Masjid Raya Baiturrahman dalam Tiga Episode | Baiturrahman Great Mosque in Three Episodes

in #indonesia7 years ago

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SIAPA yang tak tahu dengan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman? Masjid kebanggaan orang Aceh ini penuh lika-liku sejarah, sejak pertama berdisi hingga sekarang. Selain itu, masjid ini juga sekaligus menjadi saksi tiga episode penting dalam sejarah dunia: (1) perang Belanda terhadap Indonesia; (2) perlawanan rakyat Aceh terhadap Indonesia; dan (3) gelombang raya tsunami yang telah membuat nama Aceh dan Indonesia semakin dikenal di mata dunia.

Episode pertama, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman menjadi saksi keperkasaan pejuang Aceh yang melawan Belanda. Beberapa perkara penting terhadap hal ini antara lain, Jenderal Belanda, Kohler namanya, mati ditembak di halaman Masjid Raya Baiturrahman. Selanjutnya, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman pernah dibakar oleh Belanda karena diangga sebagai tempat pemersatu rakyat Aceh.

Belanda yang membakar masjid tersebut, Belanda pula yang membangunnya kembali. Hal ini dilakukan oleh Belanda karena takut pada amuk amarah rakyat Aceh. Bagi rakyat Aceh, hartanya boleh dijarah, rumahnya boleh dirampas, tetapi jangan pernah coba meruntuhkan rumah Tuhan. Begitu masjid raya dibakar oleh Belanda, orang Aceh dari seluruh penjuru terjun mengejar Belanda. Oleh karena itu, masjid raya ini menjadi episode penting dalam sejarah Aceh.

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Episode kedua, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman menjadi saksi perlawanan rakyat Aceh terhadap Pemerintah Indonesia. Di masa konflik, masjid ini sering dijadikan tempat perjanjian-bertemu para pejuang Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM). Sedikit sekali orang tahu hal ini, karena masjid raya benar-benar dijaga kesuciannya.

Selain itu, pada tahun 2000, sebagian rakyat Aceh tumpah ruah ke halaman Masjid Raya Baiturrahman. Pemuda, orang tua, remaja, pelajar, dan mahasiswa, dari segala pelosok kampung berdatangan ke halaman Masjid Raya Baiturrahman untuk menyatakan Referendum terhadap Indonesia. Kejadian tumpan ruah ini kembali terulang tahun 2008. Waktu itu, rakyat Aceh memadati halaman masjid raya demi menyaksikan deklarator GAM, Tgk. Muhammad Hasan Di Tiro.

Episode ketiga, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman kembali menjadi saksi sejarah bahkan untuk sebuah musibah dunia, yakni gelombang maharaya tsunami. Ketika pusat Kota Banda Aceh luluh lantak oleh gemba dan tsunami, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman masih tetap utuh. Padahal, bangunan ruko di sekitar masjid raya tertanam ke bawah tanah oleh hentakan gempa. Rumah-rumah di sekitaran itu pun hanyut, roboh, runtuh, dihantam gempa disapu ombak. Namun, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman tetap di tempatnya, tidak rubuh apalagi sampai hanyut.

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Keberadaan masjid raya ketika musibah mahadahsyat itu malah menjadi tempat orang-orang menyelamatkan diri. Ketika itu, masjid raya tidak hanya berisi orang muslim, tetapi juga nonmuslim. Semua bersatu-padu, menangis dalam Masjid Raya Baiturrrahman.

Dengan demikian, Masjid Raya telah menjadi saksi peradaban tiga zaman, dimulai perang Indonesia (Aceh) dengan Belanda sampai dengan musibah mahadahsyat yang membuat negara-negara dunia berdatangan membantu Aceh, termasuk Belanda.


Sebagai informasi tambahan, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman bukan sekadar tempat beribadah, tetapi juga menjadi destinasi wisata. Keindahan dan kemolekan masjid raya membuat setiap orang yang datang ke Banda Aceh merasa belum sah jika belum berfoto di Masjid Raya Baiturrahman.

Pada masa Kesultanan Aceh Darussalam, selain Masjidil Haram di kota suci Makkah, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman juga menjadi salah satu pusat pembelajaran agama Islam yang dikunjungi oleh orang-orang yang ingin mempelajari Islam dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Namun, pada masa itu, kubah masjid ini masih satu.

Pada tahun 1935 M, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman diperluas bagian kanan dan kirinya dengan tambahan dua kubah. Perluasan ini dikerjakan oleh Jawatan Pekerjaan Umum (B.O.W) dengan biaya sebanyak F. 35.000,- (tiga puluh lima ribu gulden) dengan pimpinan proyek Ir. M. Thahir dan selesai dikerjakan pada akhir tahun 1936 M.

Usaha perluasan dilanjutkan oleh sebuah panitia bersama yaitu Panitia Perluasan Masjid Raya Kutaraja. Dengan keputusan menteri tanggal 31 Oktober 1975 disetujui pula perluasannya yang kedua dan pelaksanaannya diserahkan pada pemborong NV. Zein dari Jakarta. Perluasan ini bertambah dua kubah lagi dan dua buah menara sebelah utara dan selatan. Dengan perluasan kedua ini Masjid Raya Baiturrahman mempunyai lima kubah dan selesai dekerjakan dalam tahun 1967 M.

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Pada tahun 1991-1993, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman diperluas kembali yang disponsori oleh Gubernur Dr. Ibrahim Hasan, meliputi halaman depan dan belakang serta masjidnya itu sendiri. Bagian masjid yang diperluas, meliputi bagian lantai masjid tempat salat, perpustakaan, ruang tamu, ruang perkantoran, aula dan tempat wudu.

Dengan perluasan tersebut, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman memiliki 7 kubah, 4 menara, dan 1 menara induk. Dari masa ke masa masjid ini telah berkembang pesat baik ditinjau dari segi arsitektur maupun kegiatan kemasyarakatan. Sesuai dengan perkembangan, luas area Masjid Raya Baiturrahman ± 4 Ha, di dalamnya terdapat sebuah kolam, menara induk dan bagian halaman lainya ditumbuhi rumput yang ditata dengan rapi dan indah diselingi tanaman/pohon hias.

Saat ini, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman kembali mengalami perluasan dengan rekonstruksi tambahan. Sudah ada 12 payung yang terdapat di sisi kiri dan kanan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman. Selain itu, halaman masjid sudah dilapisi marmer semua. Kamar mandi di masjid ini pun sekarang sudah dibuat berbentuk basement bawah tanah.

So, para steemians, jika ke Banda Aceh, jangan lupa ke Masjid Raya Baiturrahman. Di sana kita bisa berfoto sekaligus beribadah.

Herman RN

============ENGLISH VERSION==============

(gambar: google)

Who does not know the Great Mosque of Baiturrahman? The mosque of Acehnese pride is full of history, since the first one is filled up to the present day. In addition, the mosque is also a witness to three important episodes in the history of the world: (1) the Dutch war against Indonesia; (2) the resistance of the Acehnese people to Indonesia; and (3) tsunami waves that have made Aceh and Indonesia more known in the eyes of the world.

The first episode, Baiturrahman of Mosque witnessed the strength of the Aceh fighters against the Dutch. Several important cases against this, among others, the Dutch General, his name Kohler , died shot in the yard of the Great Mosque of Baiturrahman. Furthermore, Baiturrahman Great Mosque was once burned by the Dutch because it was held as a unifying place for the people of Aceh.

The Dutch who burned the mosque, the Dutch also rebuild it. This was done by the Dutch for fear of the anger of the people of Aceh. For the people of Aceh, his property may be looted, his house may be seized, but never try to tear down the house of God. Once the mosque was burned by the Dutch, the Acehnese from all corners dashed after the Dutch. Therefore, the mosque is an important episode in Aceh's history.

The second episode, Baiturrahman Great Mosque witnessed the Acehnese resistance against the Government of Indonesia. In times of conflict, this mosque is often used as a place of agreement-meet the fighters of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). Very few people know this, because the mosque is really maintained his holiness.

(gambar: google)

In addition, in 2000, some of Aceh's people spilled over to the courtyard of Baiturrahman Great Mosque. Youth, parents, teenagers, students, and students from all corners of the village came to the courtyard of Baiturrahman Great Mosque to declare Referendum on Indonesia. The incident happened again in 2008. At that time, the people of Aceh packed the mosque's yard to witness the declaration of GAM, Tgk. Muhammad Hasan Di Tiro.

The third episode, Baiturrahman Great Mosque once again witnessed the history even for a world disaster, the wave of the maharaya tsunami. When the center of Kota Banda Aceh was devastated by gemba and tsunami, the Baiturrahman Great Mosque remained intact. In fact, the shop building around the mosque is embedded underground by the earthquake. The houses around it were also washed away, collapsed, collapsed, hit by an earthquake swept by the waves. However, the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque remains in place, not falling down much less drifting.

The existence of the mosque when the tragedy was even a place of people to save themselves. At that time, the mosque not only contained Muslims, but also non-Muslims. All united, weeping in the Great Mosque of Baiturrrahman.

Thus, the Great Mosque has witnessed three civilizations of the era, starting the war of Indonesia (Aceh) with the Netherlands until the devastating disaster that made the world countries came to help Aceh, including the Netherlands.

For additional information, Baiturrahman High Mosque is not just a place of worship, but also a tourist destination. The beauty and elegance of the mosque makes everyone who comes to Banda Aceh feel unlawful if they have not taken pictures at the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque.

During the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam, in addition to the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Makkah, Baiturrahman Great Mosque also became one of the learning centers of Islam visited by people who want to learn Islam from all over the world. However, at that time, the dome of this mosque is still one.

In the 1935 year, the Great Mosque of Baiturrahman expanded the right and left with the addition of two domes. This expansion is undertaken by the Bureau of Public Works (B.O.W) at the cost of F. 35,000, - (thirty five thousand guilders) with the project manager Ir. M. Thahir and completed by the end of 1936 year.

The expansion effort was continued by a joint committee of the Kutaraja Great Mosque Expansion Committee. By a ministerial decree dated 31 October 1975 it was also agreed that its second expansion and implementation be submitted to NV's contractors. Zein from Jakarta. This expansion has two more domes and two north and south towers. With this second expansion the Baiturrahman Great Mosque has five domes and finished hiring in 1967.

In 1991-1993, the Baiturrahman Mosque was extended back sponsored by Governor Dr. Ibrahim Hasan, covering the front and back pages and the mosque itself. The expanded part of the mosque, including the floor of the mosque where prayers, library, living room, office space, hall and ablution place.

With the expansion, the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque has 7 domes, 4 towers, and 1 master tower. From time to time this mosque has grown rapidly both in terms of architecture and community activities. In accordance with the development, the area of ​​Great Mosque Baiturrahman ± 4 Ha, in which there is a pond, the main tower and the other yard covered with grass neatly arranged and beautifully interspersed with plants / ornamental trees.


Currently, the Baiturrahman Great Mosque is again expanding with additional reconstruction. There are already 12 umbrellas on the left and right sides of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. In addition, the mosque's yard has been coated in all marble. The bathroom in this mosque was now made in the form of underground basement.

So, the steemians, if to Banda Aceh, do not forget to Masjid Raya Baiturrahman. There we can take pictures at once worship.

Herman RN

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Banyak sejarah di bumi kita ini, ya, bang. Mantap!

Benar. Negeri kita salah satu penyumbang sejarah terbesar hahah

Sejarah harus ditulis.

Masjid Raya dari masa ke masa. Sekarang kalau malam penampakannya memang lebih cantik ya, karena didukung lampu yang berwarna-warni dari payung.

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