Advisor and Chief Investigator Tried to Tell us about these Giant Foundations! Immense Reach, Power and Unopposed CONTROL!

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

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I found a link to this interesting excerpt posted by a voat poster that has been archived. Excellent Share!
It is titled,
Foundations: Their Power and Influence written in 1958 composed of 412 pages.
By Rene Wormser covering an interview conducted by G. Edward Griffin with Norman Dodd.

I decided to draw from connections I have come across over the past year and go a little more in depth as I have covered this topic from time to time.

Norman Dodd tried to tell people the Truth when appointed as Chief Investigator in 1953 by Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations. Also known as the Reece Committee to look into the unfettered power of these Giant Foundations being ran with like-minded people with enormous reach power and deep pockets being shielded under a Tax Break. Having a cover of doing good works can also provide cover for a Great Deal of other Activities. . .more on the side of Greed, Power and Corruption!

The Truth. . .so desired by the upright, but disdained, abused and mocked by those who want control through deceptive practices and fronts!

This article will cover a hidden agenda of some of these giants.

History behind infiltration of deception and how it was easily accepted into society

The After School Satan Clubs

The findings from the investigation conducted by Norman Dodd and some of his background

Interesting to note G. Edward Griffin who by the way is mocked and spun as a conspiracy theorist for daring to exercise his freedom of speech. He questioned health care, defense agendas and cancer.

This is a subject near and dear to my heart because time after time, when you start poking around (which all of us have the capacity now in these times More than Ever) Just Read, search for truth. . .you will find how many of these foundations are just fronts cloaked in charitable works.

Guess who always cloaks himself in trying to help you. . .the ones he considers mere humans? Those he is jealous of because he used to be Lucifer. . .God's most beautiful angel, but then he fell from grace and our Creator made us, the humans he despises after God's own image. Yes, the ultimate deceiver.

*Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning,
and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a
liar, and the father of it.

This is why people like Alice Bailey, New Age groups and satanist always refer to satan as a god of light. It is also one of
satan's primary mo's to attempt to usurp what God is because our Creator is the Light of the World!

2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

This is what becomes of him! Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and
Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Revelation 20:3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

What the antichrist will do and who he serves!
2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

This is how we can defeat him! Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against
the wiles of the devil.*

What does this have to do with foundations? As you will see the start of this investigation turned up the fact that he met with the president and prestigious members of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Here Dodd states, "And on arrival found myself in the presence of Dr. Joseph Johnson, the president, two vice presidents, and their own counsel, a partner of Sells & Cromwell. And after amenities, Dr. Johnson said "Mr Dodd, we received your letter, and we can answer all these questions but that it would be a great deal of trouble because with the approval of, by the Senate, ratification of the United Nations treaty, we felt our job was done. So we took all our records, from the beginning of this endowment, up to 1945, and sent them to the warehouse, and then we concentrated on just using our funds to build this new building across the street from the United Nations, which would provide the various organizations that would follow the United Nations activities with a place to meet."

Here a connector of the UN and it's satanic roots. One must never forget their precursor was the League of Nations used to dupe many countries centuries ago by the Rothschild scam cloaked as peace, but was nothing but a way to control many countries through banking and wars! See a source at bottom for more information.

Alice Bailey was of course a big forerunner of these foundations as was so adept, she convinced churches to let her and her plants in to worship right beside those trying to follow God and His Word. Their god is not our Creator, but the Deceiver! Look her up if you don't know. They actually fell for her ploys even though her "foundation" was initially called the Lucifer Trust. Search yourself and NO, snopes doesn't Know what is going on so look Deeper with your own eyes!

Guess who always worked closely with the United Nations, published materials for them and her "foundation" Still publishes materials under the "new" name Lucious Trust? You guessed it! Very prevalent in pushing forward materials like educational materials to instruct in New Age which is simply another name for satanism.

An After School Satan Club could be coming to your kid’s elementary school

Not meaning to digress, and all Connects, back to the Norman Dodd interview about Foundation Deception.

A little background on Norman Dodd can be obtained from Wikipedia including a fairly clear glimpse of how well this info was received or shall I say quashed and likely mocked by msm.

According to Wikipedia,

  • (June 29, 1899 – January 1987) born in New Jersey, was a banker/bank manager, worked as a financial advisor and served as chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee). He was primarily known for his controversial investigation into tax-exempt foundations.

Norman Dodd was born in New Jersey. He attended private schools including Phillips Academy (known simply as Andover) finishing in 1918 and later graduated from Yale University. He was, by his own words, an indefatigable reader. He worked in manufacturing before devoting himself to banking. During or after the 1929 stock market crash he was assigned by his superiors the task of restructuring the bank he was working at, after a period of which he recommended what at the time was referred to as "sound banking". He was told by his superiors that his recommendations would not be implemented because "we will never see sound banking in the United States again".

His claims about his investigative work have become the cornerstone of theories implicating the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others.[2] It was stated by him that these or other foundations were involved in the intentional instigation of the United States into World War I and attempting to mold world history through the explicit control of education in the United States.

Rene Wormser, the legal counsel to the Reece Committee, wrote in his 1958 book on the subject, "It is difficult for the public to understand that some of the great foundations which have done so much for us in some fields have acted tragically against the public interest in others, but the facts are there for the unprejudiced to recognize.*

Find the source below. These are my observations and prior findings;

Filled with so many tells, these foundations (at least these large ones) are almost always filled with ulterior motives. Even if not set up initially in that way, someone gets their grubby hands in there and figures out how to corrupt them.
Part of it is human nature and the desire for greed and power. This is how it is with the Zuck and his wife's "charity" which reads like a whose who for Obama hold-outs and DNC medal of honor. Zuck charity front Here

I covered some interesting tidbits of Zuck and what he really thinks of all of us back in the spring. As you can imagine, people were not very receptive And of course I was highly censored and harassed (if you've seen how people attack me on these platforms, this does not come as a surprise). Youtube Hated it so much they removed views on a daily basis. Still shocked they didn't take it down.

You won't have time to listen to the whole report and are probably aware of Zuck's history, so if you go to around 38 min in the video you will hear about how involved Zuck has truly been in politics and his ties to Podesta and Hillary. I know this is not a surprise. Interesting what Exactly was said though, really something!
Around 45 min. is where Zuck and his wife's own charity is covered and the great news is it got Dark so the haters don't even have to see me :)The Truth about Facebook? What Mark thinks of you! His email to Podesta and who he bragged about!
The video report is titled
The Truth about Facebook? What Mark thinks of you! His email to Podesta and who he bragged about!

Tells I find interesting Where he states, "When they do harm, it can be immense harm--there is virtually no counterforce to oppose them." Basically they run amukck and further their agenda all with the aide in a sense of tax payers money because the working middle class still pays up while they float and cause chaos freely!
"we concentrated on just using our funds to build this new building across the street from the United Nations, which would provide the various organizations that would follow the United Nations activities with a place to meet."

Code words for, "We will provide satan's ilk and followers with a conveniently located building for their "covert, secret meetings across from the house that lucifer built! You know the whole changed up name for the Rothschild family's original hoax. . .League of Nations.
United is correct. . .they are united in destroying anyone not in agreement with them and ultimately those who do not have the lineage of the fallen!

His staff member had the same pre-conceived attitude the general public does about foundations as if they don't have the capacity to be made up of people (well how much human DNA is rather debatable!) who are corruptors. Odd, but sadly the norm. So he speaks of his staffer who would scan the minute books when he states, "Her attitude was: what could be possibly wrong with foundations: they do so much good."
Do you suppose she was ready to write her own novel when she was done? Probably by the size of her eyes upon return for an update!

Of course they were proposing how they could limit the population in order to gain more control. "War is the most effective means known to man assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people."
"How do we involve the United States in a war? " Even then people were kept in the dark and weren't aware of what was Really going on in the world around them. The most arrogant and blinded always Think they Know. . .the corruptors don't even have to do much to convince them because their arrogance and "know it all attitude" works against them and to the favor of the would be controllers! Sad.

So much of the public played right into their hands when they implemented their protocol. . ."They must control the diplomatic machinery of the United States."

Of course the KEY, "how do we secure that control? and the answer comes out we must control the State Department. And, from that time on, their activities were centered on: securring control of the State Department. Now as a means to that end, the Endowment founded and instrumentality called the Council for Learned Society. And that Council was assigned the task of passing on every high official appointment of the State Department before the appointment was confirmed. At that point this finding linked up with what we had already suspected. But nevertheless here was confirmation of it."

Then came war and a plan plotted with both "the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment, decided that the crux of the matter lay in their ability to alter the teaching of American History in this country."
When the historians they approached wouldn't play ball and tell "their story" (then call it history) . that's when people like Bill Clinton and Obama Really benefited in the future of their corralling plans! Just Teach future leaders With your own controlled plants. Worked out well for them!

"So then they decided they would have to build their own stable of historians. And so they then approached the Guggenheim Foundation which specialized in awarding fellowships, and said figuratively, 'When we find a likely young man who's headed to become a teacher of American history, and will you grant him on our say so a fellowship?' And the answer was, yes we will. So they gradually assembled twenty. And they took these twenty to England, London. And there they briefed them to what was expected of them. And that became the nucleus of the American Historical Association. To which ultimately the Endowment made a grant of four hundred thousand dollars for a study to be made, which would conclude what the future of this country was to be."

So a body of works was created by puppets of these controllers and remains the emphasis in just about every liberal university! "And it ended on the note that the future of this country belongs to collectivism administered with characteristic American Efficiency. And that became the, I'm using today's language, that became the guidelines for higher education in this country. and then coincidentally with that, then books began to appear, all of which were detrimental to our vision of our own patriots who had signed the Declaration of Independence, and they were downgrading these men...."

These are the guidelines of the DNC and the attitudes that permeate and proliferate the landscape of our nation by being touted by MSM, the entertainment industry. . .essentially being reinforced by Hollywood, who is chosen for fame in the music industry and those who receive advancement even in the political arena.

All the world truly is a stage!
Do you want to start living in reality?
Would you like a fairer playing field?
Do you miss what many of us have only heard about?
A Government By the People and For the People?
Time to clean HOUSE!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Godspeed Patriots and never stop #FightingTheGoodFight
YOU are Needed and Necessary! Go out share, point, direct, educate, shed light, collaborate, unify and try not to grow weary.

Foundations: Their Power and Influence

Story of the Rothschilds their history and connections


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