the US military has been conducting operations (supposedly against ISIS). Alas, she can smell the bodies......and if the US military continues successfully invading and destroying foreign countries based upon lies (Iraq War, Libyan War, Syrian War) and terrorist ruses, then there is a very good chance she will once again "smell the bodies" in the near future in another far-off land thanks to their agenda-driven and celebrity promoted UN "clean up" efforts.

Image from link:

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Tweets related to such.....

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In 2012 Jolie, along with other celebrities such as Rhianna, Bono, Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian and Bill Gates promoted propaganda for the Kony2012 campaign which has now been well-proven to be a misleading psyop based upon lies and misinformation.

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The truth about the KONY2012 campaign is more fully revealed in the following video:

Images from The Black Agenda Report also reveal the truth about the misleading campaign. (Images archived for posterity in case links are removed in the future. Conducted due to on-going censorship agenda)

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Well respected geopolitical reporter Tony Cartalucci writing for Activist Post also helped reveal the Kony Psy-Op in 2012.

Images from article:

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Truthloader reveals the truth about the deceptive (KONY2012/"Invisible Children") mass propaganda campaign.

(Important note: The campaign became incredibly popular after the release of a video directed by Jason Russell which was promoted on social media, and via an email campaign led by the Soro's linked Avaaz group -also linked to Rights Watch). Thanks to their promotion efforts, the Jason Russell video received over 120 million views between You Tube and Vimeo. The Wikipedia page on Kony 2012 states that a poll showed that over half of young Americans had heard of KONY2012 following the videos release. Alas, the power of propaganda. It was called the most viral video ever by Time magazine in 2012.

Slightly off-topic from the subject of Angelina Jolie's actions, but also quite interesting in relation to the KONY2012 campaign:

Brennan Gilmore who shot to fame as the media's go-to man that 'coincidentally' filmed the summer 2017 Charlottesville car attack incident was one of the key US State Department employees involved in the KONY2012 campaign effort.

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Highlighting Angelina Jolie's role in promoting "The Troop Surge" in Iraq 2008

In Winter 2008 Jolie was also highly instrumental in promoting the US military "Surge" strategy in Iraq in conjunction with US General David Petraeus that included a massive influx of US troops to complete the invasion, takeover and stabilization of the country.

Screenshot from article:

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2nd article:

Screenshot from Washington article:

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In October 2011 Angelina Jolie was also involved in mainstream media propaganda promotion efforts related to the US/NATO orchestrated regime change war in Libya, a war now proven to be based upon lies where tens of thousands of innocent people have met their deaths at the hand of terrorists, and which also has led to the EU's largest refugee crisis since WW2 with thousands of people drowning while attempting to escape across the Mediterranean, and dark skinned sub-Saharan Africans being hunted down, killed and sold into slavery. This is the true legacy of the western powers, Jolie and others who have promoted propaganda efforts in relation to Libya. Note also that it is well known today that Misrata, the city Jolie visited, was a terrorist held stronghold in 2011 where weapons were being shipped into Libya and to terrorist groups via Turkey and Qatar.

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Now Angelina Jolie the U.N. goodwill ambassador jets to Libya

12 October 2011

Just hanging out with the good guys.......'aid workers'.......sure they are......pull the other one.....its got bells on it. Aid workers, just like the White Helmets in Syria, aiding in the western orchestrated regime change war effort.

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The mainstream media, UN and Jolie always seem to neglect to mention this guy they empowered to lead operations in Libya, al-Qaeda linked terrorist Abdel Hakim Belhaj.

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Alas, Jolie didn't stop there.......she's been visiting refugee camps around Syria and Jordan over the past few years to highlight the plight of children in the Syrian war. Once again she fails to mention how the children's home towns and cities were destroyed by Islamic terrorists that were financed by western powers, Gulf State countries and Israel. She instead keeps the focus on western propaganda combined with UN efforts, and tools such as the White Helmets who are paid jihadists posing as rescuers of small children.

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Yep, they are destroying souls alright......

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All for Empire.......when you get right down to it, nothing above should really come as a surprise considering these few images below.

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Final note: Linked here is an example of an actual false flag attack captured on camera in Mosul, Iraq in 2016 and used by Reuters, the Associated Press and Daily Mail to promote US military activities against ISIS in northern Iraq....thus, it makes one wonder what the western powers were actually up to in Mosul as obviously the media was manufacturing some ISIS related propaganda and paying people to act injured in this video. Was the goal simply to destroy another Syrian city and weaken the Syrian state?

Video Proof of Staged False Flag Bombing in Mosul Iraq used by Associated Press and Daily Mail UK ….

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Link to Live Leak version:

Caveat: All information above, and my opinion derived from such, was acquired through postings conducted online by the individuals mentioned within the material and other researchers. I leave it up to diligent citizens to judge for themselves the validity of the aforementioned material and my opinions related to such, as is their right. This information is posted as a public service. Sometimes true patriotism requires dissent and revealing that which the powers that be would prefer remain in the shadows. I subscribe to the philosophy of USMC General Smedley Butler and believe war is a racket, a rich man's trick. I am a Marine Corps vet (1st Battalion, 6th Marines, 2nd Mar Div) who loves America and hopes to help save lives of innocent people and my brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces during this time of wars of deception and false flags (White Helmets). I believe my posts here at Steemit and my Clarity of Signal Wordpress site are very important for humanity right now and recommend people get red pilled and research these issues thoroughly themselves. I reserve my right to free speech and my opinion based on all the above information which is easily accessible online.

For those wanting to know more about the White Helmets psyop and western propaganda for regime change in Syria, I recommend the following thread which features hundreds of images proving the White Helmets are Islamic terrorists that are being promoted as rescuers of little kids by western media, governments and think tanks.

Oh Those Embarrassing Moments: Atlantic Council's Ben Nimmo Outs 'Russian Bot' That Turns Out To Simply Be A UK Citizen Tired Of UK Government Warmongering


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