in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

There is a constant misunderstanding, confusion and misinterpretation of the concept of the left. This has been exploited by corrupt and opportunist politicians around the world. Refer to the French Revolution, there those who wanted a republican system were located on the left of the Constituent Assembly, those who wanted to keep the monarchy were located on the right.

This was by chance, spontaneous, it is not that the left meant a conception and the right another. No, that was an eventuality. Those who were on the left had no notion of what socialism was, they only wanted to end the monarchical system and implement a republican system with autonomous and independent public powers, not tied to the government.

The parties considered of right in Venezuela and in America have behaved with positions more of left than the socialists when they arrive at the power. Left, by definition is to overcome the former for the new, the bad for the good, the corrupt for the honest, the inefficiency and inefficiency for efficiency and effectiveness, poverty for progress, misery for prosperity, authoritarianism and dictatorship for democracy and so on

Left is not patrimony of the socialists. In Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and other countries of the planet, the socialist political parties when they come to power become another oligarchy with the resources of the nation through administrative corruption and cling to power with authoritarian and dictatorial policies equal or worse that the dictatorships of the past, violating political freedoms, disqualifying political parties, violating the National Constitutions, freedom of press and expression, ignoring other Public Powers, violating laws and applying unconstitutional decrees, repressing peaceful demonstrations, persecutions, tortures and murders; and that is not a political behavior of the left, but of the right. This is how the PSUV has acted in Venezuela. Contribute to clarify this definition.

The self-styled socialists in our continent and throughout the world have put themselves the label of the left, and have described the supporters of capitalism and neoliberalism as right-wing. Both neoliberalism or savage capitalism as well as savage socialism or orthodox and dogmatic socialism, have given very similar results in the application of their government programs. Both have failed as economic models with their wild consequences in society. Let's see each of them.

With the WILD CAPITALISM or NEOLIBERALISM, all public or state companies are privatized, generating exclusion of dense sectors of the population in education, health, recreation, potable water service, electricity, urban telephony cleaning and other services; while in the WILD SOCIALISM, a dome or oligarchic ruling elite is created that monopolizes private companies and haciendas by expropriating and breaking them causing scarcity, scarce production, hyperinflation, hunger, misery, poverty, malnutrition, diseases and more deaths. Image and likeness with savage capitalism or neoliberalism.

In the current Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, CRBV, is the third way that consists of an advanced democracy, but this was betrayed by the oligarchy of the PSUV. There in the CRBV is the balance between private economy and state or public economy, with respect to free enterprise, free market, independence of the Public Powers, social justice, shared prosperity, honesty, efficiency, effectiveness, morality and the real ethics of public and private management and solidarity. All the opposite of savage capitalism and savage socialism.

In order to reach that balance desired by the majorities, it is indispensable and priority to unite in a democratic and progressive alliance the social, economic, political, religious, union, professional, union, youth, student, and communications forces, that is, all sectors of civil society, to achieve definitively defeat the neo-dictatorship of the PSUV oligarchy, disguised as democracy and to restore and then deepen Venezuelan democracy at the service of all Venezuelans without exclusion.



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