Juan Vicente Gómez was feared and respected; Marcos Pérez Jiménez, they feared him but did not respect him; mature neither fear nor respect him ... And the only common factor among all is administrative corruption ... Maduro fits what he said a columnist of the newspaper El País of Spain: The tropical Stalin. But the race towards socialism is crazy and unstoppable, can the government know that their lives are at stake, because if this government falls they will all go to prison.
Socialism, to be sure, is the one applied by the Soviet Union, a complex apparatus that only benefited its leaders, and then the governments of the world that come and go adapt themselves to what is convenient to do the same as the Soviets: power to not leave it anymore.
The name - the names - does not give by itself the character that the user intends. Social democracy is the same as social democracy (in my opinion), and this requires us not to fall into the game of the vagueness that confuses the community.
What are we in Venezuela? No one can define it with serious political value. What we have is a complicity between those who have the rudder by force and those who suffer from spiritual and economic poverty and now want to take hold of everything that allows them to buy consciences. Maybe I do not know what I'm talking about but I smell it.
Let's see the case of Spain and the agreement between PSOE and PODEMOS exists to approve budgets. Pedro Sanchez, who wants to be smart, thinks he's stealing the show. What he does not know is that he came for wool and he is going to come out shorn, he is leaving the PSOE very badly stopped. What certain characters do to stay in power.
prácticamente los que están en el poder, hacen un teatro, que solo ellos se lo creen, y sus seguidores, bueno puros títeres buenos para nada, solo les gustan que le den, tengo fe que esto terminara algun dia, aunque no se cuando, solo los de afuera nos pueden librar de esta pesadilla.