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RE: Trump Tweets!: extremist open border Democrats!

in #informationwar6 years ago

Looking at the border issue can be done from two perspectives, one emotional and the other logically. Emotionally it tears up anyone to hear a child cry, to even imagine a child crying from need for its loved one and protector. From a logical point of view children separated from loved ones by military service, long business trips, or due to felonious activity by a parent caught by law enforcement also cry for their loved ones. Historically open borders have been a disaster for any country that allows it. That's why all countries do not allow it. Looking at any issue using only logic or only emotion never yields a quality solution, nor does it provide a productive platform for discourse.


what's the downside of looking at it logically?

Looking at an issue from only a logical point of view is a computer like approach. Emotionally is a truly human perspective. Looking at an issue both logically and emotionally is being complete in our evaluations in my opinion.

Are there beings other than humans and fictional star trek characters who have the capacity to use logic and reason?
Operating on an emotional level is more reptilian.

That's been the rub between liberals and conservatives since the beginning of time. One thinks predominately by emotion (the right side of the brain) and the other is predominately logical (the left side of the brain) We all need to use the whole brain when coming up with solutions for our problems. People who predominately use one side or the other truly are half wits : )

I think it has a lot to do with having an internal or external locus of control. One type of person takes responsibility for things and the other blames others.

Liberals blame and conservatives fall on the sword. Liberals are selfish. Mississippi residents give more in benevolent contributions per ca pita in percentage of income compared to New York. Liberals are more likely to come from broken homes, conservatives from homes of security and stability. Liberals tend to think from emotion conservatives from logic. We don't think alike and that much is obvious. It is important that people think differently, but the importance of that gets lost amongst all the shouting, sneering, and name calling.

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