Bunga lili Peru bermekaran di tengah musim panas di tepi selokan, warna cerahnya pemandangan nan indah di dedaunan hijau
Nama | Bunga lili Peru, kembang beo, lili beo, lili suku Inca, lili putri, atau lonceng Natal Selandia Baru (Peruvian lily, parrot flower, parrot lily, lily of the Incas, princess lily, or New Zealand Christmas bell) |
Nama ilmiah | Alstroemeria psittacina (syn.: alstroemeria pulchella, lilavia psittacina, alstroemeria banksiana, alstroemeria psittacina, alstroemeria hassleriana, alstroemeria atrorubra) |
Asal | Brasil, Argentina, dan Paraguay |
Keluarga | Lili peru-lili peruan (alstroemeriaceae) |
Habitat | Tepian selokan yang lembab, di hutan yang terganggu, di sepanjang parit, lahan kosong, padang rumput, pampas, daerah teduh, habitat lembab, kebun budidaya |
Musim | Pertengahan musim panas hingga awal musim gugur |
Smartphone | Samsung Galaxy A20 |
HDR Rich Tone | Auto |
Model | SCV46-u |
ExposureTime | 1/104 |
FNumber | 1.9 |
ISO | 40 |
ShutterSpeedValue | 1/103 |
ApertureValue | 1.9 |
BrightnessValue | 4.54 |
ExposureCompensation | 0 |
MaxApertureValue | 1.9 |
Flash | No Flash |
FocalLength | 2.9 mm |
CustomRendered | Normal |
ExposureMode | Auto |
WhiteBalance | Auto |
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat | 27 mm |
SceneCaptureType | Standard |
Contrast | Normal |
Saturation | Normal |
Sharpness | Normal |
ScaleFactor35efl | 9.3 |
CircleOfConfusion | 0.003 mm |
FOV | 67.4 deg |
HyperfocalDistance | 1.38 m |
LightValue | 9.9 |
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