The best aggregators in SpanishsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #information6 years ago

The best news aggregators and blogs in Spanish
Aggregators are one of the best examples of the practical utility and added value of the world 2.0 for combining a huge diversity of information sources with the possibility of user interaction in the form of comments and discussions.

In this sense they are very useful for both readers and authors and if you have a blog, you should definitely take a look at this list to get them out of date improving the dissemination of your content.


The best aggregators in Spanish

by Raquel Rubín

The best news aggregators and blogs in Spanish
Aggregators are one of the best examples of the practical utility and added value of the world 2.0 for combining a huge diversity of information sources with the possibility of user interaction in the form of comments and discussions.

In this sense they are very useful for both readers and authors and if you have a blog, you should definitely take a look at this list to get them out of date improving the dissemination of your content.

the best aggregators in Spanish

Here we leave you some of the most important aggregators in Spanish to date differentiated according to their thematic focus (generalist or specialized):

Horizontal aggregators
These aggregators have been called "horizontal" because they admit a priori any subject.

However, that does not mean that you can publish anything in them. For example, in the most important, Menéame, the community reacts extremely "toxic" to things such as self-publishing blog posts.

  1. Menéame, the largest
    Menéame is a Spanish news aggregator created by Ricardo Galli (@gallir) and his team of collaborators. Its essential differential factor is that it is the users themselves who propose and vote the news, thus deciding the ranking of the news on the cover.

At present, it is the Spanish-language news aggregator with the most traffic worldwide, occupying in December 2012 the 37th position in the Alexa ranking in Spain. Like every famous site, it also counts on its detractors, in particular those who accuse it of a mafioso operation in the voting of the news. More details about Menéame.

Finally, an important tip: do not think of the happy idea of ​​self-publishing the contents of your blog here, as I was saying, in this place it is not well seen and it will be totally, therefore, totally contraprudulent because the community will react in a Very hostile if they hunt you.

  1. Bitacoras. Much ado About Nothing
    Bitácoras is a very famous blog aggregator that has been operating for a long time.

It offers hosting of blogs in Spanish, as well as a social network for bloggers. Like Menéame, it is number 1 within its sector. It also offers initiatives such as its annual blog contest, initiatives that are very useful to discover new and interesting references in the blogosphere.

However, as a source of content dissemination our experience has been tremendously disappointing, even getting the news to the front page (which is quite difficult), just get no traffic. Lesser-known aggregators are much more effective and will be discussed below.

Therefore, as a source of traffic we do not recommend it, although as a source of readings and blog discovery.

  1. Karmacrazy. A mix of aggregator, social network and link shortener
    Karmacrazy is a relatively new site that is having a lot of success. Actually, it can not be classified as an aggregator although, as you will see, it also has aggregator characteristics.

In reality, it is essentially a tool for sharing content with several added values ​​for the user, such as the fact that he can see the impact of the content he has shared, can measure its influence and even has a facet of income because the users influential people may receive offers of sponsored links to be published through their social networks.

What makes Karmacrazy an aggregator is that in its web you can see all the content shared by the users, being able to filter it, in addition, by themes what adds that facet of content aggregator and is the reason for including this tool in this list .

Vertical aggregators

Vertical aggregators are specialized aggregators thematically. Especially keep it in mind when you want to use it for the dissemination of your content as these have to fit with the focus of the aggregator in question.

However, in general, there is some flexibility if you find the way to pose well, even an indirect relationship with the subject of the addressee may be acceptable.

In addition, the addressees of this list are much more "friendly" with the blogger who wants to spread its contents than sites like Menéame. So I recommend them especially for the dissemination of your content.

Now, not to say that this is an invitation to spam. Use them responsibly and publish only quality, it does not make any sense otherwise, believe me ...

  1. Divoblogger, a great site for bloggers, but you have to work a bit ...
    Divoblogger is a relatively young site that its founder, @goefry, describes as "a web of exclusive links for blogs in the style of Mené".

In a short time it has gained its place in the community, thanks in large part to its open content policy that allows blog authors to spread their own articles through them, something that in sites like Menéame would be considered directly spam, independent of the nature and quality of the article.

Recently, it has been opened to a wider range of content, although it is still a site with content that comes mainly from blogs.

Unfortunately, the site has become more restrictive because of the abuses it has suffered. But I think the approach to defend against user abuses is fair: the philosophy is that if you want to publish your content you have to participate in the community, that is, vote the posts of others, make comments, etc.

In addition, to receive traffic in practice, it is very important that you establish relationships. Keep in mind that this community is almost 100% bloggers. If you establish good relationships it will be easier for them to notice your content, read it and vote for it.

If you catch the trick, you will have a good source of traffic and dissemination as long as you publish good content that can easily provide several dozens of direct visits with each publication, not counting the indirect, the result of dissemination, which are worth their weight in gold, especially when you start a new blog.

  1. Mktfan, very effective and with little effort
    Mktfan is an addressee in which members upload and vote for content related to Social Media marketing, social networks and community managers that they consider may be of interest to all.

It has a community and frankly important dissemination potential and we like that the filtering is usually of good quality, the articles that reach the cover are worth it and if you post posts of yours there are usually no problems or mafias that prevent it from reaching the front page if the Content is good.

The most remarkable thing, however, is that it is very easy and quick to upload the contents and if you really hit the spot and get to the front page, it is not uncommon to achieve> 100 visits with a publication.

A very effective secret trick that we use in this blog:

Make a few tweets of the post in Mktfan (not your original one), it will help a lot to get to the cover

  1. Divulgame, an aggregator dedicated to scientific divulgation
    Divulgame is a good example of a highly specialized aggregator. It is a very interesting initiative that brings the idea of ​​Menéame to the field of scientific dissemination. Outside of a blog that focuses on science, it will be difficult for you to use it to spread your content.

Facing the dissemination of your content, unless your blog is focused on science will be difficult to be useful, however, has frankly interesting content if you like a little science that is the main reason to include it here.

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