the secret of soursop fruit content

in #indonesia7 years ago

Benefits of soursop fruit for health and beauty Benefits of soursop fruit for the health of the human body need not be again. Soursop fruit is useful to overcome various diseases such as cholesterol, cancer, gout, beauty and so on. But before you know what are the benefits of soursop fruit for cholesterol beauty of pregnant women's cancer etc. let's see the nutritional content of soursop fruit first:
In one glass of soursop contains 38 grams of carbohydrate as the body's energy source. The carbohydrates contained in the fruits are certainly very healthy compared to those found in cakes that only adversely affect the blood sugar levels of a person.
Soursop contains potassium which can help the muscles in the body, for bone repair, and regulate blood pressure levels.
Soursop fruit contains fiber that can help digestion, in addition to the metabolism in the body. In addition, the fiber content in soursop can control weight.
Vitamin C
Soursop has a high vitamin C content that acts as an antioxidant. This antioxidant that serves to fight various diseases in the body, including healing wounds and prevent skin damage.
Phosphorus and Calcium
Other mineral content contained in soursop is phosphorus and calcium. In 100 grams of soursop fruit contains 27 mg of phosphorous as well as calcium as much as 14 mg. These minerals are useful in bone formation and inhibit bone loss
Soursop fruit contains a lot of water, even on a cup of water soursop as much as 183 grams. So very natural if soursop fruit can also prevent dehydration of the body.
The Benefits of Soursop Fruit For Health and Beauty.

Benefits of Soursop Fruit

Here are the benefits of soursop fruit for health and beauty that you should know:

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits For cholesterol

Soursop fruit in addition to vitamin C also contains lots of fiber that is good for the body, the fiber contained in soursop fruit can absorb bad cholesterol in the body, so that is left is good cholesterol. By drinking a glass of soursop juice regularly every day then you will look healthier and free of bad cholesterol read also Benefits of Teak Dried Leaves.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits for Cancer.

Benefits of soursop fruit for health can prevent cancer. Annonaceous acetogenins are phytochemicals found in leaves, seeds and stems of soursop. These substances play a role in warding off attacks of cancer and viruses. Research reveals that the content of Annonaceous acetogenins in soursop can kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancers, such as breast, colon, prostate, lung, and many more.

▪.Benefits of Soursop Fruit to Smooth Urinate.

Soursop juice can be used as a medicine if you experience pain when urinating. In addition it can also overcome haematuria that is mixed white blood cells in the urine, as well as mild liver disease.

▪. Soursop Fruit Benefits for Maintaining Bone Health.

In addition to containing phosphorus and calcium, soursop fruit is also enriched with other minerals that is copper, which helps the absorption of calcium into the bone so that your bones remain fulfilled nutritional needs.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits to Increase Energy.

If you feel uninspired, try eating soursop fruit. In addition to fresh aroma that can make your mood back passionate, soursop fruit also contain thiamin useful to increase your energy.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits to Relieve Migraine.

Soursop fruit contains riboflavin or vitamin B2 are known to effectively relieve headaches such as migraine.

▪Benefits of Soursop Fruit to Prevent Anemia.

Iron content in soursop fruit is also believed to effectively relieve anemia symptoms that can strike at any time.

▪.Benefits of Soursop Seeds.

Soursop seeds contain emesis substances that can be used to reduce nausea and vomiting.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits to Treat Baby Diarrhea.

Mother and father, if your baby diarrhea, then soursop fruit is very powerful to treat it. The trick is to prepare soursop fruit that is ripe / cooked. Then squeeze and strain the water, and then drain the filtered water to the baby who is diarrhea.

▪.Benefits of Soursop Fruit to Treat Hemorrhoids.

Soursop fruit is also useful for treating hemorrhoid. by squeezing the soured soursop and then taking the water. Take about 1 cup only and drink regularly 2 days. It is advisable to drink it every morning and evening to speed up the discomfort.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits for Treating Urinary Anyang - anyangan.

Can help cure urine anyang - anyangen. To cure this disease you have to prepare half-cooked soursop sauce and sugar just enough. Then peel the soursop and boil along with enough sugar, add water as much as 2 cups. After that filter and drink the water of the stew.

▪.Soursop Fruit Boosts Immune System.

Soursop fruit is also beneficial to enhance our immune system. This is because this fruit contains acetogenins to muricapentocin compounds that are useful to improve the body's immune system from disease hazards, but it can also be used as a cure for disease.

▪.Soursop fruit improves brain health.

For those of you who are a little difficult to focus, consuming soursop fruit may be one solution. Thiamine content in soursop fruit is useful for maintaining brain function and improve memory and concentration. The existence of this vitamin also helps the brain free from the burden (stress) and strengthen the motor nervous system in the brain.

▪.Soursop Fruit Helps Red Blood Cell Production.

The benefits of the next soursop fruit is to help the body in producing hemoglobin. The content of riboflavin in soursop fruit is very important, that is to help the production of red blood cells so that enough to flow oxygen throughout the tissues in the body. That way all the organs of both vital and non-performance can take place normally.

▪.Soursop Fruit Reduce Heart Attack Risk.

One way to maintain heart health is to often consume soursop fruit. Soursop fruit is useful to remove atherosclerosis in the heart. The disease is a condition of the heart arteries thickened so as to make the blood becomes not smooth and heart attacks easily occur. This amazing thing experts say as a reaction of vitamin C in soursop fruit.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits For Digestion.

In addition to maintaining heart health, soursop fruit or soursop is also beneficial for maintaining digestive health. This is because vitamin B2 content contained in it that serves to protect the intestinal mucous membranes so that the digestive system remains smooth and maintained good condition. That way, automatically the problem with digestion can be minimized.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits Prevent Cataract Disease.

This fruit is also useful to prevent eye health disorders, namely cataracts. By routinely drinking soursop fruit a day at least twice is believed to reduce the risk of vision becomes blurred as well as health problems in other eyes such as cataracts and opaque.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits For Diabetes.

This fruit is also useful to reduce the risk of diabetes. Sugar levels in soursop fruit is not high so as to reduce the risk of diabetes. But if you do not want anything to happen to your health condition, better avoid the consumption of various processed from excessive soursop fruit if blood sugar levels are high.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits Overcoming Pain in the Bladder.

Do you feel pain or pain in your bladder? By consuming soursop fruit the pain or pain in the bladder can be reduced even disappear. How to process it with soursop fruit half ripe, salt to taste and sugar. Of all the ingredients were made kolak, then eaten as usual, eating routine for one week.

▪.Soursop Fruit Benefits For Liver Disease.

The benefits of soursop fruit or soursop is the last to overcome liver disease naturally. The trick is to consume this fruit, can be in the form of juice and drink for one week in a row. During one week try to be satisfied to eat the other food first. Hopefully this way can get well soon.

▪.Soursop fruit is useful removing ulcers.

Although ulcers do not include dangerous diseases but sometimes ulcer disease can make people less confident, not only ointments that can treat ulcers, natural remedies such as soursop fruit also was able to treat ulcers.
The easy way, namely by separating soursop from the contents then puree until soft as porridge, then paste on the skin affected by ulcers. Let stand a few moments until dry then wash with warm water. Repeat this treatment several times until the ulcers on your skin can be lost.
The Benefits of Soursop Fruit for Beauty

Soursop fruit efficacy in addition to health is also beneficial for skin beauty.

▪.Soursop Fruit Useful Overcoming skin disorders
If you have a problem with the skin that may be difficult to overcome, there may be a try with this more natural soursop fruit. The trick is very easy, first you look for the leaves of young soursop, then mashed the soursop leaves and paste on the problem skin. Let stand for about 15 minutes then rinse with clean water.

▪.Soursop Benefits Useful To Prevent signs of premature aging on skin beauty
Soursop fruit contains vitamin C and high ascorbic acid that can function as an antioxidant that can help prevent signs of premature aging, such as skin pigmentation, wrinkles, black spots and fine lines.

▪.Soursop Fruit Useful Removes hair fleas
Hair lice can make itching of the scalp is very disturbing and can also damage the appearance of a person, one solution how to overcome that is by using soursop leaves. The trick is to take some sheets of young soursop leaves, lumatkan, then apply on the scalp and hair evenly. Let stand a few moments then rinse with clean water.

▪.Benefits of soursop fruit for hair
Soursop fruit is rich in vitamin C that can overcome and prevent hair loss.

▪.Soursop Fruit Utilized To Overcome dandruff problem
Soursop leaf is believed to overcome the problem of dandruff, because soursop leaf contains anti parasite so it can help overcome the problem of dandruff and also itching on the scalp.
Benefits of Soursop Fruit for Face Mask

Making a mask with soursop fruit is not a difficult way of processing it. Although this fruit has a different texture than most other fruits, just use a simple way like making other fruit masks.
First prepare fresh soursop fruit. Clean off the skin and remove the seeds. Puree or blend this fruit until it is shaped like porridge. Fruit that is smooth, can be applied on the surface of the face. Let stand for about 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Easy instead, doing this routinely then will show satisfactory results.

Benefits of Soursop Fruit For Cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of the diseases that currently affects many people. This disease occurs because of the amount of fat consumption that is in the body. This disease is commonly caused also because of the many oil content in the body. This disease not only attacks the elderly. For those of you who are young age can still be attacked by this disease, you are still young must be careful with this cholesterol disease because this disease can also attack you.
Characteristics of cholesterol disease
Cholesterol disease has several traits that deserve your recognition. By recognizing the characteristics of this disease, you will be more alert. Here are some characteristics of cholesterol diseases, among others:
You will feel quickly drowsy because of the constriction of blood vessels that occur.
Tingling, this happens because of blood clots in your body.
Easy headache, because of the blood flow is hampered head.
Stiffness in the neck, this is due to accumulation of blood vessels.
If you already know some characteristics of the disease, it's good if you know how the right treatment for your disease. The treatment can be done in several natural ways. The natural way you can do is to use soursop fruit. Soursop fruit is believed to help relieve your cholesterol disease. This fruit has some useful content for this cholesterol disease. There are fibers that can help relieve your illness, the fiber will absorb the bad cholesterol present in your body. While good cholesterol in your body will remain in your body.
soursop fruit contains many fibers that are good for the body. In 100 grams of meat soursop fruit was able to meet the body's daily fiber requirement of 13%. Well, this fiber is also a good role in preventing high cholesterol disease in the body. So that simplify the bad cholesterol out of the body, which means only good cholesterol that lives in the body.
Soursop Fruit Benefits For Cancer

Efficacy of fruit and soursop leaves provide anti-tumor / cancer effect is very strong, and is medically proven to cure all types of cancer.
In addition to curing cancer, soursop fruit also serves as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal (fungi), effective against various types of parasites, lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system is less good. Is the Health Science Institute in America who opened this dark veil.
Based on research, fruit and soursop leaves can be useful for:

●Strikes cancer cells safely and effectively naturally, without nausea, weight loss, hair loss, as occurs in chemo therapy,

●Protect the immune system and prevent from deadly infections,

●Patients feel stronger, healthier during the treatment / healing process, and

●Energy increases and physical appearance improves.
Soursop Fruit Benefits For Pregnant Women

Pregnant mothers drink soursop juice will make the body healthy. Here are the benefits of soursop fruit for pregnant women and fetus you need to know:

▪.Strengthens fetal bones
Soursop fruit is very useful for the development of the fetus that is in the womb that is able to strengthen bone growth in the fetus. Bone growth in the fetus certainly requires a lot of calcium, minerals, and vitamins in the body of the mother. Eating soursop fruit as a juice on a regular basis can help make the newly growing fetal bones become strong and avoid defects in the fetus.

▪.Prevent nausea in Pregnancy
The benefits of soursop fruit for young pregnant women is to prevent nausea and vomiting. In early pregnancy the mother will often experience nausea and an unpleasant taste. This is due to hormonal imbalance in the body.
This nausea can also be a sign of early pregnancy but this nausea is very disturbing the activities of pregnant women. To prevent and overcome the nausea in early pregnancy can use soursop juice. Sour sours are sweet and sour can help produce saliva which will prevent nausea arise in young pregnant women. In addition to alternative soursop can by eating srikaya fruit because the benefits of srikaya fruit for pregnant women is very useful for maintaining good health

▪.Stimulate milk production
During pregnancy the body of pregnant women will produce milk or breast milk, usually the intensity of the number of breast milk each mother is different. One way to stimulate the production of breast milk is to consume fruits and vegetables that contain lots of high fiber. Soursop fruit is highly recommended for consumption during pregnancy so that breast milk can remain smoothly produced by pregnant women.
The Benefits of Soursop Fruit For Fertility

Efficacy of fruit and soursop leaves for fertility you can use by making the following ingredients;

15 sheets of soursop leaves
•5 glasses of water
•Java sugar or honey•Leaf greetings or lemongrass
How to make:

•The first time you have to do is to wash all the leaves of soursop. Try to choose not too young but also not too old.

•Then boil with 5 glasses of water wait until boiling and until the water shrinks into 2 cups only.

•If you want to make it more friendly with the tongue then you can add Java sugar or honey so it tastes better and also add bay or lemongrass leaves to make the aroma more fragrant. Feed ingredients while boiling together with soursop leaves.

•Once cooked then let briefly until warm and then strain.
•Drink this soursop leaf blend regularly every morning and evening in order to get maximum results.

Benefits of Soursop Juice

Here are some benefits of drinking soursop juice every day for health such as:

Benefits of Soursop Juice

▪.Boost the immune system
Soursop fruit is rich in vitamin C that can act as a very high antioxidant, so as to counteract free radical attacks that can be beneficial to boost the immune system.

▪.Launch the digestive system
The content of soluble fiber owned by soursop fruit is very efficacious in launching the digestive tract, so it can prevent digestive disorders such as constipation and prevent constipation.

▪.Lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL)
This is because soursop fruit contains beneficial substances such as niacin, this substance can help in increasing HDL cholesterol levels and prevent the buildup of LDL cholesterol levels in blood vessel walls.
Benefits of Soursop Juice For Diet

In addition to cholesterol, soursop juice is useful for you who undergo weight loss diet naturally and traditionally. soursop fruit with a high content of vitamins and fiber are able to lose weight slowly and naturally so do not worry about high artificial diet drugs chemistry
Soursop Juice Benefits For Men

Soursop juice for men is very useful to improve fertility so if you want your partner quickly pregnant can try to drink soursop juice
Soursop Juice Benefits For Pregnant Women

Like the above drink soursop juice for pregnant women to make healthy body and prevent nausea because of high soursop fruit vitamin content
Soursop Juice Benefits For Beauty

Soursop fruit has vitamin C content that is useful to overcome the acne on facial skin, besides soursop fruit is able to remove black stains on the face
How To Make The Right Soursop Juice

Making Soursop juice is very easy to grab some grains of soursop fruit do not forget to peel the skin and then in the blender until smooth, you can add it with 3 tablespoons of honey to taste sweet
Side Effects of Soursop Fruit

Side effects of soursop fruit if consumed in excess can make stomach acid high. The stomach has a function as one of the digestive tract in the body. In the stomach produces acid that serves to aid digestion. But the compounds in the content of soursop leaves it can actually make stomach acid up to the esophagus. Ring-shaped muscle is in the esophagus to prevent food coming into the stomach back up. However, when the stomach acid rises then all the food will return to the esophagus then create excessive acid conditions. So it is advisable if you want to consume soursop fruit do not overdo it.

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