Baby Alfie, the Latest Victim of Omnipotent Government
Twenty-three-month-old Alfie Evans was at a British hospital with a degenerative brain disease Alfie's parent's wanted to keep his life support going, but against the wishes of his parent's The hospital decided they would take Alfie of life support.
The high court in Britian approved of the hospital's ability to cut off the life support, they also refused to allow the parent's to take Alfie to a different hospital.
In all honesty the British health system pretty much murdered Alfie, especially if they didn't allow them to take him to a different hospital.
Throughout history government's have been left to decide to raise children, this would mean that the state was all knowing when it came to the best interest of a child which usually will override the parent's decision.
The high court is walking right into the system of authoritarianism, as they uphold the power of the state to be in charge of deciding the healthcare of a child.
Alfie's example is not just that everything government does fail's and all they provide is horrible service's, or the fact that government step's in when normally should be the parent's decision and decide's for them as government official's are the "expert's".
The main thing we should take from this example is that right's are not mere privileges granted to us by government, that can be taken away by the will of the majority or by some politician.
Most people will say that right's do not come from government, but they will say that there must be restriction's on these right's so people can either be protected from "hate speech" or have economic "equality".
The simple fact is if there are limit's or restriction's on a right then well it is not a right at all, this is something most people can't comprehend.
Neither party in government respect's our right's in fact they would prefer we forget the word right's unless of course we are trying to justify a war in another country, each party support's a welfare-warfare state funded by theft.
Government will always support putting people in jail for non-violent crime's (like drinking raw milk), they also support violating parental right's by having mandatory vaccination's.
The left promote's the right to life, but at the same time they want to make killing babies perfectly legal.
What really take's the cake is they also want to force people who don't support killing babies to support killing babies, this is just wrong and to exist mean's we live in a barbaric world.
We also must look at how down grade the kid's being blown to bit's in other countries and say that's just "collateral damage".
Even the founder's knew that right's came from our creator or from the simple fact of humanity, why they had slave's or created a government is beyond me (power).
Now that we hopefully understand that right's do not come from government then we must understand that it would not be right for government to restrict or to limit a right just like a private individual could not restrict or limit your right's.
If I can't steal from my neighbor then government should not be able to do it, If I can't tell someone the best treatment for their child then guess what? Neither can the government.
If we can have a society built on the idea that right's are inherent in everyone and that it is wrong to restrict or limit someone's right's and people understand the benefit's of free market's, free trade, and individual liberty then we can have a truly free and prosperous society.
Thank's for reading guy's please upvote, follow, and leave your thought's in the comment section!!
A suggestion for next time would be to share a link to an article talking about about this story.
It's nice to see what the media is saying vs. a free thinker like yourself.
@wakeupnd - curator for @informationwar