The Indonesia Steemit Community (KSI)

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

BeFunky Collage.jpg
Indonesia community is currently acknowledged as the fast grow community since it was established in May, this community has been covering almost all regions in Indonesia. In the range seven months, the member grow and grow. It is important to note that the community members are committed to contribute to community and give a significant support to each community member. I am @levycore and @aiqabrago as Indonesia Curators (Indonesia Commmunity Leaders ) are trying to always unify the members to collaborate with community. Having community is such a good way to support the new members and continue to achieve their goal on this platform.
It can be seen through the tagging list that #indonesia is considered as influence community on steemit. Day by day, #indonesia is moving up. It is also followed by consideration of the members to bring up #indonesia. In this case, the Indonesia Community members keep promoting steemit to those who have desire to change their life and get in touch with community members. I would like to clarify that these following regional communities are under Indonesia Steemit community (KSI).

1. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Banda Aceh : Leader (@kemal13)

2. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Bireuen (BSC) : Leader (in process)

3. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Nanggroe (NSC) : Leader (@safwaninisam)

4. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter East Aceh : Leader (@ilyasismail)

5. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Langsa : Leader (@jodipamungkas)

6. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Medan : Leader (@kakilasak)

7. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Semarang : Leader (@doyanphotography)

8. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Bogor (Satu Jiwa): Leader (@alhasan)

9. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Bandung : Leader (@mariska.lubis)

10. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Jogja : Leader (@mirzacho)

11. Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter Bali : Leader (@ekavieka)

These regional community leaders upon the recommendation of Indonesia Curators are committed to promote steemit to their regional. Through their promotion, the new steemit members are on the rise. The numbers of community is now reaching approximately 400 members as active users and the number is growing day by day.


We would like to say thanks to all community members who continously support Indonesia Steemit Community(KSI)



Saya baru tahu kalu ada komunitas chapter Medan. Saya yang kudet atau mereka yang terlalu jumawa ya? Leader-nya pun uda ada pulakkkk . . .

Saya ini masyarakat Indonesia juga.
Kunjungilah postingan saya tidak setiap hari 1minggu sekali pun bisa,kalau tidak 1bulan sekali juga tidak apa-apa.

Kasaba heheh ngon tanyo aneuk buah din minimi..😄

Teunang mantong tanyo jeut tamita suaka politik bak laen awai na wali na lah sotulong teuh jino kameninggal lage haba nyan sit..

KSI semakin di depan.

Bersama Kita Bisa !!! :D

Pencapaian yang luar biasa, terus berkembang dan berkarya Melalui steemit.. Kerja Bagus @levycore 👍👍👍

Iya semua itu berkat dukungan dari kawan-kawan semua :D

Aceh... bereeeeh...

waah,,ada pak yus juga disini. apa kabar pak..? lama tak berjumpa.

Alhamdulillah kabar baik, ya sudah lama Memang... Hehe

alhamdulillah.... selamat buat kawan2 yang terpilih semoga steemit indonesia semakin maju..

Semoga daerah Sigli juga nyusul..

Wowwwww Kerennn Sekali Bang @levycore.
Sukses untuk Indonesian's Steemian.
Semoga saya bisa mengenalnya Steemit dan KSI di sini.

Salam hangat dari #taiwan, Bang😊

Bisa buka chapter taiwan haha

hehehe , iya bner juga terima kasih mbak @ettydiallova :D

Pelan2 Bang @levycore
biar saya faham dulu Steemit.
maklumlah, saya juga new comer di sini.

tapi senang bertemu rekan2 Hebat di flathform ini.

Pelan2 Bang @kakilasak.
biar saya tebarkan virus sama teman2 saya.
Tapi sebelumnya, biar saya memahami lebih detail tentang Steemit.

Sama2 Bang

Semoga di tangan mereka KSI makin go public.....

mantap bang @levycore, untuk di medan kita sudah 12 anggota bg, doakan terus bertambah ;)

Amiin, tetap semangat dan Keep Steem On !!! :D

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