Aceh masa lalu.

in #indonesia7 years ago

Aceh memang beda, provinsi ini berada paling ujung Barat Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Sepantasnya Jukukan Daerah Istimewanya haruslah bergelar. Karena kelebihan yang ada pada Aceh cukuplah banyak dan penuh dengan Sejarah yang harus kethaui oleh Generasi Penerus Aceh sendiri.


Dahulu Hukum yang dijalankan oleh Raja Iskandar Muda cukuplah Ketat dan sangat Tegas. Bila ada yang melakukan kesalahan akan diproses adil. Dengan pedoman Alqur'an dan Hadist yang putuskan bersama Ulama yang mengerti akan Hukum tak terelakkan Anaknya sendiri dihukum karena melanggar Akan peraturan yang seharusnya dijunjung Tinggi bukan di langgar.

Pantaslah masa itu, kejayaan begitu hidup, kemakmuran begitu merata. Karena Raja yang Taat begitu juga rakyat yang patuh akan aturan. Agama berdiri tegak dan kejahatan di putuskan dengan hukum yang paling benar.

Alhasil, Aceh masa lalu begitu gemilang dan bersinar didunia ini. Bergelar Serambi Mekkah.

Aceh is indeed different, this province is at the westernmost end of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. It is deserved that the Special Region Jukukan should be titled. Because of the excess that is in Aceh is quite a lot and full of history that must kethaui by the successor generation of Aceh itself.

Formerly the Law which was run by King Iskandar Muda was quite strict and very decisive. If anyone makes a mistake it will be processed fairly. With the guidance of Alqur'an and Hadith that decided together Ulama who understand the inevitable Law His own son was punished for violating Will the rules that should be upheld High not in langgar.

No wonder the time, the glory so alive, prosperity so evenly. For a Compassionate King is likewise the people who obey the rules. Religion stands upright and evil is decided by the most correct law.

As a result, Aceh's past is so glorious and shining in this world. The Veranda of Mecca.


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