Can you sell Salt to a Slug?

Persuasion. A topic that is very well worth it topic that I picked today.
Have you ever wanted to persuade someone really bad? Whether it's your dad to buy you Video Games or your Girlfriend to let you go out with your friends? It sounds like it's a hard thing to do, which is true, but it's not impossible.
Persuasion can be applied in pretty much everything. In fact, companies use it everyday to sell you their product. Have you ever bought something so useless but just had to buy it? I am pretty sure you have. Kudo's to the marketing team for that. One thing you can do is something called "Perception Molding."
Perception Molding
The process of perception molding is almost like having a superpower. Imagine, a Friday night you and your homboy's are planning to go out for a drink at the bar. However, before even asking your girlfriend if you can go, you already know the answer to that. It's a big fat NO!
So before you can even ask her, you have to plan. To be successful in persuading for this example, you have to use a term called "Priming." Priming is a term in psychology to set up your target for a specific mindset. You will then need to prime your target for open mindedness. Once you are here, your target has a better chance of saying yes.
A prime example would be this video below.
In this video, you see this man taking you on a journey to his "mansion" and is tapping into your perception that he is successful. You're probably thinking "Why am I not living in a place like that?" or "I wish I had a house that awesome." The product in this video is his fitness program. You see this man, ripped as hell. You again are probably thinking "I wish I had a body like that." etc.
Point is, once you are in that mindset, you are now in the Priming zone and are being setup with your emotion and gearing you towards buying that product. This is what Perception molding is. A reality warping power available to anyone to use!
Use this new found knowledge, to persuade your girlfriend to finally let you play your Video Games all night. Use this to finally get the job that you want! It's free for everyone!