Trump Rails Against Elites, Hecklers in Minnesota

in #informationwar6 years ago

Trump wanted to make sure he gave a grand speech, so what he did was bring up the wall brought up the meetings with Kim Jong Un and talked down about the elites of society.

We all know Trump is basically the elite as of now being in the white house you don't get more power then when your in government seat's.

Someone in the crowd decided to interrupt Trump on two occasions which lead to Trump asking the person if they were a man or women. The speech came after a day where president Trump signed an executive order to keep families together at the border so now the children will be held with their parents.

The next question is what will we do with the 2000 children who have already been separated, I just think if we repeal like all of the government intervention in the economy we would be able to welcome people to our country because they would not be stealing jobs or causing problems economically.

According to The New York Times:

The president's four-page order says that officials will continue to criminally prosecute everyone who crosses the border illegally, but will seek to find or build facilities that can hold families—parents and children together—instead of separating them while their legal cases are considered by the courts.

But the action raised new questions that White House officials did not immediately answer. The order does not say where the families would be detained. And it does not say whether children will continue to be separated from their parents while the facilities to hold them are located or built.

Officials on a White House conference call said they could not answer those questions.

I love when Obama says something about Trump's policies like separating families it's like dude you did the same exact thing!! That would be like you criticizing Trump's bombing of Syria which should be done by the people not hypocrites.

What we can hope for is that these immigration debates don't end with a national ID system where every american must submit DNA or whatever to the government. You want gas? Where is your national ID.

Thanks for reading guys and gals please upvote, follow, and leave your thoughts on Borders!


I think that we are all being misled. Neither the Establishment Politicians (both Left and Right) and Mainstream Media care about an actual resolution to this issue. There is too much money, power, and ratings dependent on the continuation of this issue.

The Establishment and MSM don’t really care about these families. They just care about how they can leverage them to increase their own positions.

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