in #indonesia7 years ago


EAST ACEH - The tragedy occurred at Simpang Kuala Idi Cut, East Aceh district, early Wednesday, February 3, 1999, right in front of the Military Rayon Command Headquarters (Koramil) and the local Police Office (Polsek).

A day before, the residents worked together to prepare the da'wah stage. Around 16.00 pm came some soldiers carrying long-barreled weapons that were estimated by the residents as members of the local Koramil.

The military immediately ransacked the stage that was being worked on and persecuted several people who at that time stood around the stage making place. The names of beating victims are; Ri, Za, Bm, MB, Jn, Ms, Si, US, Su, Ml and MN. They are all between the ages of 16 and 27.

But not long after that the community returned to work together to continue their work pending. Before the event began at 20:30 pm, the mass had gathered since the afternoon and flooded the field Simpang Kuala, Idi Cut, to the side of the road Medan-Banda Aceh.

The mass that was present at the time of the da'wah was estimated at about 10,000 visitors from various regions.

After the event was finished at 00.30 AM, the masses then disbanded and were stuck long at Kuala Idi Cut intersection due to the number of vehicles going out and the road. At around 00:45 GMT, people who heard lectures returned home, some on foot, using motorbikes and some using open-air trucks.

They passed the office of the Koramil Idi Cut. The atmosphere is dark, no lights are on. At that time the masses became chaotic because many vehicles were dismissed by Koramil members.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, there was a gunshot from the west of the Koramil office, there were already a few trucks of the apparatus there. According to the victim's information, there are three or four trucks. After the sound of the first eruption, proceed with the shooting towards a crowded crowd. According to eyewitnesses who happened to be at the time of the brutal shootings occurred just back from Langsa City East Aceh, his red sedan, stopped a few meters after passing in front of the Koramil office.

Hi, 59 years old, resident of Blang Pauh Sa Village, Kuta Binjei, East Aceh. That night Hi came home with his wife Cn. Arriving at Simpang Kuala Idi Cut he was caught in the bloody incident. The car had to stop because it was blocked by a truck from the opposite direction. Later he knew it was a military truck. There are three military trucks blocking from the opposite direction.

In front of his car there is also a common truck loaded with glass fiber caskets, commonly used for transporting fish or shrimp. The tire was deflated, as it was shot by the guards. In front of the truck a Chevrolet Luv pick-up truck was filled with people who had just returned from a lecture.

According to Hi, pick-up is the first car once blocked. Because he did not see any other cars in front of the Chevrolet.

It was from the Chevrolet that he saw people scattering into the streets. Things panicked enough. Hi hearing the sound of the gunshot and then clearly hearing the cries of pain. Then he and his wife got out of the car and down.

Panicked, he did not get to close the door and the lights still on. Soldiers angry because of the illumination of the car Hi. The army was about to smash the windshield.

Suddenly Hi stood up and told the soldier that he was a family of soldiers and lived in an army dormitory. His son is also a soldier.

Just taste you. My son alone who trained you was not that cruel, snapped Hi.

Hearing his shouting voice, the other soldiers approached and asked who Hi and his son were. Then Hi says his son's name, rank and place of duty.

Hearing that, they became soft and told Hi and wife to lie down. He also asked them where they came from. The soldier replied "cepek". Therefore Hi knows they are from Linud 100.

At that time people were fired upon. After collapsed, dumped into the army truck. Hi also heard the words and officers who did the shooting.

You killed the soldiers, all gone. You cut your neck. You're cutting into the river.

A total of 58 victims who had been shot were raised into truck apparatus. Both dead and wounded. But there are some injured victims not transported, as they hide in the ditches beside the road. At 03:00 pm truck apparatus in which there are shooting victims seemed to move towards the bridge Arakundo. At the Koramil headquarters there was another empty truck.

Before being dumped into the truck and then transported for discharge into the river, the victims were tied first with wires all over his body. Entered into a burlap belonging to each soldier still bearing the name of the culprit, as the name of Sertu lskandar.

The burlap that had contained the man was then given the stone of the ballast and lastly thrown in the Arakundo river. This can be proved based on the findings of the victims' bodies on February 4 and 5, 1999. A witness named Bar, a resident of Tanjong Lhok Blang village, Julok, who at the time lived about 300 meters from the Arakundo bridge.

At that moment the Bar who was inside his house heard the soldiers say "continued" and then came the sound of rock friction. The curious bar, then peered out from behind the curtains of his house. At that time the power went out. In front of his house parked three trucks. Two trucks were full of soldiers while another truck appeared empty.

It was around 03:00 am. Then one of the trucks headed for the Arakundo bridge, while the two trucks were still in front of his house and were seen busy cleaning something. In front of Bar's house is a 20-liter jerry can of water used by soldiers to water the road.

According to the Bar, they leave the Arakundo bridge towards Idi Cut. Not long after that, a fishy smell came from the front of his house.

Another witness named Rl. He said the blood scattered around the Arakundo bridge was trying to be covered with sand. Residents around the river mostly livelihood as sand miners, the result is usually they pile on the edge of the river around the bridge.

Wednesday, February 4, 1999, at 07.00 am, people saw the drops of blood that had dried all the way to the bridge Arakundo. Until noon around 08:00 to 12:00 pm, the army was still survive also around the location of Idi Cut massacre.

Even bullet vomit still occurs without any direction. This condition was witnessed by Si who was then taken to the Koramil Office along with eight others with truck apparatus.

The community then made a living on the Arakundo river and found IU, 22 years old, a resident of Kapai Baro Village, Darul Aman District, East Aceh. He was found dead in a burlap marked Sertu Iskandar. The burlap is still stored by his wife.

The next day the search continued. The community found the body of HS, 35, a resident of Leubok Tuha Village, Julok Sub-District; IM, 24 years from Jambo Bale Village, District of Julok; JM, 22 years old from Jambo Bale Village, Juliok District; KI, 20, from Matang Neuhen Bagok Village, District of Julok; SY residents Boh Trend Village Bandar Baru, District Julok.

The victim search is done by traditional means, because soldiers and other parties do not help search. Most of the victims did not float, because in their bodies were tied a stone weighing device. It makes searching difficult.

According to the witness, the number of casualties was very much wounded. Because the army spewed bullets toward the masses blindly. But most of the injured people do not report. Plus the victim that night was trucked to Langsa Police 58 people. The next day 12 people were brought back to Langsa. In addition to injuries and death, some communities also suffered property losses.

At the time of the shootings, some people lost motorbikes and some were damaged.

After the incident, people are still scared. The terror carried out by the military apparatus continues. Apparatus roam around the city in military trucks that read "Sambar Nyawa" on the windshield.

Soldiers also use communications (telephone) by force. They frighten people into giving up their produce such as vegetables, fish catches and other daily necessities.

The violent action in Idi Cut was an ABRI revenge against the previous incident, in the form of swepping by a number of civilians in Lhok Nibong, January 3, 1999. This was evident from the abuses by ABRI soldiers while they were massacring victims.

You killed our friend. You throw them into the river. feel his reply.

TALKING FACTS, Revealing Human Rights Violations in Aceh 1989-2005



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ACEH TIMUR – Tragedi itu terjadi di Simpang Kuala Idi Cut, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Rabu dinihari, 3 Februari 1999, persis di depan Markas Komando Rayon Militer (Koramil) dan Kantor Polisi Sektor (Polsek) setempat.

Sehari sebelumnya, warga bergotong royong untuk menyiapkan pentas dakwah. Sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB datang beberapa tentara dengan membawa senjata laras panjang yang diperkirakan oleh para penduduk sebagai anggota Koramil setempat.

Aparat militer tersebut langsung mengobrak-abrik pentas yang sedang dikerjakan serta menganiaya beberapa orang yang pada saat itu berdiri di sekitar tempat pembuatan pentas. Nama-nama korban pemukulan adalah; Ri, Za, Bm, MB, Jn, Ms, Si, US, Su, Ml dan MN. Mereka semuanya berumur antara 16 sampai 27 tahun.

Tetapi tidak lama setelah itu masyarakat kembali bergotong royong melanjutkan pekerjaan mereka yang tertunda. Sebelum acara dimulai pada pukul 20.30 WIB, massa sudah berkumpul sejak sore harinya serta membanjiri lapangan Simpang Kuala, Idi Cut, sampai ke sisi jalan Medan- Banda Aceh.

Massa yang hadir pada saat dakwah tersebut diperkirakan sekitar 10.000 pengunjung dari berbagai daerah.

Setelah acara selesai pukul 00.30 WIB dinihari, massa kemudian bubar dan sempat tertahan lama di simpang jalan Kuala Idi Cut karena banyaknya kendaraan yang akan keluar dan jalan tersebut. Sekitar pukul 00:45 WIB, masyarakat yang mendengar ceramah pulang ke rumah masing-masing, sebagian berjalan kaki, menggunakan sepeda motor dan sebagian lagi menggunakan mobil bak terbuka.

Mereka melewati kantor Koramil Idi Cut. Suasana gelap, tidak ada satu lampu pun yang menyala. Pada saat itu massa menjadi kacau karena banyak kendaraan yang diberhentikan oleh anggota Koramil.

Pukul 01:00 WIB dini hari, terdengar suara tembakan dari arah Barat kantor Koramil, sudah ada beberapa truk aparat di sana. Menurut keterangan korban, ada tiga atau empat truk. Setelah suara letusan pertama, dilanjutkan dengan penembakan ke arah massa yang ramai. Menurut saksi mata yang kebetulan pada saat penembakan brutal itu terjadi baru kembali dari Kota Langsa Aceh Timur, sedan merah miliknya, dihentikan beberapa meter setelah lewat di depan kantor Koramil.

Hi, 59 tahun, penduduk Desa Blang Pauh Sa, Kuta Binjei, Aceh Timur. Malam itu Hi pulang bersama istrinya Cn. Tiba di Simpang Kuala Idi Cut ia terjebak dalam insiden berdarah itu. Mobilnya terpaksa berhenti karena dihadang oleh truk dari arah berlawanan. Belakangan ia tahu itu truk militer. Ada tiga truk militer menghadang dari arah berlawanan.

Di depan mobilnya juga ada truk umum bermuatan tong-tong fiber glass, biasa digunakan untuk mengangkut ikan atau udang. Ban mobil tersebut kempes, karena ditembaki para penghadang. Di depan truk satu mobil pick-up Chevrolet Luv dipenuhi warga yang baru pulang dari ceramah.

Menurut Hi, pick-up itulah mobil yang pertama sekali dihadang. Karena ia tidak melihat ada mobil lain di depan Chevrolet tersebut.

Dari mobil Chevrolet itulah, ia melihat orang-orang berhamburan meloncat ke jalan. Keadaan cukup panik. Hi mendengar suara tembakan kemudian jelas ia mendengar suara- suara teriakan kesakitan. Kemudian ia dan istrinya keluar dari mobil dan tiarap.

Karena panik, ia tidak sempat menutup pintu dan lampu mobilnya masih menyala. Tentara marah karena adanya penerangan dari mobil Hi. Tentara hendak menghancurkan kaca mobilnya.

Tiba-tiba Hi berdiri dan mengatakan pada tentara itu bahwa ia keluarga tentara dan hidup di asrama tentara. Anaknya juga seorang tentara.

Enak saja kamu. Anak saya saja yang melatih kamu tidak sekejam itu, bentak Hi.

Mendengar suaranya yang membentak keras, tentara lain menghampiri dan bertanya siapa Hi dan anaknya. Kemudian Hi mengatakan nama anaknya, pangkat dan tempat tugasnya.

Mendengar itu, mereka menjadi lunak dan menyuruh Hi dan istri untuk tiarap. Ia juga sempat menanyakan mereka berasal dari kesatuan mana. Tentara tersebut menjawab “cepek”. Karena itu Hi tahu mereka berasal dari Linud 100.

Pada saat itu orang-orang ditembaki. Setelah rubuh, dicampakkan ke dalam truk tentara. Hi juga mendengar perkataan dan aparat yang melakukan penembakan.

Kamu yang membunuh tentara, habis semua. Kamu potong leher. Kamu campak ke sungai.

Sebanyak 58 korban yang telah ditembak dinaikkan ke dalam truk aparat. Baik yang sudah tewas maupun yang luka-luka. Tapi ada beberapa korban yang terluka tidak terangkut, karena bersembunyi di selokan-selokan samping jalan. Pukul 03:00 WIB truk aparat yang di dalamnya terdapat korban-korban penembakan tampak bergerak menuju jembatan Arakundo. Di markas Koramil tampak truk lain yang masih kosong.

Sebelum dicampak ke dalam truk dan kemudian diangkut untuk dibuang ke sungai, para korban diikat telebih dahulu dengan kawat di seluruh tubuhnya. Dimasukkan ke dalam goni milik masing-masing tentara yang masih bertuliskan nama pelakunya, seperti nama Sertu lskandar.

Goni-goni yang telah berisi manusia itu kemudian diberi batu pemberat dan terakhir dilemparkan dalam sungai Arakundo. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan berdasarkan temuan mayat-mayat korban pada 4 dan 5 Februari 1999. Seorang saksi bernama Bar, warga desa Tanjong Lhok Blang, Julok, yang ketika kejadian tinggal sekitar 300 meter dari jembatan Arakundo.

Saat itu Bar yang sedang berada di dalam rumahnya mendengar tentara mengatakan “lanjut-lanjut” dan kemudian terdengar suara gesekan batu. Bar penasaran, kemudian mengintip dari balik gorden rumahnya. Saat itu listrik padam. Di depan rumahnya terparkir tiga truk. Dua truk dipenuhi tentara sedangkan satu truk lagi terlihat kosong.

Saat itu sekitar pukul 03:00 Wib. Kemudian salah satu truk menuju jembatan Arakundo, sedangkan dua truk masih berada di depan rumahnya dan terlihat sibuk membersihkan sesuatu. Di depan rumah Bar terdapat jerigen air berukuran 20 liter yang digunakan tentara untuk menyiram jalan.

Menurut Bar, mereka meninggalkan jembatan Arakundo menuju ke arah Idi Cut. Tidak lama setelah itu, tercium bau amis bersumber dari arah depan rumahnya.

Saksi lainnya bernama Rl. Dia mengatakan ceceran darah yang terdapat di sekitar jembatan Arakundo berusaha ditutupi dengan pasir. Penduduk sekitar sungai sebagian besar bermata pencaharian sebagai penambang pasir, hasilnya biasa mereka tumpuk di pinggir sungai sekitar jembatan tersebut.

Rabu, 4 Febuari 1999, pukul 07.00 WIB, masyarakat melihat tetesan darah yang sudah kering sepanjang jalan menuju jembatan Arakundo. Sampai siang berkisar pukul 08.00-12.00 WIB, tentara ternyata masih tetap bertahan juga di sekitar lokasi pembantaian Idi Cut.

Bahkan masih terjadi muntahan peluru tanpa tentu arah. Kondisi ini disaksikan oleh Si yang kemudian dibawa ke Kantor Koramil bersama dengan delapan orang lainnya dengan truk aparat.

Masyarakat kemudian melakukan pencaharian di sungai Arakundo dan menemukan IU, 22 tahun, warga Desa Kapai Baro, Kecamatan Darul Aman, Aceh Timur. Ia ditemukan dalam keadaan meninggal di dalam goni yang bertuliskan Sertu Iskandar. Goni tersebut masih disimpan oleh istrinya.

Keesokan harinya pencarian dilanjutkan. Masyarakat menemukan mayat HS, 35 tahun, warga Desa Leubok Tuha, Kecamatan Julok; IM, 24 tahun dari Desa Jambo Bale, Kecamatan Julok; JM, 22 tahun dari Desa Jambo Bale Kecamatan Julok; KI, 20 tahun, dari Desa Matang Neuhen Bagok, Kecamatan Julok; SY penduduk Boh Tren Desa Bandar Baru, Kecamatan Julok.

Pecarian korban dilakukan dengan alat tradisional, karena tentara dan pihak lainnya tidak membantu melakukan pencarian. Sebagian besar korban tidak mengapung, karena di tubuh mereka diikat alat pemberat berupa batu. Hal tersebut menyulitkan pencarian.

Menurut saksi, jumlah korban luka-luka sangat banyak. Karena tentara memuntahkan peluru ke arah massa secara membabi buta. Tapi sebagian besar masyarakat yang terluka tidak melapor. Ditambah korban yang malam itu diangkut truk ke Polres Langsa 58 orang. Keesokan harinya 12 orang kembali dibawa ke Langsa. Selain korban luka dan meninggal, sebagian masyarakat juga menderita kerugian harta benda.

Saat penembakan, beberapa orang kehilangan sepeda motor dan ada yang kaca mobilnya dirusak.

Setelah kejadian, masyarakat masih ketakutan. Teror yang dilakukan oleh aparat militer terus berlangsung. Aparat berkeliaran berkeliling kota dengan truk militer yang bertulisan “Sambar Nyawa” pada kaca mobilnya.

Tentara juga menggunakan alat komunikasi (telepon) masyarakat dengan paksa. Mereka menakut-nakuti warga agar mau menyerahkan hasil buminya seperti sayuran, ikan hasil tangkapan nelayan, dan kebutuhan sehari-hari lainnya.

Tindakan kekerasan di Idi Cut merupakan balas dendam ABRI terhadap peristiwa sebelumnya, berupa swepping yang dilakukan sejumlah orang sipil di Lhok Nibong, 3 Januari 1999. Hal itu terbukti dari makian-makian yang dilontarkan para serdadu ABRI saat sedang membantai korban.

Kalian bunuh kawan kami. Kalian ceburkan mereka ke sungai. rasakan balasannya.

FAKTA BICARA, Mengungkap Pelanggaran HAM di Aceh 1989-2005



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