Traditional clothes aceh
Hey steemian friend!
At times I will share my photos while wearing customs of Aceh!
For those of you who do not know about the customs of Aceh, please read this through to completion!
Nagroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) or what we often know as the province of Aceh, is a province that has a variety of customs nuanced Islamic. So it is not wrong if this province is also called Serambi Mecca, that is as the first province of entry of Islam in Indonesia. Similarly, custom clothing or custom clothing. Aceh province also has traditional clothing or traditional customs clothing that is Islamic nuances.
For buddy who is looking for artike or explanation about traditional clothing / traditional clothes of Aceh. Check out the explanation of the Aceh custom clothing below:
BAJU ADAT ACEH / Custom Clothes Aceh
Aceh traditional dress is called Ulee Balang. The clothes are usually used by kings and their families. Ulèëbalang itself is Malay: hulubalang is a noble class in the Acehnese society that leads a kenegerian or nanggroë, which is a district-level region within the current Indonesian government structure. Ulee Balang is titled with a Teuku title for men or Cut for women.
Traditional Aceh Besar style ceremonial clothes with distinctive color thread and gold embroidery designs. Special embroidery on black background for baje meukasah (coat), songket sarong male waist (ija lamgugap) and women (waist waist).
Detail kkiah mukeutop Aceh Besar and side krah boy meukasah decorated with gold embroidery style. Detailed chest, waist and hand decoration on women's clothing, Aceh Besar custom ceremony consisting of kaluny bahru (neck). taloesusun Ihee (chest) and taloe keuing (waist). Wrists decorated by yleung pucok reubany (shoot bamboo shoots).
At the time of larnpau coating social status in the community causing customary clothing Aceh Barat appear in several variations of clothing:
- Ulee Balang for the king and his family
- Ulee Balang Cut and Ulama
- Worthy (state officials), community leaders clever clever
- The commoners

Clothing worn by the bridegroom consists of: head cover / cap (kuru meukeutob), clothes (bajee), trousers (siluweue), sarong / songket (krong), weapons, shoes and other accessories . In other words, the groom's dress consists of 3 parts, namely: top, middle, and bottom. Meanwhile, the jewelry worn consists of: taloe jeuem (a string of watches made of silver plated gold plated); boh ru bungkoih (a kind of ornament consisting of fruits / spruce and young betel nut); and rencong (traditional Acehnese weapons). For more details here is a description of the parts and completeness.
a. Top Fashion
As mentioned above, the dress worn by the bridegroom at the top is skullcap (kuru meukeutob). This cap is shaped like a Turkish hat that is wrapped with a tengkuluk cloth, a cloth that measures 95 x 95 cm, made of red silk heart, yellow, green or black. This fabric is full of ornaments of shoots of bamboo shoots (buds of reubong), cape flowers (bungong kupula), flower of chili (bungong campli), bungong meulu (flower), bungong geuti, bungong tron, bungong puteng, water strap (taloe ie ) and sliced diamonds. This fabric of the top is folded in such a way that the shape of the ban.Sedangkan, the rear form a triangle that both ends sticking upwards so that the shape of a pyramid or tumpak. The hats are also decorated with the tops of eighth-tiered superstars, consisting of three levels. It is made of gold and each pipe is cylindrical pinned white ceylon gems. Meanwhile, at the top pinned red ceylon gems and the shape is rather large. Other decorations on the hat are tassels made of gold and gems consisting of four parts (one level with each other connected to a gold chain so as to form as a whole as a breadfruit leaf).
b. Middle Clothing
The middle fashion is a long-sleeved, Chinese-rimmed suit and two buttons (baje kot). At the front of the neck, pockets and the ends of the hand decorated with gold thread embroidered with a bamboo shoot motif. The buttonhole is embroidered with gold threads with three-leaf motifs, each spreading to the left and right. Buttons are made of gold in the form of eru fruit (boh ru), or pyramid with a form of piligram. In one of the buttonhole pinned jewelry strap a chain-shaped and have a toy that is fish-patterned. Then, at the waist inserted a puncture weapon, namely "siwaih" or "reuncong merupeucok" which is usually studded with gold and gems. The use of hats and weapons in the bridegroom has the same symbolic meaning, that is, showing the attitude of courage.
Very beautiful and trendy
Thank you somuch @mojorisin
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