in #indonesia7 years ago

(diangkat dari kisah nyata)

Kisah mengharukan ini adalah sepenggal pengalaman nyata di balik musibah runtuhnya kejayaan Islam di negeri Andalusia.

Suatu sore pada tahun 1525, penjara tempat orang tahanan terasa hening mencengkam. Jenderal Adolf Roberto, pemimpin penjara yg terkenal bengis, tengah memeriksa setiap kamar tahanan

Setiap sipir penjara membungkukkan badannya rendah² ketika 'algojo penjara' itu berlalu di hadapan mereka. Karena kalau tidak, sepatu 'jenggel' milik tuan Roberto yg fanatik ... itu akan mendarat di wajah mereka

Roberto marah besar ketika dari sebuah kamar tahanan terdengar seseorang mengumandangkan suara² Ayat Suci yang amat ia benci
" Hai ... hentikan suara jelekmu! Hentikan!!!" teriak Roberto sekeras-kerasnya sembari membelalakkan mata

Namun apa yang terjadi? Laki² di kamar tahanan tadi tetap saja bersenandung dg khusyu'nya. Roberto bertambah berang. Algojo penjara itu menghampiri kamar tahanan yg luasnya tak lebih sekadar cukup untuk 1 orang

Dengan congkak ia menyemburkan ludahnya ke wajah renta sang tahanan yg keriput hanya tinggal tulang. Tak puas sampai di situ, ia lalu menyulut wajah dan seluruh badan orang tua renta itu dg rokoknya yg menyala

Sungguh ajaib ... tak terdengar secuil pun keluh kesakitan. Bibir yg pucat kering milik sang tahanan amat gengsi untuk meneriakkan kata kepatuhan pada sang algojo, bibir keringnya hanya berkata lirih, "Rabbi, wa-ana 'abduka "

Tahanan lain yg menyaksikan kebiadaban itu serentak bertakbir sambil berkata, "Bersabarlah wahai ustadz ... Insyaa Allah tempatmu di Syurga ."
Melihat kegigihan orang tua yg dipanggil ustadz oleh sesama tahanan, 'algojo penjara' itu bertambah memuncak amarahnya

Ia perintahkan pegawai penjara untuk membuka sel, dan ditariknya tubuh orang tua itu keras² hingga terjerembab di lantai.
"Hai orang tua busuk!! Bukankah engkau tahu, aku tidak suka bahasa jelekmu itu?! Aku tidak suka apa-apa yg berhubung dg agamamu !!"

Sang Ustadz lalu berucap, "Sungguh ... aku sangat merindukan kematian, agar aku segera dapat menjumpai kekasihku yg amat kucintai, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala ... Karena kini aku berada di puncak kebahagiaan karena akan segera menemuiNya, patutkah aku berlutut kepadamu, hai manusia busuk? Jika aku turuti kemauanmu, tentu aku termasuk manusia yg amat bodoh ."

Baru saja kata² itu terhenti, sepatu laras Roberto sudah mendarat di wajahnya. Laki² itu terhuyung. Kemudian jatuh terkapar di lantai penjara dg wajah bersimbah darah.

Ketika itulah dari saku baju penjaranya yg telah lusuh, meluncur sebuah 'buku kecil'. Adolf Roberto bermaksud memungutnya. Namun tangan sang Ustadz telah terlebih dahulu mengambil dan menggenggamnya erat²

" Berikan buku itu, hai laki² dungu!" bentak Roberto
" Haram bagi tanganmu yg kafir dan berlumuran dosa untuk menyentuh barang suci ini!" ucap sang ustadz dg tatapan menghina pada Roberto

Tak ada jalan lain, akhirnya Roberto mengambil jalan paksa untuk mendapatkan buku itu. Sepatu laras berbobot dua kilogram itu ia gunakan untuk menginjak jari² tangan sang ustadz yg telah lemah. Suara gemeretak tulang yg patah terdengar menggetarkan hati. Namun tidak demikian bagi Roberto

Laki² bengis itu malah merasa bangga mendengar gemeretak tulang yg terputus. Bahkan 'algojo penjara' itu merasa lebih puas lagi ketika melihat tetesan darah mengalir dari jari-jari musuhnya yg telah hancur

Setelah tangan renta itu tak berdaya, Roberto memungut buku kecil yg membuatnya penasaran. Perlahan Roberto membuka sampul buku yg telah lusuh. Mendadak algojo itu termenung

" Ah ... sepertinya aku pernah mengenal buku ini. Tapi kapan? Ya, aku pernah mengenal buku ini," suara hati Roberto bertanya-tanya.
Perlahan Roberto membuka lembaran pertama buku itu

Pemuda berumur tiga puluh tahunan itu bertambah terkejut tatkala melihat tulisan² "aneh" dalam buku itu. Rasanya ia pernah mengenal tulisan seperti itu dahulu. Namun, sekarang tak pernah dilihatnya di bumi Spanyol. Akhirnya Roberto duduk di samping sang ustadz yg telah melepas nafas-nafas terakhirnya. Wajah bengis sang algojo kini diliputi tanda tanya yg dalam

Mata Roberto rapat terpejam. Ia berusaha keras mengingat peristiwa yg dialaminya sewaktu masih kanak². Perlahan, sketsa masa lalu itu tergambar kembali dalam ingatan Roberto^

Pemuda itu teringat ketika suatu sore di masa kanak²nya terjadi kericuhan besar di negeri tempat kelahirannya ini
Sore itu ia melihat peristiwa yg mengerikan di lapangan Inkuisisi (lapangan tempat pembantaian kaum muslimin di Andalusia). *
*Di tempat itu tengah berlangsung pesta darah dan nyawa.
Beribu-ribu jiwa tak berdosa berjatuhan di bumi Andalusia
Di ujung kiri lapangan, beberapa puluh wanita berhijab (jilbab) digantung pada tiang² besi yg terpancang tinggi
Tubuh mereka bergelantungan tertiup angin sore yg kencang, membuat pakaian muslimah yg dikenakan berkibar-kibar di udara

Sementara, di tengah lapangan ratusan pemuda Islam dibakar hidup² pada tiang² salib, hanya karena tidak mau memasuki agama yang dibawa oleh para rahib

Seorang bocah laki² mungil tampan, berumur tujuh tahunan, malam itu masih berdiri tegak di lapangan Inkuisisi yg telah senyap. Korban² kebiadaban itu telah syahid semua .

Bocah mungil itu mencucurkan airmatanya menatap sang ibu yg terkulai lemah di tiang gantungan. Perlahan-lahan bocah itu mendekati tubuh sang ummi (ibu) yg sudah tak bernyawa, sembari menggayuti abayanya

Sang bocah berkata dg suara parau, "Ummi ... ummi ... mari kita pulang. Hari telah malam. Bukankah ummi telah berjanji malam ini akan mengajariku lagi tentang alif, ba, ta, tsa ....? Ummi, cepat pulang ke rumah ummi ..."

Bocah kecil itu akhirnya menangis keras, ketika sang ummi tak jua menjawab ucapannya. Ia semakin bingung dan takut, tak tahu harus berbuat apa. Untuk pulang ke rumah pun ia tak tahu arah

Akhirnya bocah itu berteriak memanggil bapaknya, "Abi ... Abi ... Abi ..."
Namun ia segera terhenti berteriak memanggil sang bapak ketika teringat kemarin sore bapaknya diseret dari rumah oleh beberapa orang berseragam

" Hai ... siapa kamu?!" teriak segerombolan orang yang tiba-tiba mendekati sang bocah
Saya Ahmad Izzah, sedang menunggu Ummi," jawab sang bocah memohon belas kasih
" Hah ... siapa namamu bocah, coba ulangi!" bentak salah seorang dari mereka
" Saya Ahmad Izzah ..." sang bocah kembali menjawab dg agak grogi
Tiba² "plak! sebuah tamparan mendarat di pipi sang bocah

" Hai bocah ...! Wajahmu bagus tapi namamu jelek. Aku benci namamu. Sekarang kuganti namamu dengan nama yg bagus. Namamu sekarang 'Adolf Roberto' ... Awas! Jangan kau sebut lagi namamu yg jelek itu Kalau kau sebut lagi nama lamamu itu, nanti akan kubunuh!" ancam laki² itu

Sang bocah meringis ketakutan, sembari tetap meneteskan air mata. Anak laki-laki mungil itu hanya menurut ketika gerombolan itu membawanya keluar lapangan Inkuisisi. Akhirnya bocah tampan itu hidup bersama mereka

Roberto sadar dari renungannya yg panjang. Pemuda itu melompat ke arah sang tahanan. Secepat kilat dirobeknya baju penjara yg melekat pada tubuh sang ustadz. Ia mencari-cari sesuatu di pusar laki-laki itu. Ketika ia menemukan sebuah 'tanda hitam' ia berteriak histeris, "Abi ... Abi ... Abi ..."

Ia pun menangis keras, tak ubahnya seperti Ahmad Izzah dulu

Pikirannya terus bergelut dg masa lalunya. Ia masih ingat betul, bahwa buku kecil yg ada di dalam genggamannya adalah Kitab Suci milik bapaknya, yg dulu sering dibawa dan dibaca ayahnya ketika hendak menidurkannya. *
*Ia juga ingat betul ayahnya mempunyai 'tanda hitam' pada bagian pusar

Pemuda beringas itu terus meraung dan memeluk erat tubuh renta nan lemah. Tampak sekali ada penyesalan yg amat dalam atas ulahnya selama ini. Lidahnya yg sudah berpuluh-puluh tahun alpa akan Islam, saat itu dengan spontan menyebut, "Abi ... aku masih ingat alif, ba, ta, tsa ..."
Hanya sebatas kata itu yg masih terekam dalam benaknya

Sang ustadz segera membuka mata ketika merasakan ada tetesan hangat yg membasahi wajahnya
Dengan tatapan samar dia masih dapat melihat seseorang yg tadi menyiksanya habis²an kini tengah memeluknya. "Tunjuki aku pada jalan yg telah engkau tempuh Abi, tunjukkan aku pada jalan itu ..." terdengar suara Roberto memelas

Sang ustadz tengah mengatur nafas untuk berkata-kata, ia lalu memejamkan matanya. Air matanya pun turut berlinang. Betapa tidak, jika sekian puluh tahun kemudian, ternyata ia masih sempat berjumpa dg buah hatinya, di tempat ini. Sungguh tak masuk akal. Ini semata-mata bukti kebesaran Allah

Sang Abi dg susah payah masih bisa berucap, "Anakku, pergilah engkau ke Mesir. Di sana banyak saudaramu. Katakan saja bahwa engkau kenal dg Syaikh Abdullah Fattah Ismail Al-Andalusy. Belajarlah engkau di negeri itu."

Setelah selesai berpesan sang ustadz menghembuskan nafas terakhir dg berbekal kalimah indah, "Asyhadu an-laa Ilaaha illallah, wa asyhadu anna Muhammadan Rasullullah ...'. Beliau pergi menemui Rabbnya dg tersenyum, setelah sekian lama berjuang di bumi yg fana ini

Ahmad Izzah mendalami Islam dg sungguh² hingga akhirnya ia menjadi seorang alim di Mesir. Seluruh hidupnya dibaktikan untuk Islam, sebagai ganti kekafiran yg di masa muda sempat disandangnya. Banyak pemuda Islam dari berbagai penjuru dunia berguru dengannya. Dialah ... "Al-Ustadz Ahmad Izzah Al-Andalusy "

Benarlah firman Allah ...

" Maka hadapkanlah wajahmu dengan lurus kepada agama Allah, tetaplah atas fitrah Allah yang telah menciptakan manusia menurut fitrahnya itu. Tidak ada perubahan atas fitrah Allah. Itulah agama yang lurus, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui "

Masya Allah...
Semoga kisah ini dapat membuat hati kita luluh dengan hidayah Allah yang mudah-mudahan dapat masuk mengenai qolbu kita untuk tetap taat kepadaNya...

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Sumber: Inspirasi Santri



(lifted from true story)

This moving story is a piece of real experience behind the catastrophic collapse of the triumph of Islam in the land of Andalusia.

One afternoon in 1525, the prison where the prisoner was silent was clutching. General Adolf Roberto, the infamous prison leader, was examining disposable prisoners

Every prison warden bent low when the 'prison executioner' passed before them. Because otherwise the Roupto's fanatical 'sneakers' shoes ... will land on their faces

Roberto was furious when in a way to hold someone who uttered the voices of Holy Scripture he hated so much
"Hi ... stop your ugly voice! Stop it!" Roberto shouted as loudly as he opened his eyes

But what happened? The prisoners still hummed with their khusyu'nya. Roberto grew furious. The jail's executioner approached the apparatus whose area was no more than enough for one person

Arrogantly, he spits out his saliva into the face of the prisoner who wrinkles just bone. Not satisfied until there, he then ignited the face and all the old man's body with his cigarette burning

What a miracle ... not sounding a bit sick in pain. The pale lips of the prisoner are so prestigious to shout the congenital word to the executioner, his dry lips are only a soft word, "rabi, wa-ana 'abduka"

Another prisoner who witnessed the barbarity simultaneously bertakbir saying, "Be patient o ustadz ... God willing your place in heaven."
Seeing the persistence of parents who were called ustadz by fellow prisoners, the 'jail executioner' grew to heighten his temper

He per the prison officer's permission to open the cell, and pulled the old man's body hard until it fell on the floor.
"Hi rotten old man !! bear to know, I do not like your bad language? I do not like anything relative to your religion !!"

The Ustadz then said, "Really ... I really miss death, so I can immediately meet my beloved lover, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala ... Because now I'm at the peak of happiness because it will soon spoil him, should I kneel, rotten human beings? If I obey your will, I am of course a very stupid human being. "

Just as the words stopped, Roberto's shoe had landed on the face. They staggered. Then fell lying on the prison floor with a face covered in blood.

If from his shirt pocket was worn, slid a 'little book'. Adolf Roberto picked it up. But Ustadz's singing hand had taken it first and held it tightly

"Give me the book, you idiots!" Roberto snapped
"Unlawful for your hand infidel and covered in sin for this holy item!" the ustadz said with a contemptuous look at Roberto

There was no way, finally Roberto took the hard way to get the book. Two-kilogram barrel shoe was used to step on the fingers of ustadz's already weak hand. The sound of rattling bones sounded thrilling. But not so for Roberto

The cruel men even felt the collapse of the spinal cord. Even the 'prison executioner' felt even more satisfied when he saw the droplets of blood flowing from his broken foe's fingers

After the old hand was helpless, Roberto picked up a small book that could be curious. Slowly Roberto opened the wrinkled book cover. Suddenly the executioner was pensive

"Ah ... I've known this book before, but when did I know this book," Roberto's conscience wondered.
Slowly Roberto opened the first sheet of the book

The thirty-year-old was even more surprised when he saw the "weird" writings in the book. He seemed to know that writing once. However, he has never seen it on Spanish soil. Finally Roberto sat beside the ustadz singing who had let go of his last breaths. The cruel face of singing executioners is now covered with deep question marks

Roberto's eyes closed shut. He tried hard to remember the incident he experienced as a child. Slowly, the sketch of the past was reflected back in Roberto's memory

The young man remembered the pain in his childhood there was a big riot in this country of birth
That afternoon he saw a terrible event in the field of the Inquisition (where the massacre of Muslims in Andalusia). *

  • In that place was a blood and soul party.
    Thousands of innocent lives fall on the earth of Andalusia
    At the left end, several dozen veiled women (hijab) are hung on high-stitched iron posts
    Their bodies hung in a gust of wind, the Muslim clothes worn by the air

Meanwhile, in the middle of the yard hundreds of young Muslims were burned alive on the cross pillars, simply because they did not want to convert to religion brought by the monks

A handsome little boy, seven years old, the night still stood on the silent field of the Inquisition. The barbarians had all been martyred.

The little boy burst into tears staring at the weak mother on the gallows. Slowly the boy approached the body of the ummi (mother) who was lifeless, while menggayuti abayanya

The boy said in a husky voice, "Ummi ... ummi ... let's go home, it's night, is not ummi been promised tonight will teach me again about alif, ba, ta, tsa ....? Ummi, to home ummi ... "

The little boy finally cried loudly, when the ummi did not answer his words. He was more confused and afraid, not knowing what to do. To go home he did not know the direction

Finally the boy called out to his father, "Abi ... Abi ... Abi ..."
But he immediately stopped calling out to the father when remembered yesterday afternoon his father dragged from the house by some uniformed people

"Hi ... who are you ?!" shouted a bunch of people who suddenly approached the boy
I'm Ahmad Izzah, waiting for Ummi, "replied the boy begging compassion
"Huh ... what's your name kid, try repeating!" snapped one of them
"I'm Ahmad Izzah ..." the boy again answered dg somewhat nervous
Suddenly "a plaque! A slap landed on the boy's cheek

"Hi boy ... Your face is good but your name is ugly I hate your name Now I change your name with a good name Your name is now 'Adolf Roberto' ... Caution Do not you call it your bad name If you call your old name again I'll kill you later! " threatened the men

The boy grimaced with fear, while still shedding tears. The little boy just obeyed when the gang took him out of the Inquisition field. Finally the handsome boy lived with them

Roberto was aware of his long musings. The young man jumped in the direction of the prisoner. Quickly lightning torn clothes that clung to the body of the ustadz. He searched for something in his navel. When he found a 'black mark' he shouted hysterically, "Abi ... Abi ... Abi ..."

He also cried loudly, just like Ahmad Izzah first

Her mind was constantly wrestling with her past. He remembered well, that the little book in his hand was his father's Holy Book, which his father had often taken and read when he was going to put him to sleep. *

  • He also remembered his father had a 'black mark' on the navel

The violent youth continued to roar and hugged the weak weak body. It seems that there is a lot of regret over his actions. His tongue, which has been decades-old for Islam, spontaneously called, "Abi ... I still remember alif, ba, ta, tsa ..."
Only limited to that word still recorded in his mind

The ustadz immediately opened his eyes when he felt a droplet warming his face
With a faint glance he could still see the person who had tortured him out now embracing him. "Show me the path you have taken Abi, show me on that path ..." Roberto's voice pitched

The ustadz was setting his breath to speak, he then closed his eyes. The tears also tears. Imagine, if a few years later, it turns out he still had time to meet with his baby, in this place. It makes no sense. This is merely the proof of God's greatness

The Abi with great difficulty can still say, "My son, go to Egypt, where many of your brothers say you know Shaykh Abdullah Fattah Ismail Al-Andalusy.

After finished the message the ustadz breathed his last with a beautiful sentence, "Asyhadu an-laa Ilaaha illallah, wa asyhadu anna Muhammadan Rasullullah ..." He went to meet his Rabb with a smile, after a long struggle on this earthly earth

Ahmad Izzah deepened Islam with great sincerity until finally he became a pious in Egypt. His whole life was dedicated to Islam, in exchange for the disbelief he had in his youth. Many young Muslims from all over the world studied with him. He is ... "Al-Ustadz Ahmad Izzah Al-Andalusy"

True the word of God ...

"Then face your face with the righteousness of Allah's religion, it remains on the nature of Allah who has created man according to his nature.There is no change in the nature of God.That is a straight religion, but most people do not know"
(QS: 30: 30)

Masha Allah...
Hopefully this story can make our heart melt with the guidance of God who hopefully can enter about our qolbu to remain obedient to Him ...

Literature Sources: Inspirasi Santri

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