FEMA Orders 16,000 Guillotine Blades From Mexico - Truth or Fake News? And, that We the People...

in #information7 years ago


FEMA Orders 16,000 Guillotine Blades From Mexico - Truth or Fake News? And, that We the People should even have to contemplate this question reminds us just how out of control our government (mind control) has become. Remember Sam Walton of Wal-mart and the Clintons honed their skills in Arkansas:

In 1986, Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, was under pressure to appoint a woman to the company’s 15-member -all male- board of directors. So, Mr. Walton asked a young lawyer, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who just happened to be married to the governor of Arkansas at the time, where Wal-Mart is based, to be the sole female member of the board.

During six years (1986 -1992) as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world’s largest retailer waged a major campaign against the labor unions seeking to represent store workers.

John Tate who was one of Clinton’s fellow board members, was leading Wal-Mart’s anti-union efforts. Tate was also Wal-Mart’s executive vice president and served on the board with Clinton for four of her six years. Tate favorite phrase was, as he admitted himself, - Labor unions are nothing but blood-sucking parasites living off the productive labor of people who work for a living.

According to an ABC News report, published in 2008, Clinton appears in videotapes of the stockholder meetings where she never appears to defend the role of labor unions. On the contrary, the tapes show Clinton in the role of a loyal company woman. - I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else, she said at a June 1990 stockholders meeting.

Clinton also worked at the Law Firm which represented Walmart. A 1994 New York Times story identified Clinton as the Rose Law firm’s lead lawyer for the company. [1]

A few years ago I returned to the USA after living abroad for nearly two decades. One of the first facts that I learned was medication which is over-the-counter and costs ten cents per tablet in Cambodia costs $14.00 per tablet in the USA and can only be prescribed by a dermatologist or doctor of environmental medicine and neither of these specialists would honor the diagnosis or prescribe the medication. The dermatologist did prescribe a 60 mg tube of cream which costs $300 and is not covered by my insurance.

As I look deeply into the research of vaccination, and have done so my whole life following a near death experience at age six following vaccinations DPT & MMR and another comatose experience following small pox vaccination in 1968. When people look at the first records of autism diagnosis and the description by Leo Kanner and relate this information to the changes taking place in our environment there is a clear correlation to vaccination. When people leave the USA and encounter large groups and communities of completely un-vaccinated people and find there is NO autism it is difficult to deny the FACT that autism creates a change in the body and the next generation receives the information from the vaccinated parent(s) or grandparent(s) who were vaccinated before that parent or individual was conceived. These genetic and immune system changes are associated to lutein and luciferase. The intestines of people with autism spectrum disorder have luteal phase nodes, cysts which contain lutein esters, cysts, lumps. The females are three to four times more likely to be spontaneously aborted than the males which is why there are three to four times more males diagnosed on the autism spectrum.

The females who are or are not diagnosed will have a high rate of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, fibromyalgia. Both male ans female are susceptible to gluten and casein intolerance, and food intolerances, food allergies and chemical sensitivities. Not everyone whose parents, grandparents and now great grand parents, great great grand parents going back to influenza vaccine 1917 in the USA and Europe will exhibit signs & symptoms of autism. Autism was most prevalent in meti aka mixed race peoples, in fact in many studies the rate of mixed genetics was identified in 70% of the study subjects (Shattock, Sunderland University). It should be of interest to note that WHO and other organizations are well aware that indigenous people when receiving vaccination for the first time such as the Aborigine infants and young children had a 50% death rate. One-half died. Genocide has been perpetrated on the global population in the twentieth century as bio-weapons, weapons technology were developed.

We have learned that as these weapons have been used against the people wealth has been accrued and tools have been created whereby the demon possessed El-ite can watch and even bet on outcomes. So, when I came back to the USA in 2015 and began to watch the constitutional generals youtube videos who were warning the people that Obama had removed the constitutional generals from their posts upon being elected and I watched the videos showing the manufacture of the Deep Underground Military Bases 'DUMBS' and I watched as The People were creating videos showing trucks entering tunnels where no cars could enter and these trucks were often decorated with Wal-mart logos; then I saw the videos of the tragedies which occur when there is a great storm and there is a need for Federal Emergency Management Services 'FEMA' and the private citizens reports asking where did the survivors go? I watched the videos of the private citizens showing the trucks on the road laden with coffin liners and the trucks which are mobile crematoriums. And, now I see the reports that FEMA has ordered guillotine blades and know that most people will look away, will not read the information, will dismiss the possibility that this information could be the truth.

Many wait, even hope and some cry out for the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity to get the death penalty and others wait to see if anyone will even go to prison for their crimes and still others demand forgiveness saying it is not our place to judge. I say unto you evidence that a fruit is a peach can be presented and that a peach is a peach is the truth. If the fruit is a peach then one may judge whether it is ripe or not yet ripe but the the truth remains that the fruit is a peach. The fruit of many of these individuals is crimes against humanity and the evidence is that We the People in America have a population which is riddled with pain and suffering from the hand of man. And, those men have names and they had a responsibility. If they now determine that the bio-weapons which they allowed to be unleashed from Plum Island, which they took from Soviet Russia and did not store safely and allowed for these to be unleashed and more weapons including transmitters, Lyme disease and chemtrails which create blisters and wounds which become infected and contagious and now , now they have ordered guillotines to take the people who are sick, old, disabled and contagious to be eliminated to what? Protect those whose disabilities are not contagious because what? These lives are more valuable, these people are able to work, these people are not suffering from the obvious effects of abuse and trauma which are used to define mental health conditions.

Who exactly are the Wal-mart, FEMA camps, FEMA boat prisons for? What happened to the survivors of the Texas disaster? There are no secrets?

We the People just want the people and technology which is being used to perpetrate crimes against humanity STOPPED and We the People will heal ourselves and our planet. If the guillotines are for the Military tribunal outcomes then I am a girl scout and the Army should be prepared.


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