Sarang Kelelawar dan Objek Wisata Pantai (IND- ENG)

in #indonesia7 years ago

Steemian. Dahulu sebelum konflik bersenjata antara Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) di Aceh berkecamuk. Lokasi wisata pantai Idi Cut, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia, merupakan salah satu objek wisata idaman wisatawan lokal dan luar daerah. 

Seiring perjalan waktu, lokasi wisata pantai yang indah dengan lambaian pohon cemara yang tumbuh rapi diselimuti pasir putih, mulai sepi dari pengunjung. Satu persatu pondok tempat berjualan masyarakat yang menjejer di pinggir pantai itu roboh  ditelan masa.  Setelah Aceh pada fase perdamaian, pasca MoU Helsinky pada 15 Agustus 2005, kondisi keamanan Aceh yang telah pulih dari jeritan konflik bersenjata. Pantai indah dengan desiran ombak dan birunya laut selat malaka, riwayatnya pupus. 

Photo Dokumen @ilyasismail

Masyarakat di daerah itu, tidak mengizinkan lagi lokasi pantai tersebut dijadikan lokasi wisata untuk masyarakat umum. Hari ini 12 tahun sudah fase perdamaian Aceh dan kondisi Aceh yang kondusif. Nasib lokasi  wisata pantai Kuala Idi Cut yang dahulu sangat tersohor dikalangan wisatawan lokal dan luar Aceh, kini berubah menjadi tempat bersarangnya kelelawar.  Di atas pohon- pohon cemara yang tumbuh rapi di pinggir pantai itu, terlihat bergantungan ribuan kelelawar yang sudah kenyang setelah memporak-pranda tanaman buah warga di pelosok-pelosok Kabupaten Aceh Timur. 

Photo Dokumen @ilyasismail

Siang harinya terlihat ribuan kelelawar bernyayi ria di atas pohon cemara di sana. Ketika malam tiba, mereka mulai membentangkan sayapnya terbang mencari dimana ada pohon yang berbuah. Mereka kelelawar pencuri buah.  Disi lain kehadiran ribuan kelelawar di pantai itu, juga dapat memberi mamfaat bagi masyarakat pecinta satwa dan bagi masyarakat yang hendak melihat langsung seluk beluk binatang yang yang dijadikan tokoh Badman dalam film Hollywood itu. 

Seandainya, panorama indah Pantai Kuala Idi Cut dibuka kembali sebagai salah satu objek wisata pantai di Kabupaten Aceh Timur, tentunya akan memberi mamfaat ganda bagi wisatawan lokal maupun wisatawan asing untuk menikmati indahnya panorama laut dan juga dapat melihat langsung geliat ribuan kelelawar yang bergantungan di pohon cemara pantai itu.  

Photo Dokumen @ilyasismail

ENG : 

Bat Nest and Coastal Tourist Attraction 

Steemian. Steemian. Previously before the armed conflict between the Tentara Nasional Indonesia  (TNI) and Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) in Aceh raged. Idi Cut beach tourism location,  Aceh Timur district, Aceh province, Indonesia, is one of the tourist attraction of local and foreign tourists. Over the course of time, the beautiful coastal tourist location with the spruce of cypress trees grown neatly covered with white sand, began to be quiet from visitors. One by one cottage where the community sells along the coast line was collapsed in the period. 

After Aceh in the peace phase, following MoU Helsinky on August 15, 2005, Aceh's security conditions have recovered from the cries of armed conflict. Beautiful beach with swish and blue waters edge of Malacca strait, his history pissed into a tourist beach location. Communities in the area, no longer allow the location of the beach is used as a tourist site for the general public.

Photo Dokumen @ilyasismail

Today 12 years has been the phase of Aceh peace and the conditions of Aceh are conducive. The fate of Kuala Idi Cut beach location that once was famous among local and outside Aceh tourists, now turned into a nesting place bat.
On top of the pine trees that grow neatly on the shore, seen hanging thousands of bats that are already full after digging the fruit crops residents in remote areas of East Aceh. In the afternoon there are thousands of bats berysi ria on top of pine trees there. When the night comes, they begin to spread their wings to fly to find where there are trees that bear fruit. They bat fruit thieves. 

The other side of the presence of thousands of bats on the beach, can also provide benefits for the community of animal lovers and for people who want to see the ins and outs of animals that are made a Badman figure in the movie Hollywood. 

Photo Dokumen @ilyasismail

If, the beautiful panorama of Kuala Idi Cut Beach reopened as one of the beach tourism object in East Aceh district, will certainly provide double benefit for local and foreign tourists to enjoy the beautiful panorama of the sea and also can see the geliat directly thousands of bats that hanging pine trees that beach. 

By : @ilyasismail 



Very interesting story bro@ilyasismail

We prove recreational places in Aceh can enjoy by travelers or local travelers

Terimakasih @syifayulinnas tapi dipantai ini sekarang tidak boleh berwisata

Mari kita vwr

Mantap nampak saya lagi di postingan @ilyasismail thaks adinda

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