
I wish I could be like a super hero and go out to kill everyone single one of those who harm children, or cause the harm of children for profit, as with the thousands of Social Workers, doctors and policemen who are responsible for destroying families so as to kidnap the kids and sell them to paedophiles.

Then I might try to deal with fixing the causes - as you wish.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for the midterms in the USA , I am not an American, but these elections are extremely important to me and to many hundreds of millions all over the world. The Republicans must be in the position for them to back their president, so that he can effectively punish and change laws - and get that damn wall built. You noticed the Senate/Congress approved paying for the wall that Israel built, but would not back Trump?

Over this last one and a half years, so many good things happened because of Trump. Do you think Poland, Hungary, Italy, Brazil and a few other East European countries would have dared rid themselves of Soros and the globalists on their own? Trump stood not only as their example, but also as their potential ally. Trump is aware and it is why he has encouraged Salvini and I expect to see him back the others more openly once he has cemented his own position. After all, what many who complain about him not moving fast enough forget, is that his own life is in danger and he had to make certain he has the military on his side - airforce I read is still supporting Soros and Obama, not Trump.

I have very mixed feelings about Trump. If he really was against globalism then his reactions towards Venezuela don't make sense to me. But the game is so damn big that it is very difficult to see how it is being played.
Soros is indeed a problem but he is only a small player.
Rockefeller and Rothschild Families seem to be bigger troublemakers.

I just looked this up:
Soros is not listed there yet, but he is below the 10Billion mark if i remember it correct

So there are many potential Soros competitors out there, and many with a lot more financial weight. And those who have more money then Trump can do far more damage then Trump can repair.

It really makes me wonder what surprises we get next.

As the midterms approach and Trump starts to feel he has a chance of winning more seats, he is starting to speak more openly...about punishing traitors; about building the wall; of my favourites, that he is looking to change the status quo regarding the Fed Bank - which will strongly affect all those very wealthy families.

A thought for considering: What if he does as Kennedy did and cancels the Fed bank...but, in addition, that fee of 1% on all $ printed, is cancelled, what happens to the fortunes of the families/banks involved?

Yes, he and we are in a weak position versus those with the power and money, but, only if he is not decisive and hard. I hate dictatorships, but, if he has to declare Martial Law, I think he will not try to take advantage. I think he really does want the USA to remain a Republic. I think many of his supporters are starting to see it as his best choice for getting rid of the deep state.

Who knows what will happen and how the other side will react. I just hope he is having secret talks with Putin, for he is going to be vulnarable during the fights ahead and he will need to know Russia will not grab the opportunity to cause him more problems.

As for Soros...he transferred $14 billion to his org and who knows how much he has transferred to his sons. As for what damage can be caused with even one billion? If you have it, how about you give it to me, for me to show you? :)

Of course, Soros has unlimited amounts available to him as he (like Macron) is only doing the bidding of the five families, and they'll provide all he needs.

I had to edit so as to add, yes, just the Koch brothers are probably doing as much or more damage - but they've aimed for damaging the future generations in education, which is a great problem.

We really need some kind of interactive map that monitors big money flows in real time with a rewind button to see what money caused what war etc...

That sounds like a project students in a university would have loved (decades ago). Now? Maybe if we could find some retired accountants and bankers to work with a few good hackers?

a blockchain money flow map.
All the data logged into the blockschain
Contributors earn money for the data
everytime the map is being used it generates money and that gets automatically distributed into the system where it is needed most


But who can build such an utopia?

Who? Only someone who sees he can make a ton of money for free, the rest are rarely practical enough to make something like that work.

Sad, eh?

so crowd sourcing on steemit will not be an option?

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