Pengajian Tastafi Online
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
My friends everywhere you are, may we all be in good health, easy to deal with, always given instructions from Allah to the right and successful way always wherever we are and achieved all our goals , amen ya Allah ya rabbal alamin.
As always on this happy occasion, I would like to
convey a study and advice from scholars ( ulama ) that I take references from the classic or yellow books, as well as from various other reference sources.
Pengajian Tastafi Online
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That was my post on this occasion. Hopefully what I have written and posted here can all be useful for all of us and we also ask Allah that we are able to practice it and protect it.
Thank you very much and thank you so much to all the friends who have visited, read, commented / criticized / suggested, and provided an assessment (Upvote) of my writing. and also thank you very much to all those who have helped me in any form and in any form. To all of you I give the highest appreciation.
Jazakallahu Khairan Katsiran Bi Ahsanil Jazak.😊🤲🏻🕌
شكرا جزيلا على مساعدة كم لعل الله أن يعطيكم فضل البركات في جميع أموركم الدين والدنيا وان يرزككم رزكا جديد وخيرا قريبا🤲🏻🤲🏻🕌
See you again on another occasion.
وَالسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
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🎋سبحان الله 🌻الحمد لله🌺لا اله إلا الله 🌼الله اكبر🎋
✍ Tgk @rijalaronaceh
& Dayah Babussalam
Blang Blahdeh Bireuen
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