Salam kenal dari Ririe Khayan di Yogyakarta

in #indonesia6 years ago

Assalamu’alaikum , salam kenal untuk semua sahabat steemian dimanapun berada yaa.
Alhamdulillah, rasanya plong, lega, bahagia sekali setelah menunggu approval dengan penuh H2C (harap-harap cemas), akhirnya registrasi untuk menjadi steemian di setujui dengan datangnya email tanggal 8 Juni lalu. Saya tergoda untuk gabung ke steemit setelah ikutan class online secara intens via grup WA yang digagas oleh mbak dan mbak Mariska yang memberikan pencerahan apa, siapa dan bagaimana nulis di steemit. Terima kasih ya Mbak Al dan Mbak Mariska, sudah memperkenalkanku dengan steemit ini.

Sebenarnya beberapa waktu sebelumnya sudah penasaran oleh cerita Mbak AL tentang Steemit yang konon lebih oke karena menggunakan teknologi blockchain. Penjelasan panjang-lebar disampaikan oleh Mbak Al tentang blockchain dan rasanya saya masih harus banyak belajar lagi untuk terjun di steemit ini.

Dan Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim semoga dengan gabung di steemit ini saya bisa lebih bersemangat dalam menikmati hobi menulis, semoga menambah banyak saudara, tambah ilmu dan hal-hal baik lainnya.

Postingan perdana di #steemit ini saya mulai dengan perkenalan diri. Saya akrab dengan nama panggilan Ririe Khayan atau Ririe, lahir dan besar dari sebuah desa di Lamongan, pernah tinggal di Surabaya saat kuliah, kemudian ketika memasuki dunia kerja mendapatkan sesi untuk menikmati beberapa tahun tinggal di Banyuwangi. Hingga kemudian di tahun 2013, saya pindah ke Yogyakarta untuk mengikuti domisili Kang Hubby. Sebagian orang bilang life begin at fourty, but I prefer ta say my life begin after married. Cerita agak lengkap bisa diintip di postingan saya

Oh iya, aktifitas sehari-hari saya selain sebagai IRT adalah ASN di bidang Metrologi. Wait, please jangan disamakan dengan Meteorologi ya? Karena pada kenyataan dan aplikasi pekerjaannya sangat amat jauh berbeda. Meteorologi dan Metrologi adalah dua jenis bidang pekerjaan dengan latar ilmu yang berbeda. Jika Meteorologi berhubungan dengan atmosfer dan iklim (udara cuaca, angin, suhu dan sifat fisika-kimia yang relevan dengan hal tersebut). Sedangkan kalau Metrologi lebih spesisik pada hal-hal ukur-mengukur, contoh yang terdekat saja: timbangan badan, timbangan bayi, thermometer, neraca, aneka ukuran panjang, dan beragam jenis ukuran lainnya.

Hobi menulis paling sering saya tuangkan di blog pribadi yang temanya lebih ke personal blog. Harap maklum jika isi blog saya cenderung random, mulai tarveling, makanan, curhat, kesehatan dan macam-macam lainnya. Kesukaan saya lainnya adalah fotografi walaupun masih asal jepret-jepret, bisa dilihat pada akun IG saya di Monggo yang mau berkunjung di blog saya dan atau memfollow IG saya, dengan senang hati akan segera saya follow balik.

At least but not the last, sekian dulu sekilas salam perkenalan dari saya. Semoga di Steemit ini saya bisa menulis dengan lebih baik dan aktif. Salam sukses dan bahagia selalu untuk sahabat steemian semuanya.

Alhamdulillah, it feels so happy after waiting for approval from steemit. Finally registration to be steemian approved by email on June 8. Yup, I am tempted to ventured to join steemit after join intense class online via WA group initiated by mbak Alaika and mbak Mariska who gave what enlightenment and how to write in steemit well. Very thank you Mbak Al and Mbak Mariska, have introduced with this steemit. Long explanation by Mbak Al about blockchain and it seems I still need to learn more and doing it by learning in this steemit.

And Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim hopefully by joining in this steemit I can be more excited in enjoying the hobby of writing, hopefully bring many friendship, will achieve my knowledge, enrich experience and other good things.

With this first post in steemit, allow me to make self-introduction. I am familiar with the nicknames Ririe Khayan or Ririe, from a village in Lamongan, once upon the time lived in Surabaya during college, then enjoy several years by living in Banyuwangi. Until then in 2013, I moved to Yogyakarta to follow my husband. Some people say life begin at fourty, but I prefer ta say my life begin after married. A complete story can be found at my post Pilih-bermetamorfosa.html

Any way, I’m a working mom with three kids ( daughters and a son). I work in Metrology field. Wait, please do not equate with Meteorology. In the fact and application, meteorology and Metrology are two types of occupations totally different. If Meteorology is related to atmosphere and climate (weather, wind, temperature and physic-chemical properties relevant to that matter). At meanwhile, Metrology is more specific on measuring things, the nearest examples are: body scales, baby scales, thermometers, balance sheets, various lengths, and various other sizes.

Through my blog, I do express my passion in writting which is the theme definetely as personal blog. The contents of my blog tend to be random: traveling, food, diary, review, health and other things. Beside blogging, I like photography, although still amateur but I love to share my pictures on my IG account: Instagram

At least but not the last, I’m happy to be here as steemian and hopefully I’ll enjoy more and more to write better and active. May we are happy and success everlasting.

Warms regards,

Ririe Khayan


Hello ririekhayan! Welcome to Steemit! Hope you'll like the community here. As a start, here are 5 tips that we believe will be helpful to you:

  1. Keep your passwords safe: Unlike conventional sites, Steemit has 4 types of passwords. Each offers varying degrees of access to your account, so know where and when to use each of them. Also, make sure to keep them all safe and secure.
  2. Get Steem rewards: When writing a post, you'll have the option to choose how to receive your reward: "Default 50%/50%" or "Power Up 100%". As of this moment, choosing Default 50%/50% is the better option. But this can change over time. Check our post to know more.
  3. Upvote wisely: When upvoting, wait at least 30 minutes after the post is published to maximize your curation reward. Also, make sure not to upvote too much too fast so as not to drain your voting power.
  4. Know your Steem, Steem Dollars and Steem Power: Steem and Steem Dollars are the 2 main currencies here. Convert and power up more Steem into Steem Power so you can have higher values on your upvotes.
  5. Have Fun and Enjoy!

For a detailed writeup, check our post Getting Started: 5 Essential Tips for New Users.

Good luck on your Steem journey! Follow us if you like to receive more helpful tips and maximize your Steemit experience.

Hi @steemsociety, thank you for the tips.

Welcome to steemit family! Good luck! I am sure that you will fully enjoy your journey here:)

Hello @ririekhayan! You are welcome to steemit family!!!

Selamat datang ya mba 👍

Hi Mbak @vivianwahab, senangnya bisa jumpa dan berteman juga di steemit ini ya

Very beautiful photos I really love to take pictures of nature let's be friends. Welcome to Steemit.

Hello @tatyanablog nice to meet here, hope we can make good friendship

Welcome to steemit @ririekhayan. Join @minnowsupport project for more help. Checkout @helpie and @qurator projects.
Send SBD/STEEM to @treeplanter to plant trees and get an get an upvote in exchange of your donation (Min 0.01 SDB)
Upvote this comment to keep helping more new steemians
Send SBD/STEEM to @tuanis in exchange of an upvote and support this project, follow for random votes.

Hi @tuanis Thx for your support :)

Welcome to Steem @ririekhayan.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

It's glad to meet you here @steemladder

Glad to see you here Ririe.. successs

Hei mbak @tantiamelia, so seruuuu ya kita bertemu di steemit juga. Semoga passion menulis kita lebih baik, khususnya saya. Hehehe

Welcome to steemit

Join us on our Steemschool discord
using this link

And get to learn about various niches...
Photography, arts, poetry, business amongst others...


The interesting part is we have people all over the world and we help each other grow...

There are over 6k steemian ready to support your growth on steemit

Best wishes 👏👍

welcome to steemit @ririekhayan, hope you can give information and good work and steemit users to support all activities in this steemit.
you can also visit my account, to know me and become a good friend

Thank ya @francoojy , I'll visit your account and hope we can good friendship

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