read first .. health is expensive

in #indonesia7 years ago

The majority of people already know about Pinang. The fruit is in English called betel palm has a variety of names ranging from Jambe, Bua, Penang, Pineung, and others. The Areca tree has the characteristics of a straight height-it can reach a height of 25 meters-and its canopy is not overgrown. The leaves are shaped like a tube with a length of 80 cm and the tip of the leaf looks torn.

In Java Island, Pinang grows in areas with an altitude of about 1,400 meters above sea level (asl). In addition to the usual tree used for the climbing race Pinang, this plant also has a fruit that was widely used to treat various types of diseases.

Substances contained in fruit Pinang include arecolidine, arecaidine, guvacoline, guracine, and several other compounds. Meanwhile, the seeds of this plant is also useful, has alkaloids such as arekaina and arekolina are addictive and can stimulate the brain.

Among the traditional communities, Pinang fruit is usually used as a mixture to eat Sirih. However, most people are already using this fruit to treat dysentery, scurvy, and bloody diarrhea. While, Pinang seed is usually used to treat deworming, especially to treat tapeworms.

Many people look for ways to improve their stamina so that they are not sluggish. To get a strong stamina and greng, then the matter of food and supplements should be considered optimally.

Speaking of supplements, perhaps not many people know if it turns out Pinang fruit can be used as a natural supplement to increase male stamina.

From ancient times until now, many people believe that the Pinang fruit has special ingredients that can increase male strength.

For example, it is said that many of our soldiers use Pinang when they have to fight against invaders and wander in the forest.

They consume a lot of Pinang fruit as a daily meal. And proven, many of them who have a steady stamina, although rarely get a share of food.

Pinang fruit is also believed to increase the stamina of adult men, especially those who are married. Pinang fruit can be made juice which is also mixed with various materials.

Benefits of Pinang fruit juice is known to increase male vitality. If you do not believe, can try to visit a restaurant in the area of ​​Pagar Alam, Bandar Lampung.

The restaurant specifically provides Pinang fruit juice to enhance male strength. The taste of juice is quite bitter so it must be neutralized by using white sugar.

However, to try it, you do not need all the way to go to Lampung. You can make this traditional herb in your home. The way is easy enough.

After 1 piece of young Pinang that has not been harden prepared, separate from the skin. Then, mix it with chicken egg yolk or duck egg. Combine Honey and milk as well. Then, blend until smooth.

Well, before serving, Pinang fruit juice should be filtered first to separate the pulp so as not to follow terminum.

Pinang fruit juice should be taken a few hours before you want to do a husband-wife relationship so that the results really felt. If less trust, then you can try it yourself..........

if we talk about betel nut. at least we also discuss betel leaf ... because betel leaf and areca like husband and wife. many also benefit from betel leaf itself. due to betel leaf has very many properties. in general people do not know much about it. here I will discuss it steemit friends.

Since hundreds of years ago our ancestors have known the benefits and efficacy of betel leaves and make the betel leaf as one of the magical plants that efficacious overcome various diseases complaints. And many we meet they use betel leaf to strengthen and clean teeth by chewing. The benefits of betel leaves are familiar to them.

Although they can not understand the benefits of betel leaf scientifically from the medical side, but they feel directly the benefits of betel leaves based on facts and experience. and this time want to introduce to you how the betel leaf is beneficial for health and for beauty.

But before talk at length about the benefits and efficacy of betel leaf, including important to mention is about siriih leaf content, so that by knowing the content of betel leaf you will be more confident and believe how betel leaf indeed really have benefits and efficacy for health and beauty.

Even drugs sold in the market or pharmacies turned out to use or made from betel leaf, for example gargle leaf juice betel leaves, betel leaf cleaning feminine medicine and many others. this shows us that the benefits of betel leaf is proven to treat various diseases and complaints. Let's just point out our main discussion are among others:
The content of betel leaf
Benefits | efficacy of betel leaf for health
Benefits | efficacy of betel leaf for beauty
that's the 3 main discussion of us this time about the benefits of betel leaf properties
The content of betel leaf

benefits of betel leaf benefits
Including the importance we know is about the betel leaf itself and what is the content of betel leaf, because by knowing betel leaf and betel leaf content then we can know also what are the benefits of betel leaves for health and for kecantkan, the following chemical content on betel leaf

The scientific classification of betel leaves
Kingdom: Plantae
(not included) Magnoliidae
Order: Piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Piper
Species: P. betle
Binomial name: Piper betle
In betel leaf contained essential oils that include oil fly (betIephenol), seskuiterpen, starch, diatase, sugar and tannins and kavikol which has the power to kill germs, antioxidants and fungicides, anti-fungus.
Benefits of Betel Leaf For Health

betel leaf for health
Betel leaf contains Essential Oils (betIephenol), sesquiterpen, starch, diatase, sugar and tannins and kavikol are useful for killing germs, antioxidants, fungicides. Betel leaf is also efficacious to eliminate body odor is not odor due to bacteria. Benefits of betel leaf can also be used to stop the bleeding, betel leaf is also useful as an external medicine, anti-septic and in medicine dikinsumsi who have many properties to treat organ diseases in the mass overcome digestive tract disorders.

The efficacy of betel leaf as an external medicine for example can accelerate the process of healing the wound on the skin,. In addition the benefits of betel leaf is used as a mouthwash that serves to wrinkle, remove sputum, shed saliva, hemostatik, thrush medicine, toothache, sore throat and so forth.

The content of phenol and kavikol active ingredients on betel leaf of forests can also be utilized and processed into vegetable pesticides to control pests of suction, as a barrier to the development of mosquito larvae, and many more benefits and properties of betel leaf, which will point out below.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to Treat asthma disease.

How: Boil 4-5 pieces of betel leaf with 2 cups of water until tersisia 1 cup. drink water boiled betel leaf is routine 2 to 3 glasses per day.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to treat sore throat.

how to treat sore throat as well as how to treat asthma that has been.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to relieve and cure cough

How to treat cough with red betel leaf 5 pieces of betel leaf boiled with 300 ml of water, and drink the boiled water 3 times a day until the cough subsided.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to treat dengue fever

5 or 6 pieces of betel leaf boiled with 2 cups water until remaining 1 cup. drinking boiled water betel regularly 2 times a day.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to treat irritation or red eyes and sore eyes

Benefits of betel leaf that is rarely known is effective to overcome the irritation of the eye aupun sore eyes. how easy enough to boil 2 pieces of betel leaf with 1 cup water until the color of reddish water or remaining setenhnya. use as drops or wash the eyes.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to Melancah menstruation

For women, menstruation is not fluent, often becomes the moon every month. to overcome menstruation is not smooth try betel leaf potion. how 3 pieces of betel leaf 10 grams crown god and 15 grams of sweet potatoes boiled together with 2 cups water until remaining 1 cup. drinking this herb undoubtedly no more complaints of back pain because menstruation is not smooth, as well as to launch menstruation.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to overcome leucorrhoea

One more problem for women especially in the area of ​​femininity is whitish. Whitish is a disturbance of the area of ​​femininity that is commonly experienced, vaginal discharge usually result in itching and very disturbing. If allowed to continue whitish can trigger cervical cancer. therefore the best of whiteness with betel leaf potion. how to tear 10 pieces of betel leaf of dark green and then boiled with 250 ml of water, after cooling to wash the area of ​​femininity. apply this way 1 time a day.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf as a disease drug Bronchitis

How to treat bronchitis with betel leaf is very easy that is rebusah 10 pieces of betel leaf of dark green with 300 ml of water until the water shrink to 150ml only. drinking the betel potion 3 times a day regularly 2 days.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to treat minor burns

The way is puree 5 pieces of red betel leaves by pounding, then add 2 teaspoons of honey. blast on the burn marata, apply this way 2 or 3 times a day in the morning, afternoon and evening before bed.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to Eliminate bad breath odor

Sometimes even though diligently brushing mouth bad mouth still not lost. there are many ways to eliminate bad breath naturally and potent.

to overcome bad breath or bad breath enough with boiled water betel leaf as a mouthwash, or drunk as a herbal medicine.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf as a medicine for heart disease

The benefits of betel leaf are also brekhasiat to treat heart disease. the way puree 3 pieces of betel leaf, 3 cloves of red onion, 1 tablespoon cumin, and 7 cubes steamed seeds, then added with a few tablespoons of hot water. then strain. Drink this concoction 2 times a day.

Betel leaf for bleeding gum medicine
10 pieces of red betel leaf boiled with 4 cups water to boiling. Use boiled water to rinse regularly 3 times a day.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf Treating gum and sprue pain

To treat swollen gums or canker sores you can apply the technical treatment as mentioned above.

▪. Benefits of betel leaf to Eliminate body odor.

Benefits of betel leaf in addition to eliminating bad mouth odor, betel leaf is also useful to eliminate body odor is not delicious. how 10 pieces of betel leaf boiled with 4 cups water until the remaining into 2 cups. drinking boiled water betel leaf regularly 2 times a day until bad odor can be overcome.

  1. Benefits of betel leaf to clean germs from the mouth

Germ is one of the causes of disorders such as mouth ulcers thrush, sore throat, unpleasant odor mlut. for the prevention and treatment of drinking boiled water betel leaf as well as make sebgai mouthwash especially after eating.

▪Benefits of betel leaf to Eliminate excessive sweating

One cause of bad body odor is due to excessive sweating, excessive sweating is often experienced by men. to overcome it you can use betel leaf. how to eliminate body odor, which has been mentioned above.

▪. Efficacy of betel leaf to cope with swollen breasts.

If breast pain because of swelling should not be left, atasilah with betel leaves The way some betel leaves in the roast until wilted. then stick on the swollen breast when betel leaf is still warm.

▪. Betel leaves reduce excess milk production.

Actual excessive milk production does not have a bad impact on mothers and children, but if the mother is uncomfortable over production of the mothers can overcome it with betel leaf. how: 4 pieces of betel leaf smeared coconut oil and roasted on fire but not to charred. Paste the betel leaf on the breast area in a warm state. be careful wait until warm.

▪.The benefits of betel leaf as a herb during the puerperium or after childbirth.

2-5 pieces of dark green betel leaf boiled with 4 cups water to shrink in half. Drink the stew once per day.
Benefits of betel leaf to treat diarrhea
4-6 pieces of betel leaf, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, and 6 pepper seeds threshed simultaneously until smooth and then rub on the stomach of diarrhea sufferers and leave to dry.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf as an emergency nosebleed medicine.

Nosebleeds or bleeding in the nose is usually caused by heat and dust, usually nosebleeds are often experienced by children. overcome nosebleeds with betel leaf. the way enough to roll up the betel leaf and put the betel leaves into the nosebleed noses slowly nosebleeds will stop.

  1. Benefits of betel leaf As an ulcer drug
    how 7 pieces of red betel leaf boiled and drunk while warmed regularly 3 times a day.

▪.The benefits of betel leaf as a medicine for pneumonia.

Boil 5-7 pieces of old red betel leaf with 500 ml of water until the remaining half only. Drinking regularly 3 times a day.

▪. Benefits of betel leaf to Treat toothache hole.

Toothache often recurs, and is usually triggered by intense heat. treat hollow toothache with betel leaves. Way boiled 5 pieces of betel leaf with 2 cups water to boiling. Use betel stew water to rinse. Do it repeatedly until the toothache disappears.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to Treat itching because of allergies

6 pieces of betel leaf, 1.5 tablespoons of eucalyptus oil, 1 piece of ginger. pounded all ingredients simultaneously until smooth then apply on itchy skin.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to treat gout.

Boil 8 pieces of young betel leaves with 500 ml of water until the remaining 3 cups. Drink the betel juice regularly 75 ml of boiling water 3 times a day.
Also read ... the benefits of garlic for health
Benefits of Betel Leaves | Benefits of Leaf Betel for Facial Skin Face
Benefits of betel leaf
Benefits of betel leaf in addition to health was later known to have various properties of betel leaf for beauty. the most famous is the benefits of betel leaf for the face, it turns out the efficacy of betel leaf for facial skin in particular proved effective overcome various complaints, such as betel leaf over the skin wrinkles, get rid of acne and acne scars, combat blackheads, and many more benefits of betel leaf for beauty we will discuss below.

Judging from the content of betel leaf has a natural content such as antioxidants and flovanoids are beneficial for the skin, especially on facial skin because the content is working to remove dead skin cells that cause dull and rough facial skin.

●Here are some benefits of betel leaf for the face, including:

▪Benefits of betel leaf to smooth rough facial skin

To overcome the skin wakah rough with betel leaf very easy way is: finely mashed 5 pieces of betel leaf is still fresh, with 1 teaspoon added pure honey, stir evenly to resemble a pasta or face mask. apply a herb of betel leaf and honey on the skin of face and neck and let stand for 15 minutes, then finish by washing back face with warm water. apply 2 weeks in enough ways and prove the result for 1 month.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to remove acne and acne scars

The most popular of the benefits of betel leaf is its efficacy to remove acne pimples stubborn acne scars. see how in~how to get rid of acne with betel leaf

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to overcome oily skin

Washing face with boiled water betel leaf has been proven efficacious to control the oily skin on the face, so that the face will look cleaner, radiant and not easy to acne or mengkedo. how to boil 10 pieces of young betel leaves with 1 liter of water to boiling. use to wash your face in the morning and evening and please prove the results in a few weeks.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to brighten dull skin

Dull facial skin is also one of the problems for facial skin, but not worried because the betel leaf was potent over the skin dull face with an instant, how to overcome the oily skin above.

▪.Benefits of betel leaf to prevent premature aging

Skin wrinkles is already a natural factor, but it can be overcome with ease. 6 pieces of red betel leaves, 100 grams of green beans, 10 date palms, and 40 grams of ginseng talinum simmered with 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups only. Add with 2 tablespoons of honey and oranges, mix well. Drink the concoction 1 times a week as much as 1 cup.

▪.Benefits of siriih leaves Prevent the appearance of acne

There are so many factors that cause the appearance of acne, either due to food factors, external factors and internal factors.
That information about the benefits of betel leaf | efficacy of betel leaf for health and beauty that can be informed to the reader, hopefully the benefits of betel leaf can be an inspiration to live healthy and look beautiful naturally.

Thank you for reading the benefits and efficacy of betel leaf

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