Maduro Recognizes his "Responsibility" in the Economic Crisis of Venezuela

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

A cordial greeting to the entire Community of @informationwar, as you know I am a person with great love and respect towards other people and communities, they also know those who follow me and support my content that I am from Venezuela, today I bring a POST that maybe for a % of Venezuelans take it bad or hurt their love for the country, and beforehand I apologize, I do not seek to offend anyone, but I can not silence my annoyance and helplessness what is happening every day in my country, this POST goes with everything, as the saying goes: No hairs in the language.

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, acknowledged on Monday his "responsibility" in the serious economic crisis in the country and estimated that it takes two years to "achieve" a recovery with "high level of stability."

"The productive models that we have tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours, it is mine (...), we have to push forward that economic power we have," said Maduro in a workday of the IV Congress of the Socialist Party United Kingdom (PSUV).

This is 100% true, President Nicolas Maduro is the only one responsible that Venezuela is in the worst economic crises, during the last 4 years Venezuela has been against the wall, millions of Venezuelans have left the country and thousands are dying of hunger . My country dies of hunger while this man lives like the Millionaires.




Despite its enormous wealth in resources, Venezuela is going through a severe economic crisis that translates into a shortage of basic foods and medicines, a deficient provision of public services and a very high inflation that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates will close at 1,000,000. % this 2018, according to Efe.

Often, the government blames the bad performance of its economy on an "economic war" led by the United States together with internal and regional opposition factors, but Maduro himself asked his ministers to change the excuses for results.




Venezuelans live only to work and bring some food to our houses, where unfortunately our salary does not reach for anything, the minimum salary in Venezuela is 5,100,000 Bf, which is equivalent to $ 1.3.

A Kilo of meat has a price of 7,000,000 bf, (2.2 $). What this means is that we can not even buy meat with our monthly salary.

"What imperialism assaults us? Enough of whining (...), you do not see me whining, I do not name them anymore, they do not see me whining in front of imperialism. or without aggression, "he added.

To tackle the crisis, Maduro announced last week a series of measures that include abolishing five zeros to the bolivar, revising the law of changes, census the automotive park to promote the "rational use" of gasoline and raise taxes on the import of capital goods.

The president said that of this recovery program, which he estimates shows "the first symptoms of new prosperity" in two years, there are "many things" that he must "go managing", although he asked the party's support to disseminate the information among the communities.

Analysts consulted by Efe said last week that Maduro's recovery plan is "insufficient", among other things, for not having international financial aid.

However, Maduro insisted on Monday that "Venezuela has everything to be an average power in the Latin American context" and ratified that his government has the goal of raising oil production, engine of the nation's economy, to six millions of barrels per day.

"Breaking the oil dependence does not mean that we are not going to develop the oil industry at the highest level," he said.

According to the latest report from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), prepared from secondary sources, Venezuela pumps only 1.39 million barrels per day. But the country said in mid-month that its average production during the first half of 2018 was 1,570,000 barrels per day and that it had managed to "stop the decline" in pumping.




This photo shows the clear example of the serious situation that the people of Venezuela are living, children waiting in line to receive a meal, since unfortunately their parents do not have enough to feed them.

It's amazing how a country with so many resources has become what it is today. How can we live? Well, we all survive. Many people obviously can not eat every day. Many children go to sleep hungry and many of them do not have the resources to go to school and buy a textbook.

That is why many of us, who have discovered this community, work so hard trying to reach many people and giving them shoes, pencils, notebooks and even food.

Sometimes we all take for granted the good things we have and can do, but in other places there are people who are even struggling to live. The little things that are insignificant to us can be the world to others, just as your click might be a small thing to you, in another part of the world the world may mean.

Is this going to change sometime? We do not know Meanwhile, we all appreciate everyone who wants to do something for people with needs in our country and we encourage everyone to help with any project that is in the community, as you can see, it's a lot for us.

Finally I thought about writing my God until when ?. Are we waiting for someone to do something for us? Either another person, group, country and even the celestial force itself? Let's continue waiting for that to happen. While innocent people will continue to die. We do not continue to depend on the change made by another. We are ourselves who choose our destiny. God bless you and protect you all.

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