Try to Draw A New Friend
Altcoin and bitcoin go down, I do not feel well, get stress. So for cure , I drew this new friend. Sorry I made it in hurry, please give comment and suggestion.
Altcoin and bitcoin go down, I do not feel well, get stress. So for cure , I drew this new friend. Sorry I made it in hurry, please give comment and suggestion.
rambutnya panjangin mas jadi seperti bu
(sorry bu..masih cantikan aslinya....)
ha..ha.. :)
Take your time. Stay happy. Nice job!
Thank you, my friend :)
Nice sketch
thank you :)
Konfirmasi Keanggotaan Terdaftar dengan # whalepower untuk bulan Februari. Terima kasih
terima kasih :)
Approved yo mas hahahahaa :)
ha..ha.. :)
Semoga bukan karena pemerintah RI mengeluarkan larangan terhadap bitcoin. Hehehe. Becanda wae. Semangat mas @happyphoenix.
Termasuk itu juga, karena beberapa negara kompak membuat statement buruk mengenai bitcoin hampir secara bersamaan, siip :)
Di bibirnya klo Bis jgn ada tekanan pensil. Mnurut pngalamanku, bibir lebih sensitif dri mata. Jdi buatnya hati2.
oh... iya mas terima kasih atas masukannya, nanti saya coba ya :)
Iya sama2 n met moncoba
wow you are improving hanto , and yes i felt sad because most of the cryptos are down :(
Thank you, Yes, many traders say that usually happens on January. :)
Wah ini foto siapa lagi yangbdi gambar om?
aku juga bingung mas, yang saya gambar siapa ya???? ha..ha..:)
I like her short hair :)
thank you :)