How to get rid of any problem linked with the diktat of Windows
I use Kalilinux most of the time, but I kept the windows version I was given when I bought my PC because it's useful for using DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) and working with them. It's important to have everything as cleared up as possible on your PC in order to work with optimal efficiency. That's why I'm showing you this useful piece of tutorial to do so.
I use Linux for things related with data and calculation, networking tools and other useful Kalilinux penetration testing stuff. As a result, dual boot or Virtual Box for other OS is the best option for me. As I like to have control and ownership on any file on my PC, I'd rather redefine all the options. Windows always messes up with your control. It has been built like that. When you know a bit of informatics and programming basis and don't want to lose too much time, you got to do that kind of stuff. More precisely, in Windows10, there is something really pissing you off: trustedinstaller. This is something that you have to get rid of, especially if you want to be the "root" that controls everything like in Kalilinux.
This has been something useful for me, hope it's the same for you !
P.S.: To those of you who haven't yet migrated out of Windows in some way, there are 2 options:
-dual boot
-Virtualbox (which I recommend, it's safer as you can literally make any tests you want, make anything crash inside this virtual application without worrying cause and it won't have any unwanted repercussion on your computer's system)
Thank you for sharing this vital information
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Glad it was useful for you !