Quora Censored My Post Again because of Israel!
The Quora Q & A wiki platform 'collapsed' my answer to a question in a further proof to their anti-Semitic biased policies.
The Mountain View, California based website / company has proven over the time its blatant support to anti-Semitic posts by censoring (collapsing) answers written to expose the real villains behind the suffering of the Semite people.
I've shared here a number of incidents when Quora censored my answers, even when they placed a temporary ban against my contribution there merely because of my views.
The latest was today when they 'collapsed' (soft-censored) my answer to the question put up by one of the members there: Why is Israel so successful?
They couldn't refute the facts, they rejected the language! How would you call a 'thief' otherwise?
It seems that stating FACTS disturb people who are trying to hide certain things from the public. I usually share my answers to Questions on Quora here, especially after the moderators there started censoring my contribution. And here's what I answered this particular question:
If not given by the US and other Western countries by their own will and by gifts, they steal it like the case of Johnathan Pollard.
See how much they get in money from the US alone: USA: Supports Terrorists and War Criminals
See how the US fights its enemies and serves it: Political Zionism in the United States of America - Astounding Facts!
If you live on the account of a superpower and its allies, and you receive the latest state of the art technologies as gifts or by stealing, it’ll be a surprise if you don’t become ‘successful.’
End of my answer there
Maybe by looking at the people they 'cherish' as 'inspiring people' gives us a hint about the views of this platform:
In case you got confused with the opening paragraphs here is the definition of the Semite People from Merriam Webster's dictionary -which you must agree is a credible source:
Link: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Semite
Now do yourself a favor and try to find the word Jew in the definition of Semite people. Also try to find the word Zionist, European, Russian, and Khazar Jew...
Try all the other dictionaries out there.
As you can see the Semite people are the people of the Levant, the children of Sam (Sham) son of Noah. Therefore, our countries are called in Arabic and other old languages 'Belad Al Sham', or the 'Countries of Sham'. Not the countries of foreign imported people who adopted any certain religion. Race is NOT a Religion
Syrians, Palestinians, Jordanians, and Lebanese are the Semite people, our ancestors adopted Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and helped spread them around the world. Our countries are the cradle of civilization where the first man invented the alphabet and cooked, cultivated land, domesticated animals, built buildings, composed music notes, established families, and formed communities, it's no stranger for them to adopt the three Divinely religions when introduced. And to have people attempt stealing our identity is a crime against humanity, to help them do so is also a crime against humanity, and to use our identity stolen by the identity and land thieves to persecute us is multiplied crime against humanity.
Don't get fooled further. The term 'antisemitism' relating it only to oppressed Jews was only invented in the 1880s, it has no previous history, it defies logic when you try to break the word into syllables.
Your objective comments are always welcomed.
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you are still insisting with the childrapists software? hehehe :).