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RE: Reparations? For what? Was it done to you? Did I do it to you? Or is it simply implementing "institutional racism".

Dunlop and another two companies conspired to buy up/bribe the govern-cement to take apart the rail system in Los Angles. And although it was proved that these companies indeed maliciously destroyed public good for personal profits, the judge awarded $1... because no money could ever be collected, nor could things be returned to before destruction status.

Similarly the FED has destroyed america's middle class.
They are enslaving the world's population.
They should be lined up and shot.
But, we do not know who they are.

And then, what do we do about slaves who could have been freed, but didn't know they were slaves? How do you compensate someone who has put the chains on themselves?

However, we, the collective conscious of america have a psychological debt, and that needs to be worked through.

The warning is that politicians do not want to work at resolving this, they want to profit and profit off of pretending to pay it off.

What americans will find out is that they need an immediate veto power. If you do not like what congress is doing with your money, you stop your payment, NOW. Right now we couldn't even stop it if we tried. Defund the Cocain Import Agency and they will keep on like nothing happened.

We need the ability to see bad things happening, and have the power to stop the bleeding as soon as we recognize the cut. Only then can we avoid more slavery.

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