videos and galleries of spider the combat helmet (Bilingual)

in #indonesia7 years ago



sultan- video 1.png


sultan-video 2.png


hari ini saya akan menyajikan laba-laba yang hidupnya di atas pohon dan daun.

today I am going to present a spider whose life is over trees and leaves.

Dalam jenis laba-laba yang saya tunjukkan di sini, memiliki keunikan tersendiri pada jenis laba-laba ini, laba-laba ini seperti mengenakan topi tempur, dengan penampilannya yang kecil dan bersih, saya telah menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk menunggu pemotretan dan durasi singkat video.

in the type of spider I show here, has its own uniqueness in this type of spider, this spider is like wearing a combat cap, with its small and clean looks, I've spent a lot of time waiting for shooting and video short duration.

Anda juga bisa menikmati keindahan laba-laba ini seperti berada di atas daun, di atas cabang pohon dan bunga.

you can also enjoy the beauty of this spider like being on a leaf, above the branches of trees and flowers.

Jenis laba-laba ini, saya cari di media lain, tapi sampai sekarang saya belum menemukan nama yang sesuai dengan tipe ini.

this type of spider, I have been looking for in other media, but until now I have not found a name that suits this type.

Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di sini, semoga terhibur.

you can see it in the video that I show here, hopefully entertained.

Lihatlah galeri foto yang saya tunjukkan di bawah ini :

Take a look at the photo gallery I show below :

Galeri Photo  Photo Gallery 1.png


Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )


Gambar 2 ( Figure 2 )


Gambar3 ( Figure 3 )


Gambar 4 ( Figure 4 )


Gambar 5 ( Figure 5 )


Gambar 6 ( Figure 6 )


Gambar 7 ( Figure 7 )


Gambar 8 ( Figure 8 )


Gambar 9 ( Figure 9 )


Gambar 10 ( Figure 10 )


Gambar 11 ( Figure 11 )


Gambar 12 ( Figure 12 )


Gambar 13 ( Figure 13 )


Gambar 14 ( Figure 14 )


Gambar 15 ( Figure 15 )

semoga apa yang anda lihat di video ini, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua steemian, agar kita bersama-sama membangun tumbuh di komunitas Steemit.

hopefully what you see in this video, can be beneficial for all steemian, that we must together build a grow in a community Steemit.

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan melihat fotografi dan video di blog saya

Thank you for visiting and looking photography and video on my blog

salam @sultan-aceh

regards @sultan-aceh

• Camera Photo Handphone Samsung J3
• Camera Video Handphone Samsung J3
• Location Indonesia forest - aceh
• Videographer @sultan-aceh
• Photographer @sultan-aceh



@sultan-aceh laba laba siap tempur melawan mangsa

great post dear @sultan-aceh i like and support your post all time

Laba-labanya lucu, imut dan unik, didukung dengan fotonya yang bagus.. Good post @sultan-aceh

terima kasih @wardiah81

This is a type of Phidippus clarus spider, in general they have a very large brain that is more intelligent than other types of spiders. Phidippus clarus foraging on a leaf and each prey will be sucked to dry then eaten until it runs out. Phidippus clarus is a species of spider belonging to the Salticidae family. This species is also part of the genus Phidippus and the order Araneae. The scientific name of this species was first published in 1885 by Keyserling.
Phidippus be able to jump 50 times the length of his body and his eyes are sharper than the eagle's eye.In detecting opponents Phidippus clarus relies more on the auditory nerve and shakes.

Body structure, Phidippus spiders have a typical rectangular carapace, and the width of the Phidippus fem will average 4.0 mm, while the male carapace averages 3.20 millimeters.

The predator mode, the most common is seeing the prey, stalking, pasting the silk line to the surface, using two pairs of hind legs to jump to the victim, and finally bite the prey.

Phase of mating, Phidippus spiders have to do great competition to get females, with a unique fight to death, In their initial bout using vibration and visual appearance, and the amount of vibration signals often determine male victory, if not enough in this way they begin by intimidating the opponent to the struggle that ends in death. And the prize is the right to live in a nest of women.

Reproduction Phase, Usually before looking for a partner, a male spider rotates a small, flat net on the surface and ejaculates into it, then inserts sperm into a syringe container on both palp, then searches for the female. All the females become sexually mature at the same time, their nests located in rolled-up leaves and made of thick silk. Phidippus spider mating only one night in a female's nest, then the male spider dies. The female spider continues its task toward the time of laying, each female that will lay eggs can weigh 400 milligrams.

Support @ sultan-aceh and @xpilar for the progress of this blog.
UpVote and Resteem.

terima kasih

Emang hana diragukan le menye bg @sultan-aceh mantap that, salam hangat dari long untuk bg @sultan-aceh

terima kasih

So cute spider small eyes and helmet .nice effort @sultan-aceh.
Stay blessed!

laba-laba yang sangat lincah dalam hal meloncat

terima kasih

Saya suka di gambar 13. Cute

terima kasih

Good post syahra

terima kasih

Outstanding photography dear i love photography also very nice pic @sultan-aceh

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