Those With Internet Money Will Soon Rule The World

The world is moving exponentially faster every decade, year and month. Even if the birds are singing and life seems to go on as usual, it doesn't. Right now, as most people are still continuing their mindless drifting, 9-5 work schedule, driving to soccer matches and are watching mindnumbing televison - there is a group of people who is spending most of their free time on collecting Internet Money - which in most cases now are cryptocurrencies. An increasing number of these people are also opting out of the regular world - no job, no career. Full time gold digger on the Internet.

Yes, you might hear some bad things about millenialls, but they actually have an advantage as the world moves forward quicker than ever. They are online 24/7. Not always a good thing, but that's where it happens. And not on the regular web. It's Steemit. It's Steemmonsters. It's exchanges, it's passwords, it's hodling and it's acumulating tokens and airdrops. Most 40 year olds wouldn't have a clue what this is all about.

Now, as huge corporations centralize their wealth and is not in need of that much investments, and robots take over not just industrial jobs, but soon any job - we will see two classes of people. Welfare class, and investor class. As the old breed of money-people die out, there is a new one emerging. Some of those people are on Steemit. People who are Internet trolls but at the same time hold millions of dollars in crypto. Young kids, 30 year olds, gamers, anarchists. Addicted to the philosophy of cryptos - that it represent something else, more freedom, more responsibility - these people will never stop exploring.

And more people are joining each day.


As a late 30 year old who is in on this - often more as an observer, I have realized how important it is to watch their every move. Stay updated on the trends, the innovations. For instance, right now there is new dawn for games online. Blockchain powered games are on the horizon - and we are in the very early stages. From ollectible card games like @steemmonsters, to VR powered lands and land ownership where apps can be built on digital land in @decentraland, or massive 3D mmorpg's fueled by crypto in @parsec-frontiers.

At the same time that this is happening, I recently met and spoke to an old friend. And when I speak to people the discussion often drifts into money and economy and technology. Now, this guy is about 46 - ten years older than me, and is probably average IQ. And he represents the Average Joe for me. For some reason, I don't remember why we ended up there, but he told me he did not use his bank's online services. I was quite shocked, and did not know how to respond. You're a 46 year old man who does not pay your bills or view your transactions on the Internet? He also told me that he and his wife saved money, but putting change into a piggy bank. And yes, they are extreme leftists - who are going to be left behind more miserable than they all ready are. Their problem is that capitalism is solving all problems right before their eyes, but instead of looking closely, they are turning their back - because it's easier to be miserable and ignorant than to do the effort and actually pay attention and learn something.

Skjermbilde 2018-06-07 kl. 09.48.54.png

So that's how left behind most people are. This is the welfare class. Those who aren't paying attention right now, will end up there forever.

A New Economy Is Emerging

There is no question about it. This new technology is what Mcafee calls it - Pandoras Box. Once it's opened it cannot be closed. It doesn't really matter if you predict the total market cap to be 1 trillion or 50 trillion the next 10 years. The point is that EVERY raising of capital will soon be done this way. Every company will use their own crypto. It's a much simpler method. But while we are waiting for this to happen, right now is the time to accumulate. Right now is the time of chaos. Get your hand on every collectible card, any digital land, any digital ship, any digital token that has some utility. Stay powered up with Steem as there will be more and more projects being built on the Steem Blockchain that will airdrop tokens to stakeholders. Keep your @eos as well. $1000 EOS? Sure, if they make it work. $900 billion mcap is not more than the biggest companies. EOS could be bigger.

Get your hands on thousands if not millions of different tokens, and take part of this digital revolution. If you are not doing this now, you are not out there buying land and pumping up oil in abundance.

Skjermbilde 2018-06-07 kl. 09.52.29.png


Great article - sharply epitomizes the status quo.

Pandora's box indeed, I've labelled it the same several times.

Ha! I guess Millennials are good for something! 😂 Maybe.

In all serious though, what you say is very true. My mother in her 60s thinks that being able to SMS makes her super tech savvy. My grandparents never even owned a computer. My wife's grandmother recently quite using her laptop because using email, which we had configured to automatically open and update when she turn the PC on, was too difficult for her.

Digital money isn't even the future, it's the present. I'm not sure of my facts here, but I believe that only about 2% of fiat currencies actually exists as paper money. The rest is all electronic.

I can't see how crypto can possibly not take over. Hop aboard the train folks. It's already left the station and it's building up speed, but the sooner you get on it the better!

Very true @bitbrain!

You know those people who think that their smartphone is just a "stupid time stealer"? and switches for old school type cells? That is just retarded. These people are removing the wrong thing. They should never remove such amazing tools such as the internet or smart phones. What they should remove is facebook and instagram, which is for most people a dead end street. They waste their time as mindless consumers without even realizing it on those platforms, while other more smart people make profit of off them.

And instead of thinking and turning themselves towards this new economy, they take a step back and close the door. This is your average 35 and 45 year old. I've come to realize that they dont use the internet that much for other things than watch tv and read newspapers, and log into their bank account occationally.

And the real problem is not using the Internet like many people believe. The problem is being addicted and not having any structure in their lives. So people mindlessly browse facebook and instagram and then blame the internet for being such a time stealer because they themselves arent conscious enough or smart enough or don't have time enough to do research and diligence and find things that are worth their time.

So then they leave technolgy all together while at the same time this amazing new technology emerges and they are being left completely behind like the peasants they are. And thats how the tide changes.

Soon they are left behind completely, even many 30 year olds, not realizing what the hell happened as a new class emerges. Who are all these rich people? Why are they not working? Why are they not on welfare?

You're a very wise man Mr Von Bitcoin, very wise indeed. What you say is (once again) quiet correct. The world would be a far better place if everyone possessed your level of critical thinking skills!

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