Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Umrah Wahai Guru-ku

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr..Wb..
Hallo para stemian's semuanya
Langka raseuki peutumuen Mawoet 'nyan kameutentee

Kami sebagai murid sangat kagum sama sosok beliau yang hidupnya dipersembahkan untuk membina karakter kami (para murid) sehingga menjadi hamba Allah yang selalu menjunjung tinggi agama Allah dan untuk dapat didistribusikan dalam pelbagai media informasi yang ada sebagai bagian dari pengembangan khazanah ke-Islaman. Di sini telah jelas dan nyata bila Allah berkehendak kadang logika manusia tidak terjangkau. Manusia hanya berusaha dan berdo'a namun yang menentukan adalah Allah SWT, karena usaha manusia tidak berbekas kecuali diizinkan Allah SWT. Tetapi Usaha dan do'a merupakan sesuatu yang harus selalu diiringi dalam melakukan kegiatan demi mencapai taraf kehidupan yang baik.


Right night Friday 20 April 2018 at home my Teacher went to the students in order to pronounce the benediction for the departure of the Teachers ' Umrah travel through Luzi cared directly Abon Buni, we were very moved all of a sudden my teacher please say goodbye to perform the umrah, the worship of our everyday economic shock in addition to teaching at the LPI Mudi Lovey-dovey, he as farmers manage the neighbouring rice fields, but this is the power of God is given because of my observant teacher in conducting worship, but what about because God Almighty that promises something special for devout and God-fearing servants as well as to the tawakkal For to Allah

I am @muhammadbasyir, my Teacher the same learning Teungku Yakoeb since 2003-2008 years as a teacher in the afternoon, he was never easy in our teaching, alpa who give priority to ethics and the book tool (Nahu, sharaf, bayan and Ma'ani) he was the figure the most observant against the rules of the Rudder, although sometimes the LPI Mudi Mesra he very critical in the economy but not complaining, this is probably our motifasi as disciples to never complain against the circumstances and conditions being experienced because God Almighty has set all slaves life direction, make ourselves as servants of the ALMIGHTY, the God of sustenance and promising never to provision unexpected.

Hopefully my Teacher Teungku Yakoeb get Worship Umrah . The possibility of a history Teacher my condition known Teungku @albuluhi, @binjeeclick, @yusfriadi, @zayanfaruk, @abdullah2017 because the same ever see directly the instantaneous in LPI Mudi Mesra


Geutanyoe pajan tajak

Pajan geukehendak lee Allah SWT, tanyoe meulakee beu troeh keunan

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