Steamchools Preparation Report steemit indonesia live channels class

Steamchools Preparation Report steemit indonesia live channels class

Basic Steemschools Formation for steemit users in indonesia.

Viewing steamit development continues to grow throughout the world and become the most urgent need in preparing all Indonesia reliable steeminial with a container that can discuss what is most important in developing self, friends, family that can shore up the family economy later on, in case it is necessary unity and unity in developing it so with this we are from indonesia ready to join in steemschools live Channels Class

Preparations we've done right now

Here I would like to convey to dobartim as our Steemitschools international leader as a crew in this case we have gathered good friends from beginners in terms of steemit and Senior who are connected in Steemschools Currently Preparing in advance in Promoting Steemitschool is as follows:

The first discussion session held at Rajwa Caffee

March 3, 2018 at Tanjong Meunye Madat Sub-district, East Aceh District, Aceh Province, Indonesia

Group Discussion in Learning the Basics of Steemit

Together Senior @ Ifraim86 collecting 20 Discussion Participants being held on March 10, 2018 at Coffee OSAMA in Aceh Utara District Aceh Province, Indonesia

Promotion of Steemschool conducted at Bantayan

Beach Ulee Rubek Sub-district of Seunuddon Regency of North Aceh Province of Aceh Indonesia, and Participation in Coastal Cleaning to preserve Coastal Preservation on saturday on March 17, 2018, followed by 2000 participants from various element of society.

Steemschools Promotion To The Underprivileged Community.

to obtain a proper education and obtain a diploma in order to easily obtain employment through non-formal education in cooperation with the Center for Community Learning Activities (PKBM NANGGROE ACEH DARUSSALAM and PKBM LANGSANG NATION) in this case can provide guidance to 63 people who have not obtained diplomas. On March 27, 2018 Through Pendapingan from the Member of Steemschools Indonesia Student.

Youth Guidance in Preparation To master Computer.

conducted by Steemschols Indonesia on March 28th until April 1st 2018 A total of 20 Creative Youth People at Community Learning Center (PKBM LAMBANG BANGSA)

Household Visit of the Poor that Needs Assistance.

Against an uninhabitable House which was held on March 30, 2018 in the district of jambo Aye district of Aceh Utara district of Aceh Province

Preparation Place For Live Channels Class

Currently, We Want to Report To Steemschool @ daobartim We are in Indonesia with Mature Preparation by connecting as many as 40 Computers for the first stage of the Live Channel Class for the cooperation we are currently undertaking

The results you want to achieve

We are in Indonesia Recognizing the very little knowledge we have today but by connecting with steemschools live channel class through discord Steemschools we can participate in steemschools advancement along with 5000 participants who are connected and bring positive football for the progress and prosperity Together to achieve a victory at Steemschools with maximum achievement for all Steemschool participants in the future and can collect All Indonesian steemial participants and become part of steemschools in the future.


With the formation of Steemschools live Channel Class for participants in Indonesia So Preparation of future generations is getting stronger with global challenges that continue to occur around the world, thus we are increasingly forward in the future.

Team Forming Steemschools Participants class from Indonesia

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.12
TRX 0.22
JST 0.030
BTC 81960.88
ETH 1879.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.79