Another Vegetable Seedling - Bibit sayur yang lainnya

in #indonesia5 years ago

Another Series Of Random Photos - Serial Foto Acak Selanjutnya

Finally after my father panted the bitter melon seedling in field, he then realized that the seedling is not enough. it seems that he miss calculated the seedling needs. I remember i still have the other vegetable seedling which I bought online. It is a Pak Choy or Bok Choy seedling, which i found out easy to grow. These are 3 days old the Bok Choy seedling

akhirnya setelah ayahku menanam bibit pare di kebun barulah beliau sadar kalau bibitnya kurang. sepertinya bapakku salah menghitung kebutuhan bibitnya. kemudian aku ingat kalau masih punya bibit sayuran lain yang aku beli online. bibit itu adalah bibit pak choy yang lumayan mudah unutk di tumbuhkan. ini adalah bibit Bok Choy berumur 3 hari








these are follow up bitter melon seedling - ini adalah bibit pare susulan


Taken With Xiomi Mi 5

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