5 culture Indonesia world-famous
Indonesia is not only famous for its stunning natural charms. In addition to the stunning natural beauty, the country also has many unique and interesting cultures and customs. In fact, every tribe that exists in each region in the archipelago, has a unique culture different. Thus, the variety of cultures and customs make Indonesia more famous in the eyes of the world, and gives its own pride.
In fact, not infrequently also foreign tourists who come on holiday to the country to enjoy the unique and interesting Indonesian culture. In addition, there are also witnessed the traditional culture in this country in order to conduct research related to culture and customs, especially by academics from a number of universities abroad.
Here are five of them that are already famous in the world.
Batik Indonesia, including its culture, technique, and development of motive and technology, has been declared as Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Nonbendawi Culture by UNESCO on October 2, 2009. Since then, every October 2nd, Indonesia always commemorate National Batik Day. Initially, batik was first introduced to the world by former President of Indonesia, Soeharto, who was wearing batik at the UN Conference. Batik itself is not only identical as a cloth or clothing by using the motifs made through traditional staining techniques. However, batik in Javanese traditional culture, more meaningful as the technique of making the motif, by using natural color "night" and "canting" tool on natural fiber cloth. Until now, batik continues to develop, both on the motive, and how to make it.
performing Arts original from Indonesia growing in Java and Bali already known since hundreds-Queen years ago. inscription balitung existing since 4th century prove presence puppet at that time, with a record "galigi mawayang". in the development, there are several types of puppets, such as the shadow puppets, puppet show, until the puppet people, stories growing anyway. on November 7, 2003, UNESCO also have to admit puppet as one of the art speak Indonesian culture in the list "masterpiece of oral and intangible Heritage of humanity". until now, puppet show still we can see. in fact, some of the program in the private television station also often show puppet show people, the interspersed with humor, so more interesting and not impressed ancient
the art still thick with things mystical and witchcraft. in the traditional performances from ponorogo, East Java this, usually display the figure of "warok" and "gemblak". the story of the origin reog the most popular is when a man of the Kingdom of majapahit on the 15th century, named left ageng lice collect community support to do the rebellion in a way to use reog.
once, angklung played to call the goddess Sri (goddess Rice) to come down to Earth, in order to plant communities flourish. until now, traditional musical instruments of the West Java, the still often played by digoyangkan, in a variety of ceremony and activities of the National. in fact, angklung also registered in the UNESCO as the work of the great cultural Heritage oral and nonbendawi human, since November 2010.
5.dance pendet.
dance nuanced sacred this now already developed as a dance "Congratulations come", which dikreasikan by one of the artist Bali named I Wayan rindi. if anciently dance from the Island is done in the event of worship in the House of worship Hindus, Temple, it is now pendet can danced as a offerings for guests in the event-way culture Indonesia.