in #indonesia7 years ago


Cigarettes were first discovered in Indian tribes in America for ritual purposes worshiping gods or spirits. Then, when the 16th century, when the European explorer anchored to the American continent, some of the explorers tried to try to smoke a cigarette and bring it to Europe. Smoking habits are then gradually become their habit and also spread to other areas. 

Cigarettes are usually sold in packaged boxes contained in their packaging "SMOKING CAN KILLING YOU", said the word should make us aware that smoking is very dangerous, but why the number of smokers continuously increases, even small children are accustomed to smoking cigarettes.


It's not just sucking that endangers us, but inhaling cigarette smoke can destroy our respiratory system.

Love yourself, love your family, and love the community beside us. try to change into a better person.

The question I want to ask you is, why do you like to smoke? does it make you feel cool? or make you feel you have a better life? when it is clear that the research information proves that SMOKING IS VERY VERY DANGEROUS.

"Here are some of the ingredients contained in the cigarette " :

1. TAR = content consisting of over 4,000 chemicals in which 60 of them can cause "Cancer"

2. Benzene = commonly used as an additive in fuel oil. But in the manufacture of cigarettes this material is also used. Do you know if this substance is absorbed by the body it can damage cells at the genetic level? In addition, benzene is also commonly found in cement and rubber.

3. Formaldehyde or commonly we know is formalin = a very toxic content, which is used to preserve corpses.

4. Arsenic = material contained in rat poison

5. Acetone = Generally acetone is used to clean nail polish. However, acetone is also used as a manufacture of cigarettes. When the body inhaling these harmful substances it can cause skin diseases and brain disorders are very dangerous.

6. Carbon Monoxide = toxic chemicals found in the exhaust fumes of cars and motorcycles.

7. Hydrogen Cyanide = a substance used for the manufacture of plastics and pesticides.

8. Cadmium = a highly toxic and radioactive metal

That are some of the ingredients contained in cigarettes that harm our bodies.

Upvote this article to remind how precious we are. "love yourself"


hai kawan @fathurrahman27, salam...

saya ada bikin aplikasi Steem Autovote. Bila kamu jain dan tergabung dalam aplikasi ini, maka tiap artikel kamu akan mendapatkan upvote dari member lain. Besaran upvote yang diberikan akan tergantung dengan Steem Power kamu.

yuk join ya, gabung dengan teman-teman lainnya. kita cara nafkah bersama di steem :)
untuk info lebih lanjut bisa dibaca disini:

terima kasih ya

Mantapp. Bagus sekali sebagai sarana menambah rezeki lebih banyak mas.

there is the so called 2nd hand smoke which is sufferred by the non-smokers who inhale the smoke from smokers. and 3rd hand smoke, its when smoke chems stick to walls, linens, beddings, things etc , and gets inhaled by other people.
So yeah, smoke is deadly.. with a wide variety of pathologies surrounding it.

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