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RE: More anti-Trump projections of hatred

Much of it is cognitive dissonance and a reliance on the old "tell a vision box!" Just about everywhere you go, someone has a news station playing. Even fox is partially owned and controlled by Soros. There is only One news station that is independently owned. . .One America News. You can see a big difference if you watch them just for a short while.

The rest can be explained by the fact that we are fighting a literal spiritual battle the bible told us about.

You can see much of it play out. The Cabal (powers that be) come from the luciferians in the form of central bankers that are of the wealthiest among us. People like the Rothschilds who have been orchestrating wars while funding Both sides and making a killing! Remember how a Rothschild started the League of Nations and a Russian Czar told the other countries what the Rothschild family was up to? Interesting stuff because the Roths vowed to get vengeance and boy did they ever!

That League still exists in the United Nations. These people for globalism are part of the UN or an arm of the UN in the form of those councils, like the Council on Foreign Relations. The UN heralded and published materials from people like Alice Bailey whose trust was literally called the Lucifer Trust before she changed the name. Even under that telling name she was sending her cohorts into churches to worship right along side people who believed in the true God. These luciferians would profess believe in God, but the god they were really speaking of is satan.

All of these controllers of the Cabal have placed people in the media and in places of power both at the local and federal level. They Despise Trump because he cannot be bought. He is Not one of them. He was chosen by the White Hats comprised of some of the generals Obama picked off, he is aware of the pedophilia, child and human sex trafficking, and all their other wicked corruption.

Now these people are encouraging those whom they have brain washed or are susceptible to brainwashing that Trump is evil. They do is as if they are crying out like the demonic element fearful of being exposed as they know Trump Intends to shed light on their dark, evil ways.

People have been brainwashed by the media, educational system and of course the DNC which it has been revealed in the wikileaks that they were going for a "dumbed down society!" How those who have not walked away, don't take offense at this or see what they are up to, is beyond me!


Wow... so much I could add to...

If you are sitting at one of the pope's sermons, he appears as though he is speaking from the mouth of a snake, because of the shape of the building.

Hollywood is in panic mode; the Don of that mafia got nabbed (Weinstein), Allison Mack has already led to 5-6 major arrests related to the NXIVM sex cult, people are coming out everyday against Hollywood people. If the corruption there is near as rampant as I expect...

People are sometimes confused as why a Canadian could support Trump... but they don't seem to realize that this is literally good vs evil. I mean Trump has his quirks, but he's not out to screw people over.

Anyway, wish I could give like 5 thumbs up.

You are correct on the subject of the pope. I come from a (society's word) Christian background. So got to see those genuinely trying to adhere to what God intended, all of course still making mistakes because we live in an imperfect world, then those whom by actions appeared to be fakes. I suppose it is this way in many aspects of life.

I don't mean to sound preachy either nor judgy as perhaps those seeming fake didn't really understand what good and evil was truly all about and so were trying to stumble their way through. I suppose most of us humans can relate to that in this crazy, mixed up world.

You have the scope and sequence of the big picture down. Glad to see you guys on here are so awake, informed and are looking at the Bigger picture as so many get stuck on one or two single points and a bird's eye view.

The Pope and connections to luciferianism and all the pedophilia being brought to the forefront. . .spot on! I can't discount my own background and the infiltration in the "christian" sector. You see some wavering or justifying evil when you're young, and for me I kept trying to rectify the dichotomy in my immature mind. . .I would think I must be hearing or seething that wrong when I saw something completely opposite of what I had been taught.

Generally it was the actions of people who claimed they believed one thing, then did another and little to nothing was said about it. I started thinking maybe I wasn't completely grasping something I had been taught. Satan knows this not only causes doubt in true believer's minds, but makes people turn away from Godly things. Those that end up despising God due to what appear to be hypocrisy, is because of what men and women have done to distort what God created for good. It is the MO of satan as could be seen in the very first chance of disobedience in he garden of Eden. Satan is an expert at enticing and making people doubt God, God's goodness and intentions.

I suppose it's the old. ..if you have your eyes on men and their actions, you will get disillusioned quick. So true because we are all very fallible and susceptible to mistakes if we aren't relying on God's help to keep us from temptations and disobedience to God's ways.

Anyways, I'll stop rambling here. . .took years before I realized, no, I wasn't just seeing things wrong. People were not always adhering to truth. Really what it was, was people giving into the enticements and temptations of the deceiver then trying to sweep it under the rug.

When you have a love a desire for truth and for goodness to prevail, you begin realizing you don't want to live in a world like that! Topsy, Turvy where nothing makes sense. You begin to see clearly satan does all of that intentionally to keep everyone confused, wear people down and continue his great deception.

Glad a Canadian is supporting Trump. It is true, many have No idea how many attempts the cabal has made on his life and All Trump does that has threatened their control. This is why they teach people to shout hatred and even resort to violence over Trump, then they blame Trump for Their actions. Incredibly diabolical.

Very much like the Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky wrote (Soros, Obama and Hillary all fans) . Whatever you are doing. . .blame the other side. That's just One of the rules. The rest sound like they came from Aliester Crowley.

You all have great comments. Enjoyed reading them! Stay true to truth and keep #FightingTheGoodFight . Godspeed!

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